- ls command
The ls command lists the content of a folder, including files and directories. Here’s the syntax:
ls [options] [directory_or_path]
If you omit the path, the ls command will check the content of your current directory. To list items inside subfolders, add the -R option. Meanwhile, use -a to show hidden content.
- pwd command
To check the full path of your current working directory, use the pwd command. Its syntax is as follows:
pwd [options]
The pwd command has only two options. The -L option prints environment variable content, like shortcuts, instead of the actual path of your current location. Meanwhile, -P outputs the exact location.
For example, /shortcut/folder is a shortcut for /actual/path, and you are currently in /actual/path/dir. If you use the -L option, the output will be:
Meanwhile, the -P option will print the exact canonical path:
- cd command
Use cd to navigate between directories in your Linux VPS. It doesn’t have any option, and the syntax is simple:
cd [path_or_directory]
Depending on your location, you might only need to specify the parent directory. For example, omit path from path/to/directory if you are already inside one. The cd command has several shortcuts:
cd – returns to the current user’s home directory.
cd .. – moves a directory up.
cd – – goes back to the previous directory.
- mkdir command
The mkdir command lets you create one or multiple directories. The syntax looks like this:
mkdir [options] directory_name1 directory_name2
To create a folder in another location, specify the full path. Otherwise, this command will make the new item in your current working directory.
For example, enter the following to create new_folder in /path/to/target_folder:
mkdir path/to/target_folder/new_folder
By default, mkdir allows the current user to read, write, and execute files in the new folder. You can set custom privileges during the creation by adding the -m option. To learn more about permission management, read the chmod section below.
- rmdir command
Run rmdir to delete empty directories in your Linux system. The command syntax looks like this:
rmdir [options] directory_name
The rmdir command won’t work if the directory contains subfolders. To force the deletion, add the –p option. Note that you must own the item you want to remove or use sudo instead.
- rm command
The rm command deletes files from a directory. You must have the write permission for the folder or use sudo. Here’s the syntax:
rm [options] file1 file2
You can add the -r option to remove a folder and its contents, including subdirectories. Use the -i flag to display a confirmation message before the removal or -f to deactivate it completely.
Warning! Avoid using -r and -f unless necessary. Instead, add -i option to prevent accidental deletion.
- cp command
Use the cp command to copy files from your current directory to another folder. The syntax looks like this:
cp file1 file2 [target_path]
You can also use cp to duplicate the content of one file to another using this syntax. If the target is in another location, specify the full path like so:
cp source_file /path/to/target_file
Additionally, cp lets you duplicate a directory and its content to another folder using the -R option:
cp -R /path/to/folder /target/path/to/folder_copy
- mv command
The main usage of the mv command is to move a file or folder to another location. Here’s the syntax:
mv file_or_directory [target_directory]
For example, we will move file1.txt from another location to the /new/file/directory path using this command:
mv /original/path/file1.txt the/target/path
You can also use the mv command to rename files in your Linux system. Here’s an example:
mv old_name.txt new_name.txt
If you specify the full path, you can simultaneously rename files and move them to a new location like this example:
mv old/location/of/old_name.txt new/path/for/new_name.txt
- touch command
Run the touch command to create a new empty file in a specific directory. The syntax is as follows:
touch [options] [path_and_file_name]
If you omit the path, the touch command will create a new file in your current working directory. Here’s an example:
touch file.txt
- file command
The file command checks a file type, such as TXT, PDF, or other. The syntax is as follows:
file [file_name]
If you use this command on a symbolic link, it will output the actual file connected to the shortcut. You can add the -k option to print more detailed information about the item.
File command shows the actual file of a symbolic link
- zip and unzip commands
The zip command compresses one or multiple files into a ZIP archive, reducing their size. Here’s the syntax:
zip [options] zip_file_name file1 file2
To extract a compressed file into your current working directory, use the unzip command like so:
unzip [options] zip_file_name
- tar command
The tar command bundles multiple files or directories into an archive without compression. The syntax looks as follows:
tar [options] tar_file_name file1 file2
To create a new TAR file, you must add the -c option. Then, use the -f flag to specify the archive’s name.
If you want to enable compression, add a specific option based on your preferred method. For example, the following will bundle file1.txt and file2.txt with the gzip compression:
tar -cfz archive.tar.gz fle1.txt file2.txt
Remember that the archive’s file format will differ depending on the compression method. Regardless of the extension, you can unpack a TAR file using this syntax:
tar [options] tar_file_name
- nano, vi, and jed command
nano, vi, and jed commands let you edit files. They have the same syntax, except at the beginning, where you specify the name of the tool:
nano/vi/jed file_name
If the target file doesn’t exist, these commands will create a new one. Since your system might not have these text processing utilities pre-installed, configure them using your package manager.
We will explain the command in the apt and dnf command section.
- cat command
The concatenate or cat command has various usages. The most basic one is printing the content of a file. Here’s the syntax:
cat file_name
To print the content in reverse order, use tac instead. If you add the standard output operator symbol (>), the cat command will create a new file. For example, the following will make file.txt:
cat > file.txt
You can also use cat with the operator to combine the content of multiple files into a new item. In this command, file1.txt and file2.txt will merge into target.txt:
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