If you fall just right, you can use the energy to roll and spring back up. Don't ask me how, I'd hurt myself. Willy Wonka did it once though.

Folks in aikido understand the idea well, too -- these martial practitioners learn how to redirect energy to flow around or away from them.
When you fall, it's important to know how to fall without hurting yourself. What part of your body would you prefer to hit the ground first, face or butt? Credit to those who go in face-first, though.

Failing is much like falling, for it is inevitable. It's important to plan, practice, and prepare for it as much as possible... So when the day comes that you fail flat on your face.... You'll roll like a limber Willy Wonka, and the more you can turn your fail into an opportunity to achieve victory in your endeavor.
Happy Failing!
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