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Page keep redirecting back to the same page while it should be redirected to another page in Laravel Project

I have a method that should collect test answers (Yes or No) from the form, calculate the results, and insert them into the Database Table. But once the user clicks on submit, it will redirect back to the same question page. Below is the code:

public function storeAnswer(Request $request, $id) {

    $questions = Question::with('category')->get();

    if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
        $answers = $request->input('answer');


        $passCountByCategory = [];

        foreach ($questions as $question) {
            $answer = $answers[$question->id] ?? null;

            if ($answer === 'Yes') {
                $categoryId = $question->category->id;
                $passCountByCategory[$categoryId] = ($passCountByCategory[$categoryId] ?? 0) + 1;
            } elseif ($answer === 'No') {
                $categoryId = $question->category->id;
                $passCountByCategory[$categoryId] = ($passCountByCategory[$categoryId] ?? 0);

            } else {

                return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'You did not choose any options');

        $overallPassed = 0;
        $overallTotal = 0;

        foreach ($passCountByCategory as $categoryId => $passCount) {
            $category = Category::find($categoryId);
            $categoryTotal = count($category->questions);
            $categoryPassed = $passCount;

            $categoryResult = new CategoryResult();
            $categoryResult->result_id      = $id;
            $categoryResult->category_name  = $category->name;
            $categoryResult->pass_count     = $categoryPassed;
            $categoryResult->total_count    = $categoryTotal;
            $categoryResult->percentage     = ($categoryPassed / $categoryTotal) * 100;
            $categoryResult->category_status = ($categoryPassed >= 2) ? 'Passed' : 'Failed';

            $overallPassed += $categoryPassed;
            $overallTotal += $categoryTotal;

        $overallPercentage = ($overallPassed / $overallTotal) * 100;
        $overallStatus = ($overallPercentage >= 66) ? 'Passed' : 'Failed';

        $testResult = new TestResults();
        $testResult->app_id         = $id;
        $testResult->pass_count     = $overallPassed;
        $testResult->total_count    = $overallTotal;
        $testResult->percentage     = $overallPercentage;
        $testResult->status         = $overallStatus;

        $app_name = UserApps::where('app_id', $id)->value('app_name');

        $appStatus = ($overallStatus === 'Passed') ? 'Certified' : 'Unapproved';
        UserApps::where('app_id', $id)->update(['status' => $appStatus]);

        return redirect()->route('test.results', ['id' => $id]);

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What could have been the issue?

Apparently, this is the getResults method:

public function getResults($id) {

    $testResult = TestResults::findOrFail($id);
    $categoryResults = CategoryResult::where('result_id', $id)->get();

    return view('result_view', compact('testResult', 'categoryResults'));

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Here are my two routes:
Route::post('/user/store-results/{id}', [QuestionController::class, 'storeAnswer'])->name('store_results');

Route::get('/user/results-test/{id}', [QuestionController::class, 'getResults'])->name('test.results');`

I could not figure out what could be the problem.

I $request->dd(), got the answer from the form:

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timoye profile image
Timothy Soladoye

From the json you shared, $answer in the code will be an array not a string.

$answer = $answers[$question->id] ?? null;
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The array will be

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So when you do a check in

 if ($answer === 'Yes') 
 elseif ($answer === 'No') 
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it will always run the else and redirect

else {
    return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'You did not choose any options');
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By the way, I prefer to structure my code using services

I can assist it over a google meet if you need assistance

arianygard profile image

Honestly I don't know but I hope someone that does sees your post! Good luck :)