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Sudhanshu Ambastha
Sudhanshu Ambastha

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Todo List in MongoDB ExpressJs ReactJs NodeJs Scss

Building a Todo List Application with MERN Stack

If you're looking to dive into building a powerful Todo List application using the MERN stack, you've come to the right place! This project leverages MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js to provide a robust solution for managing your todos efficiently. With SCSS for styling, the application not only functions seamlessly but also looks visually appealing.


Make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Node.js
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • MongoDB (You can use MongoDB Compass or MongoDB Atlas)

How to Use

Here's how the application functions:

  • The frontend, powered by React, provides a sleek user interface.
  • Node.js and Express drive the backend functionality.
  • MongoDB is utilized as the database to store your todos securely.
  • SCSS is employed to style the application elegantly.

API Endpoints

The application offers the following API endpoints for managing todos:

  • GET /get: Fetch all todos.
  • PUT /update/:id: Mark a todo as done by its ID.
  • DELETE /delete/:id: Delete a todo using its ID.
  • POST /add: Add a new todo to the list.

Technologies Used

This project incorporates the following technologies:
My Skills

  • React: A powerful JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces.
  • Express: A fast and minimalist web framework for Node.js.
  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • MongoDB: The popular NoSQL database for modern applications.
  • SCSS: A CSS preprocessor that adds flexibility and elegance to styling.

Ready to explore the code? The GitHub repository for this project can be found here.

Community Engagement

This repository has garnered significant attention within the developer community:

  • Stars: 2
  • Clones: 22
  • Views: 73
  • Fork: 6

The technologies employed are React for interactive UIs, Express for web framework, Node.js for runtime, MongoDB for database, and SCSS for enhanced styling. The GitHub repository link for this project is provided above for further exploration. While many have cloned my projects, only a few have shown interest by granting them a star. Plagiarism is bad, and even if you are copying it, just consider giving it a star.

With community engagement showing, as this project has just gone public, share your thoughts and questions in the comments to be part of the evolving conversation!

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Top comments (1)

lewisblakeney profile image

This is a well-structured guide to building a todo list with the MERN stack! It's a great way for beginners to learn the fundamentals of React, Node, and MongoDB integration. For ReactJS development services providers, this serves as a solid reference for building interactive user interfaces.

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