DEV Community

Stanley Zheng
Stanley Zheng

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Codefights alphabeticShift

Solutions for this codefight problem solution

Given a string, replace each its character by the next one in the English alphabet (z would be replaced by a).


For inputString = "crazy", the output should be
alphabeticShift(inputString) = "dsbaz".

First Pass with mutuable memory

def alphabeticShift(inputString):

    new_word = []
    for i in inputString:
        current = ord(i)
        print (current)
        current = (current + 1)
        if current > 122:
            current = current - 26


    return ''.join(new_word)
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second pass a bit cleaner using lambdas

def ordshift(i):
    current = ord(i) + 1
    if current > 122:
        current = current - 26
    return chr(current)

def alphabeticShift(inputString):

    new_word = list(map(ordshift, inputString ))
    return ''.join(new_word)

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