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How to install iRIC and Solvers


The installation procedure is explained in the manual, but it is not detailed, so we will organize it with a diagram.

iRIC User's manual » Docs » Installation

Registration is required to obtain iRIC. Please register and login in advance.

Download Installer

  1. Access the iRIC website and ccess the download page.

    iRIC website

  2. Expand the Version 4.X contents list and click on the iRIC v4 installer 64bit download link.

    Download page

  3. The Terms of Use will be displayed. Click I agree and download at the bottom of the page.

Terms of Use

  1. The download will begin. Save the installer in a location of your choice.


  1. Launch the iRIC_Installer_v4.exe downloaded earlier,and Click "Next.


    If you are using a proxy in your environment, open the settings window from Settings in the lower left corner and select System proxy settings (the proxy settings used by your system will be used) in the Network tab. or select Manual proxy configuration and enter the proxy settings manually.


  2. Specify the folder where iRIC will be installed and click Next. In most cases, it is not necessary to change the installation folder.

Specify folder

  1. Select the Component to be installed and Click Next.

    By default, all components will be installed except Miniconda3. (For more information on iRIC's Miniconda, see here.
    You can select the Solver and Grid Generator you wish to install under Grid Generators and Solvers. You can uncheck those you do not use.(They can also be installed later.)

    select component

  2. The license is displayed, select I accept the license and click Next.


  3. Specify the folder name of the shortcut to be added to the Start menu, and Click Next (You do not need to change it.)

    Specify the folder name

  4. Click Next to begin installation.

    ready to install

  5. Wait for the installation to finish. (If you are installing Miniconda, it will take a little longer.)


  6. When the installation is finished, click Finish to close the installer.


How to install solvers later

  1. Launch the maintenance tool.

    There are several ways to start the maintenance tool.

    • Launch from the shortcut iRIC Maintainance added to the Windows Start Menu
    • Launch from Option-->maintenance after launching iRIC
    • Directly launch maintenancetool.exe from the folder where you installed iRIC
  2. Select Add or remove components and click `Next.

    maintenance tool

  3. Check the Component you want to install and click Next (Uncheck the checkbox to uninstall.)

    select solver

  4. Click Next to begin installation.

    ready to install

  5. Wait for the installation to finish. (If you are installing Miniconda, it will take a little longer.)

  6. When the installation is finished, click Finish to close the installer.

    Image description

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