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# costsavings


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How did I contribute for OpenAI’s Xmas Bonus before cutting 50% costs while scaling 10x with GenAI processing

How did I contribute for OpenAI’s Xmas Bonus before cutting 50% costs while scaling 10x with GenAI processing

7 min read
Smart DNS Forwarding: Cost-Effective Strategies for Your AWS Landing Zone

Smart DNS Forwarding: Cost-Effective Strategies for Your AWS Landing Zone

2 min read
Streamlining Backend Service Costs: A Guide for Cost Reduction

Streamlining Backend Service Costs: A Guide for Cost Reduction

10 min read
Migration to the Cloud-Estimate Cost savings with TCO Calculator

Migration to the Cloud-Estimate Cost savings with TCO Calculator

3 min read
Cost saving techniques(Basic) - AWS

Cost saving techniques(Basic) - AWS

Comments 1
3 min read