Typescript is a nice thing: It lets you define types and make sure your classes and functions adhere to certain expectations. It forces you to thin...
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Nice one!
I use Joi for this kind of validations, I may take a try to Zod to see the differences and which one is more convenient depending on the use-case.
Thank you for sharing! 😁
Joi can do a lot more than Zod (like dealing with linked references, etc.) and is much closer to JSON schemas, this might be a great thing to have for really complex cases. But I'd say Zod being simpler makes it more suitable for many smaller to midsize projects which don't have to deal with that much complexity. (Oh, and Joi is quite a few years older than Zod)
Thanks for commenting and suggesting io-ts. Just looked into it. I see how it works, but in contrast to zod it feels a bit "academic" which might put off some people.
but what if "academic = good, some people = bad"
Well, I think this is an excluding opinion. But sure, if you have the time and resources to teach everyone in your team... more power to you.
To my knowledge & experience, type safety is typically (much) less important in a frontend app than in a backend app.
Meaning: we don't need to obsess about it, or spend effort into it, nearly as much. Relatively speaking. A lot of the static or run-time type checking might be unjustified and overkill.
And then clients wonder why they only see a white screen...
Seriously, yeah, browsers are usually quite forgiving. Which can be a blessing and a curse. For the "curse" side we do have those tools which help us make things more deterministic and make us really think. This helps a lot in creating robust applications with proper error handling by making us aware of some possible edge cases. But you are right, the backend side should (!) be way more rigorous all the time. Unfortunately I saw way to many instances of neglect in the vain of "let's fix that in the frontend"... which is not a good thing to do... but at least the frontend catches those things by being more pedantic than it has to be.
Oh and also... my article wasn't targeting the frontend or backend side specifically.
Hm, works only on classes. This makes it rather limiting (especially for people tending towards a more functional style.)
(Update: Just realized there is also a way to work without those decorators and validate plain objects. But it feels rather cumbersome. I think I prefer the Zod way, and for more complex stuff I'd probably use Joi)
I agree, TypeScript is not actually validating your types. It's simply checking that the types you've written down match the types of the variables you're using. If you assign a string to a variable that's meant to hold an integer, for example, TypeScript will give you a warning, but it won't stop you from running the code.
Good article on a common confusion about TypeScript. I must be missing something here:
Should "t" be "z" here or is it coming from somewhere else?
Oops. Typo. Yes sould be z
This is one of many reasons why at my company we replaced the old TypeScript by the Elm language ... we have a lot of peace and joy coding now 👍😎
While elm is quite a nice language I would be worried using it in production. It being stale since 2019 and being mostly 'maintained' by one person is quite a risk.
Having said that: You'd have the exact same problem in elm, too. Elm is not validating the types in the runtime. Sure the Maybe monad helps but under the hood it still does not make sure an expected string from an external source is not actually - let's say - a number.
Have you try objectmodel ? objectmodel.js.org/
No, never heard of it before. At first glance it seems to be quite interesting, but also trying to do a bit too much for my taste. But it certainly seems to be powerful.
nice point.It's really different between static compiler and dynamic runtime, lots developers confused with them sometimes
Someone really likes their
statements, huh? :vor
or, a decent pattern instead of
guards:Nice Zod you got there tho, unironically
I can write less verbose code. Easy. But especially when writing an article I tend to be rather be explicit and simple than short and clever. Especially when you think about the scope of an article...
All this to say: I'm usually quite intentional in how I write what.
Nothing about terseness, I just have statement-phobia.
Use typebox I guess.