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Sushant Chhetry
Sushant Chhetry

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Networking 101: Intro to Human Networking

When we hear “Networking”, the first thing we think of are “IP addresses”, “subnet”, and “DNS” but not “small talks”, “handshakes”, and “exchanging contacts.” Clearly networking is often overlooked in our industry. As developers we are told to emphasize on our technical expertise and grind Leet code, build projects, and do continuous learning. All of these are definitely essential for a successful career. However to grow into your role and reach your fullest potential we need to go out and network as well.

Leap of Faith

I also was a developer who had his head down, typing away in front of my computer. But, I slowly realized that my skills were plateauing. Sure I was completing my work on time but it felt like I had reached my limits in terms of my abilities. The things I was doing were not helping me grow at the same rate compared to a few years ago.

growth chart

I was experiencing a plateau because I lacked someone to share my work with, gather feedback, and gain insights from others' experiences and projects. Realizing this, I was determined to address it. I started by searching for two keywords: 'React' and 'Conference.' I knew that attending a React conference would invigorate me, as it aligned with my passion. At the forefront of the search results was 'RenderATL'.

React Conference

I got my information and signed up for it. I will be honest, there was some nervousness because this was my first ever conference and talking to people is not my forte. However, attending the conference changed everything for me. A whole new perspective. I met people from different stages in their career, people who were doing amazing things, speakers with expert insights, and friends who I would’ve never met if I had not taken that first step.


In the past 6 months, I attended 5+ conferences, virtual and in-person and my eyes were opened to the world of networking. I was able to meet people within the tech fields who were in the same career path as me, as well as people who had a different path. I was able to learn from people inside the tech field as well as upper management. Those small talks turned into coffee chats, and those coffee chats turned into allies, allies who will support you in your journey and you support theirs in turn!

Virtual Conference

Networking: an art of human connection

In this article I will share some tips and tricks to help you break out of your shell as a developer so you can get out there and network. Think of this as an introductory course to making meaningful connections, networking with people, and having fun.

What is networking?

Networking is often misunderstood as a terminology that belongs in the business world. We think of people in expensive Italian suits exchanging their business cards and shaking clammy hands. However, this is a wrong perspective to have, except for shaking clammy hands, unfortunately this happens from time to time. Networking is about making connections, fostering relationships, and helping others.

One of the biggest mistake people make going into networking is asking:

“What can they help me with?”

Having a selfish mindset like this can cause you to miss amazing chances to make great connections and friends. Instead go with the mentality of

“How can I help them?”

One of the easiest ways to connect with anyone is recognizing their journey and being willing to help them with the skills you have. Sometimes the person you are talking to might have more expertise than you, during such times we have to use our creativity. Imagine if you are networking with Bill Gates, instead of thinking

“How can I ever help Bill Gates? He is a genius and he has everything!”

Bill Gates

We can go with a more open minded perspective. We know Bill Gates is heavily involved in climate change efforts. So if you are a college student, you can bring a unique perspective to him and share the current situation in your college town and what efforts are being done in your campus. I bet he would love to hear your first hand experience and this would potentially open up a conversation and a network!

Bill Gates Climate Change Book
As we can see, everyone, even you, can shake Bill Gates hands and network with him, hopefully it is not clammy!

So, to break it down, networking is about helping others and being creative in your approach to foster meaningful connections.

Depth connections vs Breadth Connections

There are two misconceptions about networking.

  • Networking is about connecting with as many people as you can on LinkedIn

  • Networking is about having deep meaningful connections with less than three people

Well, which one is the correct way of going about this?

The answer is, both. It is about balancing them as both have their own advantages. Having a breadth of connections allows you to meet people from different fields and schools of thoughts which will help you avoid scope creep and plateauing in your growth. With depth connections you will be able to have people you can share your growth and struggles. Depth connections are usually people who are in a similar path as you, someone you can see yourself having a long relationship with. However, you should always have an open and supportive mindset for both types of these connections.

Where can I start?

You might say:

"This is all fine and dandy Sushant but I am a remote worker and I don’t like talking to people and I have a clammy handshake, how do you expect me to go out and network?”

I can help you with two of the three struggles. (For the third one, maybe a quick hand wipe before the shake might help)

The answer is taking small steps. I was the same, I am not a social butterfly nor a charismatic extrovert. However, I started my journey small. Before attending RenderATL, I joined their discord server and started chatting there. Slowly I got comfortable making the first move and I started having audio chats. This helped me think of what I needed to work on as well as what I was good at. It was an iterative process that helped me slowly break out of my shell. Nothing happens overnight, not even the ability to talk to people. Making human connections and having conversation is a skill that needs practice. Start small, but start today!

Quick Tips

Who doesn’t love bullet point lists, so here are some tips that will help you in your networking journey:

  • Set Clear Goals:

    • Define what you want to achieve through networking.
    • Whether it's finding a job, seeking advice, or expanding your social circle, clarity is key.
  • Build an Online Presence:

    • Create and update your LinkedIn profile.
    • Join relevant professional groups on social media platforms.
  • Polish Online Profiles:

    • Ensure your social media profiles are professional and up to date.
    • A strong online presence can attract connections.
  • Be a Good Listener:

    • Pay attention to others in conversations.
    • Show genuine interest in their stories and experiences.
  • Follow Up:

    • After networking events, connect with people you've met.
    • Send personalized messages expressing your interest in staying in touch.
  • Offer Help:

    • Networking is a two-way street.
    • Offer assistance or insights to others where you can.
  • Diversify Connections:

    • Network with people from various industries and backgrounds.
    • A diverse network can bring fresh perspectives.

Concluding statements

You did it! You took that small step by reading this article. But this is only the tip of the iceberg to the amazing world out there where you will be able to reach your truest potential and make amazing connections on the way. So what are you waiting for, go out there and network champ, you got this!

If you liked my article, Let's connect and network to build meaningful connection!

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