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The Art of Learning from Tutorials

  • Watching the whole tutorial isn't important, understanding what you're watching is.
  • Pay attention to understanding the concepts, not just finishing the tutorial.
  • Write down key points and ideas as you go. This helps reinforce learning.
  • Take breaks to think about what you’ve learned and how it applies to your goals.
  • Apply what you’re learning in real-time. Doing helps solidify understanding.
  • Go back to complex parts until you fully grasp them. Repetition aids retention.
  • If something isn’t clear, seek out additional resources or ask for help.
  • Use what you’ve learned in a project or problem. Practical application is crucial.
  • Summarize what you’ve learned and explain it to someone else. Teaching reinforces understanding.

The goal is to understand and apply the knowledge from tutorials, not just to complete them.

Top comments (4)

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

hey thanks for the post. Everyone is out there googling up a storm. I wrote a dev article about what to watch out for while viewing tutorials

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Great reflections, @tamilvanan! Also, be welcome to DEV Community as a writer! We hope to see more posts of yours.

tamilvanan profile image

thank you for your support

ninja-vikash profile image
Vikash Kumar

Agree 👍