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Steven Victor
Steven Victor

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Using Golang Concurrency in Production

In this article, we will see how Asynchronous Programming is achieved in Golang using a real-world application.

Our daily chores are filled with concurrent(asynchronous) activities.
For instance, When making a coffee, you boil water, put the coffee in your mug, add other ingredients you need, then finally add the boiled water into the mug. Your coffee is ready.

From the instance above, doing this synchronously will mean you waiting for a task to be done first before undertaking another. That is, Place the water on the heater, do nothing else until that water boils. Of course, we consider this approach a total waste of our time and somewhat inefficient.
Hence, it is inefficient to implement a feature that is asynchronous in nature synchronously.

I wrote a real-world program: Username Lookup Application, which demonstrates how asynchronous programming is utilized in making HTTP calls to different endpoints at the same time and retrieving data. This is how it works, you provide a username to look up, then that username is checked across the accounts you specify(such as Twitter, Instagram, Github, and so on). Visit the application here
You can also get the code on Github

The Application Overview.

Golang is used on the backend
VueJS is used on the frontend
Docker is used to deploying on Heroku
Travis is used for Continous Integration

Steps Taken

Step 1: Basic Setup

Create the root folder for the project titled: username_across_platforms

mkdir username_across_platforms

Initialize go modules with the name of the folder created above:

go mod init username_across_platforms

Step 2: Client Implementation(for HTTP calls)

Create the server package:

mkdir server

Since we will be making HTTP requests to the different urls, we will need a client. Note, the client here is not the frontend. It is used for HTTP calls on the server-side.
Inside the server package(folder), create the client package(directory):

cd server && mkdir client

Then create client.go inside the client package:

cd client && touch client.go

From the above file, you might be wondering why we used an interface and stuff, this will make sense to you when you see the test files. We will need to mock the GetValue method. We can't do this except the method is defined in an interface.
Something else I want you to observe is how we implemented the interface.
We defined a clientCall struct which the GetValue method 'belongs to'. Then the struct now implements the interface in this line:

ClientCall HTTPClient = &clientCall{}

The struct also has the http.Client. This will help us replace the actual **http.Client with a fake one, so we don't make a real http call while writing test cases.
Still, in the same package, create the test file:

touch client_test.go

From the above file, we fake the real http call with the help of the RoundTripFunc, another option you might consider is using httptest.Server.
You could see how the Transport of the http.Client is swapped with our RoundTripFunc in the NewFakeClient function.

Step 3: Provider Implementation

Since our client is in place with enough unit tests to back it, let us create the provider that calls the GetValue method of the client and pass the response it obtained to a channel.
From the server package(directory), create the provider package then the provider.go file:

mkdir provider

cd provider && touch provider.go

As seen in the file, the CheckUrl method is defined in an interface(because we need to mock it in the future while writing unit tests). In the method implementation, we passed the url to look up and the channel to send the response or the error if not available. The main reason we used the channel here is, the checkUrl method will be called in a different goroutines when will implement the service.
In a nutshell, the checkUrl method checks a url, for example, if the url does not exist, cant_access_resource is sent to the channel. If the url exists but the username stevensunflash is not found, no_match is sent to the channel, if the desired username is found, we send the url to the channel.

Now let's test the implementation.
Create the provider_test.go file:

touch provider_test.go

Observe closely that we mocked the client's GetValue method here, this is one of the uses of defining that method in an interface from the client package. You could see how we returned the response we want from the client without hitting a real endpoint. This has also helped us achieve unit testing on the provider without calling the real GetValue method from the client package. How Sweet!😴

Step 4: Service Implementation(Launching Some Goroutines🚀)

Now let's fire up some goroutines to get multiple urls responses at the same time.
From the server package(directory), create the service package(directory), then the service.go file:

mkdir service

cd service && touch service.go

The UsernameCheck method receive a slice of urls to process, we already have the checkUrl method we can use to check a url, defined in the provider's package. Now, we loop through the given urls and launch a goroutine for each url. Remember, any response or error obtained is sent to the channel. We then get the value for each url from the channel and put it inside the links slice.
The result set can have three cases:

  • cant_access_resource
  • no_match
  • valid result(url) We further filtered the links slice to get only valid urls.

