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Taiwo Sotikare
Taiwo Sotikare

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Design Collaboration with Non-Designers in Figma: Empowering Cross-functional Creativity

In today's interconnected design landscape, collaboration plays a vital role in crafting designs that truly make a difference. For designers, it is crucial to foster close collaboration with stakeholders, developers, and fellow team members to gather valuable feedback, iterate on designs, and maintain alignment throughout the design journey. With its rise to popularity, Figma, a robust cloud-based design tool, has become a game-changer, empowering both design teams and non-designers to collaborate seamlessly.

What is Figma?

Figma is a cutting-edge design and prototyping tool that revolutionizes the way designers and design teams create, collaborate on, and distribute user interfaces (UI) and user experience (UX) designs. With its extensive range of features, capabilities, and design tools, Figma streamlines the entire design process, encompassing wireframing, visual design, prototyping, and design handoff.

In contrast to traditional design tools that necessitate software installation and local file storage, Figma operates exclusively in the cloud. This means that designs are stored securely online and can be accessed and modified from any location using a web browser or the dedicated Figma desktop application. This cloud-based approach brings forth numerous benefits, including real-time collaboration, automatic syncing, and effortless sharing of design files with team members and stakeholders.

Importance of collaboration between designers and non-designers

Collaboration between designers and non-designers plays a crucial role in the design process, bringing together different perspectives and expertise to create exceptional outcomes. The importance of this collaboration can be summarized in several key points.

Firstly, collaboration ensures that designs are user-centric. Non-designers, such as stakeholders and clients, possess valuable insights into the target audience and their needs. By involving non-designers in the collaborative process, designers can tap into this knowledge and ensure that the designs effectively address user requirements, resulting in solutions that truly meet their needs and preferences.

Additionally, collaboration brings diverse perspectives to the table. Non-designers bring expertise from their respective domains, including business knowledge, market trends, and customer behavior. By collaborating with non-designers, designers gain access to different viewpoints, challenging their assumptions and leading to more innovative and informed design solutions.

Collaboration also enhances problem-solving capabilities. Non-designers provide insights into practical constraints, technical feasibility, and business considerations. By working closely together, designers can understand these factors and develop designs that not only look aesthetically pleasing but also align with organizational goals and constraints.

Feedback and validation are essential components of the design process, and collaboration facilitates this. Non-designers play a vital role in providing feedback on design decisions and validating the effectiveness of the design, usability, and overall user experience. By collaborating closely with non-designers, designers can gather real-time feedback, iterate on designs, and refine them based on actual user needs and expectations.

Effective communication and alignment are also fostered through collaboration. By working together, designers and non-designers can bridge the gap between design terminology and the language understood by non-designers. This promotes clearer communication, a better understanding of design intent, and smoother decision-making processes.

Collaboration sparks creativity and promotes innovation. By exchanging ideas, challenging assumptions, and exploring new solutions, designers, and non-designers can push the boundaries of design thinking. The synergy created through collaboration often leads to breakthrough ideas and design concepts that wouldn't have been possible through individual efforts alone.

Real-time collaboration

Real-time collaboration lies at the heart of Figma's design tool, revolutionizing the way designers and teams collaborate on projects. With Figma, the barriers of time and location fade away as multiple users, including designers, stakeholders, and clients, can collaborate on the same design file simultaneously, fostering a truly collaborative and inclusive design process.

The beauty of real-time collaboration in Figma is that every change made by any user is instantly visible to all others involved. Imagine a scenario where a designer is refining the UI layout, a stakeholder is providing feedback on the color scheme, and a client is suggesting changes to the typography. In Figma, these updates happen in real-time, creating a seamless and dynamic collaboration experience.

Gone are the days of sending design files back and forth or dealing with version control headaches. Real-time collaboration eliminates the need for manual file synchronization or worrying about which version is the most up-to-date. With Figma, everyone is always working on the latest version of the design file, ensuring that the entire team is in sync and avoiding any confusion or potential errors caused by outdated files.

This real-time collaboration feature in Figma accelerates the design process significantly. Instead of waiting for individual contributions, the team can work concurrently, leveraging the collective power of multiple minds working in unison. It promotes efficient communication and collaboration, enhancing the team's ability to brainstorm ideas, iterate on designs, and make decisions collaboratively.

