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To deploy and invoke a Soroban smart contract using Soroban Python SDK, you can follow the steps below

Install the Soroban Python SDK:

pip install soroban-sdk
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Import the necessary modules:

from soroban_sdk import Soroban, Account
Create a Soroban instance:

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soroban = Soroban('', 'my-api-key')
Note: Replace 'my-api-key' with your actual Soroban API key.
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Create an Account instance:

account = Account.from_private_key('my-private-key')
Note: Replace 'my-private-key' with your actual private key.
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Define the smart contract code:

contract_code = """
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MyContract {
    uint256 public value;

    function setValue(uint256 _value) public {
        value = _value;
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Note: This is just an example contract code. You should replace it with your actual smart contract code.

Compile the smart contract code:

compiled_contract = soroban.compile_contract(contract_code)
Deploy the smart contract:
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deployed_contract = soroban.deploy_contract(compiled_contract['bytecode'], account)
Get the contract address:
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contract_address = deployed_contract['contractAddress']
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Invoke a function in the smart contract:

function_name = 'setValue'
function_args = [42]
soroban.invoke_contract_function(contract_address, function_name, function_args, account)
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Note: Replace 'setValue' with the name of the function you want to call, and [42] with the arguments you want to pass to the function.

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