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Suresh Ramani
Suresh Ramani

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

How to Install React in Laravel 8

What is React.js?

React is an open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.

In this blog, we will learn how to install React JS in Laravel 8. If you don't know how to install Laravel 8 in React JS, this example tutorial is for you. I will show you step by step to install react js in your Laravel 8 application.

We will use the Laravel UI package to install React JS in the Laravel 8 application. I will show you React JS installation process with auth or without auth in Laravel 8. So let's start our tutorial. So you will also see Laravel 8 React auth or Laravel 8 React authentication process.

If you are a beginner with Laravel 8, I am sure it will help you install React in Laravel 8. It's a straightforward and easy way to install React JS using the Laravel UI composer package.

Laravel UI package provides a way to install basic bootstrap, react and react setup, and Vue js or angular js. They also offer auth scaffold for login and registration with all of those javascript frameworks or libraries. Laravel 8 provides an easy way to work with bootstrap, react, vue, and angular js.

Install Laravel

First, open Terminal and run the following command to create a fresh Laravel project:

composer create-project laravel/laravel react-js
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or, if you have installed the Laravel 8 Installer as a global composer dependency:

laravel new react-js
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Install Laravel UI

Install Laravel UI package for starting with Laravel 8 with React JS. So if you want to start with Laravel 8 with React, run the below command:

composer require laravel/ui
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Install React

php artisan ui react
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Install React with Auth

php artisan ui react --auth
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Install Required Packages

I assume that you have the Node and NPM installed on your development machine. If not, then have a look at this tutorial: Install Node.js and npm

You can check the Node and NPM version, Run the following command:

# Node Version
node -v

# NPM Version
npm -v
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Now install NPM, Run the following command:

npm install
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Now run NPM, Run the following command:

npm run dev
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Run Laravel Server

php artisan serve
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Thank you for reading this blog.

Top comments (5)

amanrawat profile image
Aman Rawat

I want to install react in my laravel app along with tailwind css. Every installation step gone good but when I tried to paste a component from tailwindui (which says require javascript) didn't fitted great. Could anyone suggest where did I went wrong???

it718 profile image
IT Solutionist, Specialist

Thanks for your postsing. Does it work well?

safventure11000 profile image
Josafe Balili

This worked for me. I encountered error while running npm install (npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...) . I fixed it by executing

npm cache clean --force
npm install -g @angular/cli
then run npm install && npm run dev


sureshramani profile image
Suresh Ramani


storyofsoft profile image
Vlad Shedrin

This is a excellent article.