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Discussion on: Personal blog, or Medium?

stereobooster profile image
stereobooster • Edited

I see it like this: my blog is for canonical links - my content belongs to me.
But my blog doesn't have a community. By community I mean not just passive readers, but people who want to comment as well.
For the community, I use other platforms, for example,
I repost the whole article here, not just a preview, because I respect the local community. (I'm annoyed by articles, which links to outside resources - this is blog platform, not an RSS reader.)
I provide a link to my reposts, from a central source, so if anybody would want to comment or read what others thought.
Platforms where I repost: (always), hackernews (sometimes). I never reposted to Medium, but want to start. As well I think about Reddit and Lobsters.
Idea is that I have a central place for my articles, but decentralized communities.
