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Taariq Elliott
Taariq Elliott

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First Day Rituals🤲🏾🔮

First Day Rituals

Starting at a New Company

Starting at a new company is always a mix of excitement and nerves. Even though my nerves kept me up, I made sure to get a good night's sleep. Working remotely means I don't need to prep an outfit, but I do make sure my workspace is clean and organized. I always start my day with a cup of coffee or a Celsius drink, which helps me feel energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.

Preparing for the Day

One of my favorite rituals is to review my notes and onboarding materials while keeping my notebooks, journal, and calendar handy. Having these tools at my fingertips helps me stay organized and focused. I like to familiarize myself with the company's mission, key team members, and my immediate tasks, which not only refreshes my memory but also boosts my confidence as I step into the new environment.

Embracing the Learning Process

Managing onboarding tasks and studying the tools and languages my team uses is crucial. I'm most excited about learning Java and Spring Boot from the ground up, even though it’s a bit daunting. To keep my nerves in check, I practice deep breathing and remind myself that it’s okay to be a beginner. Embracing a learner’s mindset and being open to asking questions helps me stay calm and focused, ready to make the most of this new adventure.

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