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Software Testing - Introduction

What is Software Testing?

  • The process of evaluating the software product or web application or mobile app to ensure that should be functionally working fine and meet the client needs.
  • Testing is done to make sure if the product is doing what it is supposed to and what it's not supposed to do.
  • Gap between the actual to expected result is analysed.
  • Testing process involves verification and validation Verification: Are we building the product, right? _ Validation:_ Are we building the right product?

Why Software Testing?

  • The main aim of the software testing is to give quality product to its clients and quality of product is measured by how the product is bug-free and meet the client's requirements.
  • Customer satisfaction is fulfilled by 100 % defect free product and trust will be increased and will get more projects.
  • By finding the bugs in early stage reduces the time and cost. Brings more profit.
  • Performance of the software product will get improved.

When to start software Testing ?

Once we get the requirement document, we can start software testing process side by side parallelly when software development life cycle stared.

When to stop software Testing?

When all the major and critical bugs are fixed and executed all the test cases and the functionality works as per the client's need, then we can stop software Testing.

What should we do in software Testing?

  • Gathering the requirements and step-up testing environment
  • Create Test scenarios and write test scripts
  • Should concentrate on both positive and negative aspects
  • Preparing test data
  • Executes the test cases and prepare test summary report
  • Raise bugs with proper documents and monitor the status of the big

What should not we do in software Testing?

  • Should not make assumptions at the time of execution
  • Should not start the test process without knowing the scope of the product and proper test plan
  • Should not neglect any defects
  • Should not sign off the test process until all major functionalities are tested and no open bug is there.

Kinds of Software Testing:

  • Manual testing: Testing any software product or application according to the client need by manually without using any automation tool.
  • Automation Testing: With the help of specific tools to automate manual design test case without human interference. It is used to re-run the test scripts quickly and repeatedly which increases the productivity and efficiency.

Classifications of manual testing

  • White Box Testing: It checks the structure of the code and it is also called as structural testing
  • Black Box Testing: Checking the functionality of application without concerning about structure of the code.
  • Grey Box Testing: Combination of both white box testing and black box testing.

Types of Testing:

  • Functional Testing: Checking the functionality of the application works fine according to the client needs.
  • Non-Functional Testing: Checking how other aspects of the applications working fine. Checking performance, stability, usability of the application.

Levels of Testing:

  • Unit Testing: It is the initial stage of testing which is used to verify the logics of each and every individual module or component. Unit testing is done by developer
  • Integration Testing: It is the next stage of testing which is used to check the data flow and communication flow between two or more related individual modules or components.
  • System Testing: Checking the functionality and behaviour of the application as whole.
  • Acceptance Testing: Checking the functionality and behaviour of the application by the customer or end user.

We need to know about Software Testing:

  • First, we need to know about basic testing process.
  • Know about basic Testing concepts.
  • Know about basic Testing methodologies.
  • Know about basic Product and domain knowledge.
  • Know how to write a TestCase
  • Know how to execute a TestCase
  • Know how to report and track bugs.

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