A ruby friend named Daniel emailed me a request for this feature:
Here’s my solution, Daniel:

- ✅ Collapsible sidebar
- ✅ Save state
- ✅ Elegant solution
First, create a stimulus controller to collapse sidebar. Write the current state to cookies
// app/javascript/controllers/sidebar_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["sidebarContainer"];
toggle(e) {
switchCurrentState() {
const newState = this.element.dataset.expanded === "true" ? "false" : "true";
this.element.dataset.expanded = newState;
document.cookie = `sidebar_expanded=${newState}`;
// document.cookie = `sidebar_expanded=${newState}; path=/`;
The toggle can be triggered by a button like this:
<%= button_to "Toggle", nil, data: { action: "click->sidebar#toggle" }
Toggling the button will update cookies[:sidebar_expanded]
This is accessible in CSS via [[data-expanded=false]_&]:
. You can use it as a condition!
Here’s a sidebar that hides text like "Home"
& "Buttons"
when data-expanded=false
<!-- app/views/layouts/_sidebar.html.erb -->
<nav class="bg-slate-400 hidden md:flex flex-col text-center p-4 justify-between sticky top-20 h-[calc(100vh-80px)]" data-controller="sidebar" data-expanded="<%= (cookies[:sidebar_expanded] || true) %>">
<div class="flex flex-col text-left">
<%= link_to root_path do %>
<span class="[[data-expanded=false]_&]:hidden">Home</span>
<% end %>
<%= link_to buttons_path do %>
<span class="[[data-expanded=false]_&]:hidden">Buttons</span>
<% end %>
<div class="text-left">
<%= button_to nil, data: { action: "click->sidebar#toggle" } do %>
<span class="[[data-expanded=true]_&]:hidden">➡️</span>
<span class="[[data-expanded=false]_&]:hidden">⬅️</span>
<span class="[[data-expanded=false]_&]:hidden">Toggle</span>
<% end %>
🤠 Voila!
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