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2048 game Deployed

🚀Excited to share my recent Kubernetes project where I deployed the 2048 Game Application using an EKS cluster! This project was a great learning experience, leveraging EKS, Fargate, and the Application Load Balancer Ingress Controller

Here's a summary of the steps I followed:

1) Set up an EKS cluster with Fargate.
2) Configured CLI access to cluster resources by updating the KubeConfig file.
3) Created a "game-2048" namespace linked to the Fargate profile "alb-sample-app."
4) Deployed the 2048 app as a Kubernetes Pod, created a service for it, and configured an Ingress resource to manage traffic routing.
5) Installed and configured the Ingress Controller to automatically create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) Controller.
6) Configured an IAM OIDC Provider to allow the ALB Controller access to the Application Load Balancer.
7) Deployed the ALB Controller using Helm Charts and linked it with the service account.
8) Verified the 2048 application running within the EKS environment.

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