DEV Community

Shaily Shah
Shaily Shah

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LAB - 4 Adding config file Feature to TILL tool

I decided to make Text-to-HTML tool even more awesome by adding a cool feature—TOML config support. This means users can set their preferences in a config file instead of typing them out every time.

Coding this feature was like putting together puzzle pieces. I chose a library called 'toml' to help with the config file stuff. It was a bit like learning a new language, but once I got the hang of it, things went smoothly. Testing was like trying out a recipe to make sure all the ingredients work together.

Now, using Git (a tool for saving versions of my code), that was an adventure! I learned to create a new 'branch' for my feature, which is like a copy of my code where I can work freely. Sharing my progress with the main code using a 'Draft Pull Request' felt like showing off my work in progress to get feedback.

Sometimes, Git got a bit tricky when merging different parts of the code, but asking for help from the main code owner made it much easier. Communication was key—keeping them in the loop and asking questions whenever I got stuck.

Looking back, I realized that testing my code more often would have saved time. This whole experience taught me that coding is not just about writing cool stuff; it's also about working together and learning from each other. The journey had its ups and downs, but now Text-to-HTML tool is cooler than ever!

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