Simultaneous Editing

Simultaneous editing in Figma unlocks a new level of collaboration and productivity, allowing multiple users to work on different elements of a design file at the same time. This powerful feature revolutionizes the design process, enabling teams to make progress swiftly and seamlessly.

In traditional design workflows, teams often face challenges when multiple individuals need to make edits or contribute to a design file. It often involves cumbersome file sharing, version control issues, and the risk of overwriting each other's work. However, Figma eliminates these obstacles by enabling users to edit simultaneously, transforming the design process into a truly collaborative experience.

Picture a scenario where designers, developers, and stakeholders are working together on a design project. While one designer is refining the layout, another can focus on adjusting colors, and a developer can add interactive elements. With Figma's simultaneous editing, each person can contribute their expertise without stepping on each other's toes. The changes made by each user are instantly visible to others, creating a seamless and efficient workflow.

The ability to edit simultaneously enhances productivity and accelerates the design process. Teams can make progress in real-time, eliminating the need to wait for others to finish their edits before proceeding. This agility allows for rapid iteration and quick decision-making, as ideas can be implemented, evaluated, and refined in parallel. The result is a streamlined workflow that saves valuable time and keeps the design process moving forward at a swift pace.

Commenting and Annotation

Figma's commenting and annotation features empower teams to engage in meaningful discussions, provide feedback, and streamline the feedback and iteration process. These robust features go beyond simple note-taking, enabling users to leave comments directly on specific design elements, enhancing collaboration, and fostering clear communication within the design file.

When using Figma's commenting feature, users can leave comments that are tied to specific design elements, such as buttons, images, or sections of a layout. This contextual approach ensures that feedback and suggestions are precisely targeted, eliminating ambiguity and enabling focused discussions. By attaching comments directly to the relevant design element, team members can provide specific feedback, ask clarifying questions, or offer valuable insights in a structured and organized manner.

The annotation feature takes commenting a step further, allowing users to annotate directly on the design itself. Users can highlight specific areas, draw attention to particular details, or mark areas for improvement. This visual form of communication adds clarity and precision to feedback, making it easier for designers to understand the specific changes or suggestions being made.

The ability to comment and annotate within the design file promotes clear communication and collaboration. It provides a centralized space for team members to engage in discussions, share ideas, and exchange feedback. This collaborative environment encourages open dialogue, ensuring that everyone's opinions and perspectives are considered, leading to better-informed design decisions.

Version History and Design Iteration

Figma's version history and design iterations feature is a powerful tool that empowers designers to experiment, iterate, and explore different design solutions with confidence. By keeping a detailed record of design file versions, Figma provides a safety net that allows designers to push the boundaries of their creativity without the fear of losing progress or compromising the integrity of the design.

The version history feature in Figma allows users to track changes made to a design file over time. Every time a change is saved, a new version is created, capturing the state of the design at that specific point. This detailed history enables designers to review the evolution of their design, understand the decision-making process, and go back to previous versions if needed.

Design iterations are an integral part of the creative process. They involve refining, tweaking, and exploring different design solutions. Figma's version control feature provides designers with the freedom to experiment and iterate without the fear of irreversible changes. If a design direction does not work out as expected, designers can easily revert to a previous version, ensuring that no progress is lost and valuable ideas are not discarded.

This version control feature also promotes collaboration and facilitates teamwork. Designers can share design files with stakeholders, clients, or team members and confidently make changes, knowing that the entire design history is preserved. This allows for transparent collaboration, as all parties involved can access and review previous versions, compare iterations, and provide feedback based on specific points in the design process.

Design System Management

Figma's design system management capabilities empower designers to create and maintain cohesive design systems, ensuring consistency and efficiency across projects. By establishing a library of reusable design components, styles, and assets, designers can streamline their workflow, enhance collaboration, and deliver cohesive user experiences.

Design systems act as a single source of truth for design elements, enabling designers to establish a set of standardized components, typography styles, color palettes, and other design elements. Figma provides a platform to create and manage these design systems, allowing designers to define and maintain a centralized repository of reusable assets.

