DEV Community

Jan Wedel
Jan Wedel

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What Is Your Main Language?

I am following The Practical Dev and for quite some time and had the impression, that this great community consists of a majority of frontend and scripting language developers. I was more than happy, that my article about Modern Java Development gained some attention.

Now I am curious to know, What is you main programming language and what are you using it for?

Latest comments (103)

andrewtheant profile image
Andrew Bastin • Edited

Kotlin mostly...

But JS (TypeScript) is starting to creep up a lot due to me hacking around a lot on Node and React these days...

coolshaurya profile image

Vanilla Javascript.
Still gaining expertise with it. Working on small webapps like a Weight Tracker and an advanced clock app. Also planning to make some basic games like tic-tac-toe, ludo,snakes and ladders etc.

geosoft1 profile image
George Calianu • Edited

Go is my main language now. I use it for backend API and IOT. Also i use JS and Angular in frontend.

legoglass profile image
Flavio • Edited

learn programming in c# and .NET (a lit of java) , but i really like js , i did web pages , services , apps and bots using node and using vanilla js for front; saddly now i use cobol in my new job :(

genta profile image
Fabio Russo

The idea behind "you should know 1000 programming language" never been something for me.
Use to work with some "simil Java" stuff, for software developing, but I'm not enjoying It at all.

matteojoliveau profile image
Matteo Joliveau

Next week I'll start fresh as a Rubyist (with a touch of Elixir) after starting as a Java backend/integration systems developer a year and a half ago.

So at the moment I can say that my main language is clearly Java/Kotlin, but will soon change to become Ruby/Elixir.

avjinder profile image

I use Java, Swift and Go at work. Java for Android, Swift for iOS and Go for the api. I'm planning on moving to Kotlin in the next few weeks once I've acquired enough familiarity with it. I adore Go though. It's a simple, clean and opinionated language with a kick-ass standard library and great tooling.

pgoodjohn profile image
Pietro Bongiovanni

My main work-language is PHP. I started introducing some Golang at my company and we've built some stuff using it.

At heart I am still a C developer though, the first language I ever learnt (CompSci 101) and the one I tend to have most fun with.

I want to move more definitely to Golang but still having to maintain a lot of PHP projects I can't really run away from it, plus I've become so used to Laravel that whenever I want to start a new personal projects I can have an API with two/three end points ready in an hour so that's fun :)

spboyer profile image
Shayne Boyer

This is always an interesting topic/question. I think that the language of choice is more about what framework you're into more than the language itself. If you like front-end development, it's likely to be JavaScript or TypeScript in conjunction with Angular, React or Vue.

For me, I primarily write in C# because I came up through the .NET community, however, have done a lot of work in node.js which is not a language obviously but I find that you cannot do web development and NOT have JavaScript in your wheelhouse.

C# allows me to do - console apps, API development, serverless, web front-end apps, mobile using Xamarin, IoT and even runs on a Raspberry PI. But I can just as easily turn to JavaScript and do most if not all of those as well with node.js or Angular.

Depends on the project or what the team I am working with is using. .NET Core right now is where I live 80% of the time.

thomasthespacefox profile image
Thomas Leathers

Python is my main one, with most of my work in it involving pygame somehow. What I work on tends to range from simpler hardcoded games, to entire game engines like Desutezeoid, my point and click adventure engine.

and while I started using both python and pygame for games, I didn't stop at that. General pygame frameworks and applications are also something I work on. libraries such as strazoloidwm, a project of mine that helps create multi-window UIs in pygame.

Some of my bigger projects include a Chiptune synthesizer suite complete with drum sequencer, a base 3 computer emulator (SBTCVM), and my latest project being a gopherspace client called Zoxenpher.

python wasn't my first language, but it does what I need it to, and I've gotten to the point where I know what to expect from it. part of my reasoning for using a library like pygame is that I do enjoy the challenge of writing my own UI code from scratch, and fine-tuning it to the task at hand. :)

covicake profile image
Fernando Andrés García Hernández

I don't know anymore. I'm pretty fluent on Java and Swift, but I've been working hard on Javascript for a couple of months so I'll choose JS

codeitbro profile image

Java for Android app development and C# FOR ASP.NET.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

F# for back-end services, mostly web APIs.

stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel

Cool. F# looks very interesting to me. What are you building with it and how did you the company start to use are not so wide spread language?

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

The software primarily deals with the training process. Registration, training delivery, record keeping, etc. Mostly we do client-side web apps with HTTP APIs. You can see some of the API design in my previous posts on Message-base APIs.

I was brought (back) on to modernize our applications, so I had the good fortune to be able to choose the languages and tools. The existing software was already on .NET and much of my experience is there as well. I had been learning F# on my own time for a while using sites like F# For Fun and Profit. So I felt confident enough that it could do what I needed. And that using the functional paradigm had a shot at being more maintainable than what I was doing before.

scotthannen profile image
Scott Hannen

I primarily use C#, followed by JavaScript. Then I play around with other languages for fear of totally arresting my development.

thallesaraujo profile image
Thalles Henrique

Java. But I have interest to learn Swift, but I guess I'm having troubles with this because I don't know much about functional programming (I only know to code using the Object-oriented paradigm). I tried to learn this programming language using the demonstration project of the Apple's development page, but I continue with some doubts in some aspects of it, such as the guard-lets and the way which Swift use the MVC-Pattern. Currently, I'm programming in Python (with Django framework) too.

stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel

I‘m also a Java dev and I code some iOS apps in my spare time. So I’m wondering you are having troubles with Swift? It’s as function (or not functional) as Java. Why are you having trouble with it?

thallesaraujo profile image
Thalles Henrique

I always get confused with ViewControllers (put the code of one in another, because of the name) and find the "guard lets" very complicated. I'm more used to programming using very much comparisons and tried to implement the demonstration project in Apple's site, and I haven't studied anything of the language before starting, which I guess wasn't a good idea. I understood the basics but some functions are a little bit obscure for me.