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A few months ago I started using Alpha, Beta, Gamma naming convention. It began as a temporary thing, but it stuck eventually, and now I am using it all the time.
Alpha, Beta, Gamma
I am using BEM on a daily basis. M stands for modifiers. A modifier represents a variation of an element, generally speaking.
One day, I had a great programming problem: how to name a thing, in my case, a modifier. I could not think of anything constructive, so I just wrote alpha.
Then I created a new element modification, and named the new modifier beta.
When I got back to that particular code to update the names of the modifiers, I realized I like it this way. The names are clean and straightforward, and I knew which class I had to apply to modify the original element. The new naming convention was born.
Naming variables
After a while, I started using the same with Sass variables. Here is how color variables for my site look:
$color-alpha: #12e09f;
$color-beta: #e01258;
$color-gamma: #f5f5f5;
$color-psi: #1f1f1f;
$color-omega: #fff;
Why it works
What is great about using Alpha, Beta, Gamma naming convention is that it separates the context from an element. Also, [the Greek alphabet] is widely used, so the chances that you already know some characters are pretty high.
Let's say we have a list
component with modifiers list--red,
and list--blue
for a list with red, green, and blue elements respectively. At some point, our designer decided to change the brand color from red to pink. Now we need to update the red color to pink, which means our modifier class name list--red
wouldn't make sense anymore. We need to update the class name to list-pink.
This situation is a classic problem in the world of CSS.
If we use Alpha, Beta, Gamma convention, we would have these three classes:
and list--gamma.
Now we could modify the style as we please and our classes wouldn't lose meaning anymore.
Don't overuse it
There is a potential brain processing overhead here because you have to remember which letter stands for which version of an element. Try to reduce your brain usage by documenting your variables and modifiers and not using too many variations for a single component.
to name different or completely distinct variables or modifiers.
Here's a tip for you: use psi
and omega
letters (last two letters of the alphabet) to name different or completely distinct variables or modifiers. For example, I am using color-psi
for text color, and color-omega
for white color. These are opposites of color-alpha,
and color-gamma
which serves as theme/brand colors in my case.
Alpha, Beta, Gamma naming convention works for me, and I am using it on all new projects. I am quite sure I haven't invented it, I just wanted to share this approach with you and see what do you think about it.
Do you like this approach? Do you have a different naming convention that you want to share with the community? I would like to hear more about it. 💬
Top comments (8)
One more than one occasion I have been called out for being over pedantic concerning naming things. For some reason I bike shed heavily about it. Your naming system, I like it.
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. -- Phil Karlton
I don't know who it was, but someone once added off-by-one errors to the list. Of course - without incrementing the cardinality counter. :)
I too was giving too much attention to naming things. With this approach, I don't bother anymore.
One of the most famous quotes about programming. 👍
I like it! Nice idea, I'll definitively try this out.
I hope you will like it once you use it. 👍
Why it's better than numbers?
$color-1: #12e09f;
$color-2: #e01258;
$color-3: #f5f5f5;
$color-4: #1f1f1f;
$color-5: #fff;
I have tried that I have a couple of problems. First, I couldn't remember which number stands for what. Numbers are not that memorable. Second, when trying to search for '1', I got a billion results.