By leveraging Figma's design system management, designers can establish consistency across projects. Design components, such as buttons, forms, and navigation menus, can be created as reusable elements within the design system. This ensures that these components are consistently applied throughout the design process, promoting a unified and cohesive user experience across different screens, pages, or applications. Designers can easily access these components from the design system library, reducing redundant work and eliminating inconsistencies in design execution.

Design Library and Component Sharing

Figma's design library and component-sharing capabilities revolutionize the way designers collaborate and maintain consistency across teams. By enabling designers to create and share design libraries and components, Figma promotes efficient asset management, facilitates seamless collaboration, and ensures that all team members have access to the most up-to-date design elements.

Design libraries in Figma serve as centralized repositories of reusable design assets, including components, styles, icons, and more. Designers can create and curate these libraries, organizing assets in a structured manner for easy access and reuse. This approach eliminates the need for manual asset management and promotes a consistent and efficient design workflow.

With Figma's design library and component-sharing features, designers can effortlessly share their design assets with team members. By sharing a design library, designers ensure that all team members have access to the same set of design components, eliminating inconsistencies and reducing the risk of using outdated or incorrect design elements. This shared design asset repository fosters collaboration, streamlines the design process and encourages a unified design language across projects.

Prototype Typing and Interaction

Figma's prototyping capabilities empower designers to go beyond static designs and create interactive prototypes that simulate real user experiences. By utilizing animations, transitions, and defining hotspots and interactions, designers can bring their designs to life and provide stakeholders and users with a realistic and immersive experience.

Prototyping in Figma allows designers to showcase the flow and functionality of their designs. By adding interactive elements, designers can demonstrate how users can navigate through different screens, interact with buttons and menus, and experience the transitions between various states. This dynamic representation enables stakeholders and users to understand the design's behavior and functionality, providing valuable feedback and insights.

Figma's prototyping features enable designers to define hotspots, which are interactive areas within the design where users can click, tap, or interact. By setting up these hotspots, designers can simulate the actions and interactions that users would perform in a real application or website. This interactive experience allows stakeholders and users to explore the design, interact with different elements, and provide feedback on the usability and effectiveness of the design.

Animations and transitions further enhance the realism of the prototype. Designers can create smooth transitions between screens, simulate loading states, or showcase animated effects. These animations add a layer of polish and professionalism to the prototype, giving stakeholders and users a more immersive and engaging experience. Animations also help convey the intended user journey and provide a sense of continuity and flow within the design.

Cloud-Based Collaboration:

Figma's cloud-based collaboration is a game-changer for designers and teams, offering a seamless and efficient way to work together on design projects. By storing design files securely in the cloud, Figma enables users to access and collaborate on their designs from any device with an internet connection, eliminating the constraints of time, location, and file transfers.

One of the key advantages of Figma's cloud-based collaboration is its accessibility. Designers can log in to their Figma accounts from any device, whether it's a desktop computer, laptop, or even a tablet. This flexibility allows teams to work from anywhere, whether they're in the office, at home, or on the go. Designers no longer need to worry about carrying files on portable storage devices or emailing large attachments. With Figma, their designs are accessible with just a few clicks, providing a seamless and convenient workflow.

Real-time syncing is another powerful feature of Figma's cloud-based collaboration. As multiple users collaborate on a design file, changes made by one user are instantly reflected in real time for others. This ensures that everyone working on the project has the most up-to-date version of the design, eliminating the need for manual file synchronization or worrying about working on outdated versions. Real-time syncing enhances collaboration, streamlines the design process, and enables teams to work together smoothly without delays or conflicts.

The cloud-based nature of Figma's collaboration platform also provides a centralized hub for teams to collaborate. Design files are stored in the cloud, eliminating the need for file transfers or managing different versions across various devices. This centralized platform promotes collaboration by providing a single source of truth where team members can access, edit, and review designs collectively. It simplifies the process of sharing design files, gathering feedback, and maintaining a clear overview of the project's progress.


The close collaboration between designers, stakeholders, developers, and team members throughout the design process ensures that designs meet user needs and effectively address business goals. Figma, with its robust cloud-based design and prototyping tool, has revolutionized the way designers and teams collaborate. By operating entirely in the cloud, Figma enables real-time collaboration, automatic syncing, and easy sharing of design files.

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