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Discussion on: Secure authentication in Nuxt SPA with Laravel as back-end

stefant123 profile image

Thanks. Yes, it works well, you just need to check for the cookie in the nuxtServerInit function. As for airlock, I haven't tried it, but I assume that same flow would be applied.

jameshull profile image
James R. Hull 🎬 • Edited

Trying to work this out with SSR (Universal) flow (everything worked great for SPA). When I make the original login call I get back the x-access-token, but the refresh_token is only listed in the Response/Request headers. I can set the x-access-token into cookie storage, but I'm not sure where the refresh_token ends up (can't seem to access it)

Once the time on the x-access-token expires, a page refresh or change triggers the refreshToken call, but the refresh_token is not set as a cookie for that call back to the server, and then I get the 403.

I suppose I'm supposed to store the refresh_token as a cookie - but not sure how to even get it when it comes in. It seemed like SPA just kept it around...

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stefant123 profile image

You shouldn't store the refresh_token anywhere, it should be httponly cookie. As the name suggests, the refresh_token should be used for refreshing the access_token once it's expired.

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jameshull profile image
James R. Hull 🎬

OK - yeah, with SSR on the /api/refresh_token call, I'm getting a 500 - a Undefined property: stdClass::$refresh_token error in the ProxyRequest controller. It gets all the way to makePostRequest but then fails here: $this->setHttpOnlyCookie($resp->refresh_token);

With dev tools, I can see the refresh_token listed under Request Cookies, but it doesn't seem to be going up with the request (axios log doesn't list it)

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stefant123 profile image

Hmm, if the refresh_token is in the Request Cookies, it should work fine. Do you json_decode the response?

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jameshull profile image
James R. Hull 🎬 • Edited

Almost got this working - still Request is malformed - getting these two errors: Laravel\Passport\Exceptions\OAuthServerException
The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.
Undefined property: stdClass::$refresh_token

and yes - following your code above explicitly:
$proxy = \Request::create('oauth/token', 'post', $params);
$resp = json_decode(app()->handle($proxy)->getContent());

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stefant123 profile image
StefanT123 • Edited

I can't help you unless I see your code :(
However, you can check the github links:

and make sure that your code matches.

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jameshull profile image
James R. Hull 🎬

Got it....Clear those old cookies people, lest you spend hours chasing your tail. (Refresh tokens are set for longer periods...)

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orenlande profile image
orenlande • Edited

I'm having exact same issues now. Driving me mad - cannot figure out how to resolve it - any help?
And yes, I followed the tutorial 100% same.

seems like the .env wasn't configured properly - make sure the following exists:

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stefant123 profile image

Yes, I mention that in the post, I guess you missed that part :D