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Suresh Pattu
Suresh Pattu

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Top 10 MongoDB Queries

Mongoose is a popular JavaScript library used with MongoDB, a NoSQL database. It provides an elegant and user-friendly way to interact with MongoDB from Node.js applications. Mongoose offers several key benefits:

  1. Schema-Based Modeling: Mongoose allows you to define data schemas for your MongoDB collections, enforcing data structure and validation. This ensures data consistency and integrity.

  2. Easy Data Manipulation: It simplifies CRUD operations by providing intuitive methods to create, read, update, and delete documents in MongoDB.

  3. Validation: Mongoose offers built-in validation capabilities, allowing you to define rules for data validation, ensuring that only valid data is stored in the database.

  4. Middleware: You can define middleware functions to execute custom logic before or after specific operations, such as saving or querying data.

  5. Query Building: Mongoose provides a powerful query builder with support for filtering, sorting, and pagination, making it easier to construct complex database queries.

  6. Population: Mongoose simplifies data referencing and population, allowing you to retrieve related data from other collections in a single query.

  7. Middleware Support: It supports middleware functions to perform custom logic during document validation, saving, and other operations.

  8. Plugins: Mongoose offers a plugin system that allows you to extend its functionality easily and reuse code across projects.

Overall, Mongoose streamlines MongoDB interaction, making it a popular choice for Node.js developers. It enhances development efficiency and ensures data consistency and validation in MongoDB-based applications.

Here are some sample queries for simple CRUD operations:

Insert a Document:
Create and insert a new document into a MongoDB collection.

   const newBook = new Book({ title: "'Sample Book', author: 'John Doe' });";
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Find All Documents:
Retrieve all documents from a collection.

   const allBooks = await Book.find();
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Find Documents with a Condition:
Retrieve documents that match a specific condition.

   const fantasyBooks = await Book.find({ genre: 'Fantasy' });
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Find One Document:
Retrieve a single document based on a condition.

   const book = await Book.findOne({ title: "'Sample Book' });"
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Update a Document:
Update a document's fields.

   await Book.updateOne({ title: "'Sample Book' }, { $set: { genre: 'Science Fiction' } });"
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Delete a Document:
Delete a document based on a condition.

   await Book.deleteOne({ title: "'Sample Book' });"
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Aggregate Data:
Perform data aggregation operations using the aggregation pipeline.

   const result = await Book.aggregate([
     { $match: { genre: 'Science Fiction' } },
     { $group: { _id: '$author', totalBooks: { $sum: 1 } } }
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Sorting Documents:
Sort documents based on a field.

   const sortedBooks = await Book.find().sort({ title: "1 }); // Ascending order"
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Limit and Skip Results:
Limit the number of documents returned and skip some results.

   const page1 = await Book.find().skip(0).limit(10); // First 10 documents
   const page2 = await Book.find().skip(10).limit(10); // Next 10 documents
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Populate References:
Populate documents with references from other collections.

    const user = await User.findOne().populate('books'); // Assuming 'books' is a reference field
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Sample Mongoose queries for building a search API:

Basic Text Search:
Search for documents that contain a specific text in a field.

   const searchQuery = 'apple';
   const results = await Product.find({ $text: { $search: searchQuery } });
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Case-Insensitive Search:
Perform a case-insensitive text search.

   const searchQuery = 'apple';
   const results = await Product.find({
     productName: { $regex: new RegExp(searchQuery, 'i') }
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Search by Multiple Conditions:
Combine multiple search conditions using the $and or $or operator.

   const searchQuery1 = 'apple';
   const searchQuery2 = 'red';
   const results = await Product.find({
     $or: [
       { productName: { $regex: new RegExp(searchQuery1, 'i') } },
       { color: { $regex: new RegExp(searchQuery2, 'i') } }
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Search by Date Range:
Search for documents within a specific date range.

   const startDate = new Date('2023-01-01');
   const endDate = new Date('2023-12-31');
   const results = await Event.find({
     eventDate: { $gte: startDate, $lte: endDate }
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Partial Match Search:
Search for documents where a field partially matches the search query.

   const searchQuery = 'app';
   const results = await Product.find({
     productName: { $regex: new RegExp(searchQuery, 'i') }
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Search with Pagination:
Implement pagination for search results.

   const page = 1;
   const perPage = 10;
   const skip = (page - 1) * perPage;
   const results = await Product.find({}).skip(skip).limit(perPage);
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Sorting Search Results:
Sort search results based on a field.

   const sortBy = 'price'; // Field to sort by
   const sortOrder = 'asc'; // 'asc' or 'desc'
   const results = await Product.find({}).sort({ [sortBy]: sortOrder });
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Search with Full-Text Index and Weighting:
Perform a full-text search with weighting for certain fields.

   const searchQuery = 'apple';
   const results = await Product.find({
     $text: { $search: searchQuery },
     $meta: { $textScore: { $gte: 1 } }
   }).sort({ score: { $meta: 'textScore' } });
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Search by Array Elements:
Search for documents that contain specific elements in an array field.

   const searchQuery = 'red';
   const results = await Product.find({ colors: searchQuery });
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Search with Regular Expression:
Search for documents that match a field using a regular expression.

    const searchQuery = '^abc';
    const results = await Product.find({ productName: { $regex: searchQuery } });
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Sample Mongoose aggregation queries to perform complex data transformations and calculations:

Group and Count Documents:
Group documents by a field and count the occurrences.

   const result = await Order.aggregate([
     { $group: { _id: '$product', count: { $sum: 1 } } }
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Calculate Average:
Calculate the average of a numeric field.

   const result = await Product.aggregate([
     { $group: { _id: null, avgPrice: { $avg: '$price' } } }
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Filter and Group:
Filter documents and then group them.

   const result = await Transaction.aggregate([
     { $match: { status: 'completed' } },
     { $group: { _id: '$product', total: { $sum: '$amount' } } }
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Sort and Limit:
Sort documents and limit the result set.

   const result = await Product.aggregate([
     { $sort: { price: -1 } },
     { $limit: 5 }
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Unwind Array:
Unwind an array field to create separate documents for each array element.

   const result = await Order.aggregate([
     { $unwind: '$items' }
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Project Specific Fields:
Project specific fields to include in the result.

   const result = await User.aggregate([
     { $project: { name: 1, email: 1 } }
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Lookup and Populate:
Perform a lookup operation to join data from another collection.

   const result = await Order.aggregate([
       $lookup: {
         from: 'products',
         localField: 'productId',
         foreignField: '_id',
         as: 'product'
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Date Aggregation:
Extract and group data by date.

   const result = await Log.aggregate([
       $group: {
         _id: { $dateToString: { format: '%Y-%m-%d', date: '$timestamp' } },
         count: { $sum: 1 }
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Conditional Aggregation:
Perform conditional aggregations based on field values.

   const result = await Sales.aggregate([
       $group: {
         _id: '$product',
         totalSales: {
           $sum: {
             $cond: [{ $eq: ['$status', 'sold'] }, '$quantity', 0]
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Bucketing Data:
Bucket data into predefined ranges.

    const result = await Product.aggregate([
        $bucket: {
          groupBy: '$price',
          boundaries: [0, 100, 200, 300],
          default: 'Other',
          output: {
            count: { $sum: 1 },
            avgPrice: { $avg: '$price' }
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