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Max Ong Zong Bao
Max Ong Zong Bao

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Creating Dashboard to Visualise Data In Python


During one of my university project modules which require us to present our data from the sample dataset of the Scottish Referendum 2014.

There I was exposed to terms like Data Wrangling and the use of D3 to create an interactive dashboard.

Which the process to do data-wrangling was a tedious process and creating the dashboard using D3 was quite bad as well.

So Data Visualisation always leaves a bad taste for me.

Pain in Building Dashboard

For me, the difficulty arises when building a website dashboard in Python.

Despite there are literally tons of dashboard templates out there. From bootstrap, D3 to plotly chart templates to get you started.

When you want to customise it to fit your need, It can be a huge learning curve.

Especially your focus is not on web development. With the ever-growing amount of front-end technologies at your disposal. It can be daunting for anyone.

If you are like most developers with skillsets to analyse the data and presenting a story out of it.

This is where I believe that using data visualisation libraries can help to speed up the creation process of your dashboard to present data.

Data Visualisation Libraries for Dashboard

Till date, I had played with two data visualisation libraries for creating a dashboard in Python.

Namely, Dash by Plotly which has quite a mature data visualisation library & beautiful interactive charts .

But it has a steeper learning curve and a lot of boilerplate code.

When you are creating your own dashboard using the HTML components provided by Plotly.

The 2nd that I had worked with is a new kid on the block that is called Streamlit.

Which offers features like 3rd party integration of charts and data caching capabilities along with the use of markdown to create your dashboard.


Despite the ease of use for these dashboards libraries, which helps you to create a dashboard without the need to learn or built using front-end web technologies.

I found out that this does not replace the need for data analysis or data visualisation using plotting libraries like Bokeh, Plotly or Matplotlib.

Since I was stuck with cleaning and generating the charts needed to display it on my dashboard.

Never the less, If you are planning to build a website dashboard.

I would strongly recommend you to start with Streamlit due to its simplicity and ease of us to get started. You can go the Streamlit video tutorial to learn about how to use it in just under 4 mins.

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This post was originally posted on Max's blog at Creating Dashboard To Visualise Data In Python and Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash


Oldest comments (10)

paddy3118 profile image

This could be useful to me in a future project, thanks for sharing.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Np, it hopes it was useful for you.

wiwikhata profile image


steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Thanks, please do share if it's useful for people you know.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Hahaha, mind telling your experience in creating dashboards in python. Was it the same as well before stumbling across these data visualisation libraries?

twintechlabs profile image
Twin Tech Labs

Starter app for building dashboards with Python:

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Looks nice if I'm using bootstrap and I would just use Vue, React or Angular's prebuilt templates.

For better extensibility and wider base of support by frontend developers.

Then again I would just pick either Plotly or Streamlit to make it more easy for me.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

That's awesome, those tools really saves tons of time if your not a web developer.

erikusaj profile image
Erik Ušaj

Somehow if you're building a web dashboard it's quite difficult to avoid HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Libraries that wrap something to be used in another language are always more than handy.

A full stack developer is someone who is familiar and comfortable with all layers in computer software development.

Of course end-to-end native support for Python would be great for any Python developer. That would mean: DB supporting at least Python Objects, transport to get them to clients, client document storage, browser integration ... All doable.

Honestly fullstack development is realistic for prototypes but can evolve and scale. And regardless different coding-religions or coding skills one should keep picking tools (and developers, designers, ...) that are best fit for the job.

Can modern browsers run Python code?

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Totally agree with it and I'm really looking forward to Pyodide development.