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Lessons and Regrets from My $25000 Launch

swyx on July 03, 2020

ICYMI, I launched my first book yesterday! So now for what has become tradition - passing on lessons and regrets from new maker to aspiring makers!...
5t3ph profile image
Stephanie Eckles

Thanks for your transparency about your journey, I’m feeling inspired to supplement my “Buy Me a Coffee” with an ebook! I’m also reading The Developer’s Guide to Book Publishing which I recommend for anyone interested in self publishing!

swyx profile image

Stephanie is certainly an authority on how to do these things! havent had the chance to read it yet but i got her previous book and it was great1

okeeffed profile image
Dennis O'Keeffe

What a rollercoaster read! So good though, I read the title as if you had lost $25k and these were going to be the lessons!

Those rules of show for HackerNews is something I never knew about. Good to know.

I thought it was from too many flags from people who didn't like that I was light on experience.

Also very surprised you were thinking this?

Nice work again - very inspirational stuff.

swyx profile image

if you see the HN thread, you'll see that people were saying i was not qualified to write the book that I wrote. 🤷‍♂️ i dont take it personally.


albertomontalesi profile image

Congrats, what an awesome launch. I wish I had know all this when I launched my book ( ). Awesome of you for donating to FCC, as someone who learned how to code there, they really deserve it.

swyx profile image

thank you! how did your book launch go, did you write it up? id love to read that.

albertomontalesi profile image

Nah, i didn't. I wrote the first edition 3 years ago, I simply posted it on reddit/facebook and 'hoped' for the best. I didn't have a proper strategy as the one you wrote in your article.

robole profile image
Rob OLeary

Congratulations! It takes determination to follow through with this kind of project and not be deterred by detractors and doubters along the way 👏

swyx profile image

thank you! fortunately I didn't have that many until HN showed up.

chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu

Wow, inspirational swyx! Going to start your book in audio format today, can't wait!

swyx profile image

thank you! i gotta finish that audio book haha

antonrich profile image
Anton • Edited

Great writing, lots of little nuggets. Just one little question, what is PH? (I recommend giving a little remark what it is in the beginning).

swyx profile image

product hunt :)