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Leadership in the age of Work from Home (WFH) !

Most organizations were forced to ask their resources to work from home in 2020 due to the pandemic, but their intent was just to get the “work done”, their mindset was and still is when are we going to see people in the office. Sadly, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Sorry to say bluntly, such leaders believe in a concept of micro-manage or seeing is believing.

Looking back at my previous company dys when most of the crew was remote, work moved on at a good pace. Resources took ownership of their work and everyone was a phone call away. I remember a new architect joining the company and had some trouble with one of the systems, we were on a call and we needed input from the enterprise architect, soon Enterprise Architect joined. The new resource quickly exclaimed, “the best part was people just being a call/im away!”.

   Remote culture is a reflection of the leadership and the organization as a whole.
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Remote leadership is based on trust and empathy. Micro-managing a co-location team is different than remote, the leader could sense losing control over employees and panic.

Should the manager or leader have control over employees
Should the employee be the owner of their task?
Should the leaders change their outlook and evolve?

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