Now, let's write some tests to prove that our code is working.
Create the service_test.go file:

touch service_test.go

Observe from the test that we also mocked the client so that we don't hit the actual endpoint.

Step 5: Controller Implementation(Returning the response to the caller)

Now, let's send back an HTTP response to the caller.
From the server package(directory), create the controller package(directory) and then the controller.go file

mkdir controller

cd controller && controller.go

Nothing fancy, the controller receives the request from the caller pass it down to the service(which concurrently uses the provider's checkUrls method), the service passes back to the controller the urls it could process, then the controller sends the urls to the caller.

Let's also test the controller, create the controller_test.go file

touch controller_test.go

As seen above to achieve unit test, we must mock the service's UsernameCheck method, and return anything we like. We could mock the service easily with the help of the usernameService interface.

Another thing to observe from the tests is, the json passed from the caller is of this format:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Anything outside a format like this won't work. We have the tests above to prove that.

Step 6: Wiring up the application

Though we have unit tests to prove that our application is working, lets still test it on the browser.
From the server package(directory), create the app package(directory),

mkdir app

then create two files:

a. app.go

cd app && touch app.go

Since we will later deploy this to heroku, we checked for the Heroku port.

b. route.go

touch route.go

Observe from the route that we called a middleware we have not defined yet. This middleware will enable us to make API calls between the server and the client(frontend), which we will define shortly.

The Middleware

From the server package, create the middleware package(directory), then the cors.go file:

mkdir middleware && touch cors.go

Running the app

We now need to create the main.go file in the server directory:

touch main.go

We called the StartApp function we defined in the app package.

Run the application, from the path: username_across_platforms/server

go run main.go
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Alt Text

So, run the application and use Postman to test, or simply skip to the next step, where will use a vuejs as our frontend.
Remember, if you want to use Postman or your favorite testing tool,
pass the JSON like this:
Alt Text

Step 7: The Client(Frontend)
All we have done thus far is server stuff. Let's now see a beautiful representation of our hard work💪.
We will be using vuejs, you can also use reactjs if you wish. After all, this is just a SPA(Single Page App)

The first thing to do is install the, if you have installed that before.

From the root directory of the project(path: "username_across_platforms/"), create a new Vue project called client.

vue create client
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

It will prompt you for some stuff, choose all default.
When completed, enter the client(frontend) directory:

cd client

💥Very Important💥
The application just installed already have git initialized, remove the .git file. From the terminal, in the path: username_across_platforms/client, execute:

rm -rf .git

Next step, install vuetify we will use for the UI

vue add vuetify

Since we will be making an api call, lets install axios

yarn add axios --save


Next, locate the App.vue file inside the src directory and replace the content with:

Observe above that we imported a file we have not defined(env.js). To enable us to test both on local and production, we need to inform our application at any point in time the url to use.
In the same directory path as App.vue, create the env.js file:

Now, let's start the Frontend app:
From the path: username_across_platforms/client

npm run serve

Alt Text

Now fire up your browser and visit: http://localhost:8080

Alt Text

Aww😍. You're welcome!

Step 8: Hosting

We will deploy this awesome app to heroku for free. We can achieve easily using Docker.
From the project root (path: username_across_platforms/), create the Dockerfile

Since heroku is used for deployment, create the heroku.yml file, this file tells Heroku that we are dockerizing the app:
From the root directory:

touch heroku.yml

If you have following along, push your code to github, remember to initialize git from the root directory(path: username_across_platforms/).

Pushing to Heroku.

From the root directory

  • Install the heroku-cli
  • Login to heroku:

heroku login

  • Create the heroku application:

heroku create

  • Tell heroku that we are deploying a container to this stack:

heroku stack:set container

  • Push to heroku:

git add .

git commit -m "Heroku deployment"

git push heroku master

Now visit the application when deployment is done using:

heroku open

Behold the application🔥


  • I added integration tests for the server implementation
  • I also used Travis CI for Continuous Integration

Get all these from the repository:


So there you have it! A full-fledged application that uses Golang awesome concurrency feature.
You can also visit other articles here or in my medium account.
Don't forget to follow for future articles.

Get the complete code on Github

Happy Coding.

Oldest comments (1)

zhuima profile image

if url connect hang or response after 10 seconds,how can fix it?