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interact with the Soroban smart contract and start betting on the outcome of events using Ethereum

Soroban-CLI is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with the Soroban smart contract. The Soroban smart contract is a decentralized application (dApp) built on the Ethereum blockchain that allows users to bet on the outcome of events using cryptocurrency.

Here is a beginner's tutorial on how to interact with the Soroban smart contract using the Soroban-CLI tool:

Install Soroban-CLI: You can install Soroban-CLI using npm (Node Package Manager) by running the following command in your terminal:
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npm install -g soroban-cli
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Set up your Ethereum wallet: Before you can interact with the Soroban smart contract, you need to set up your Ethereum wallet. You can use any Ethereum wallet that supports the ERC-20 token standard, such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet.

Connect to the Ethereum network: Once you have set up your Ethereum wallet, you need to connect to the Ethereum network. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

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soroban-cli network connect
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This will prompt you to select your Ethereum wallet and connect it to the Ethereum network.

Check your balance: You can check your Ethereum balance by running the following command in your terminal:
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soroban-cli balance
This will display your current Ethereum balance.

Place a bet: You can place a bet on the outcome of an event using the Soroban smart contract by running the following command in your terminal:

soroban-cli bet <event> <outcome> <amount>
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Replace with the name of the event, with the outcome you want to bet on, and with the amount of Ethereum you want to bet. For example, if you want to bet 1 Ethereum on the outcome "heads" for the event "coin flip", you would run the following command:

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soroban-cli bet coinflip heads 1
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View your bets: You can view your current bets by running the following command in your terminal:
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soroban-cli bets
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This will display a list of all your current bets, including the event name, the outcome you bet on, the amount of Ethereum you bet, and the current status of the bet.

Withdraw your winnings: If your bet is successful, you can withdraw your winnings by running the following command in your terminal:

soroban-cli withdraw <betId>
Replace <betId>
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with the ID of the bet you want to withdraw your winnings from. You can find the bet ID by running the soroban-cli bets command. For example, if the bet ID is 1234, you would run the following command to withdraw your winnings:

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soroban-cli withdraw 1234
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That's it! With these simple steps, you can interact with the Soroban smart contract and start betting on the outcome of events using Ethereum.

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