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Python Cheatsheet 🔥

Mohit Tanwaniâš¡ on July 15, 2021

Cheatsheets are good when you want to revise some of the concepts, but not an idle way to start learning I would recommend you to learn in depth f...
m4r4v profile image
m4r4v •

Great article, very handy and useful.
A simple suggestion to make it available for everyone, put the output after the input so people who don't know python or are starting with it, can know what to expect.

Happy Coding!

tanwanimohit profile image
Mohit Tanwani⚡ •

Thanks Jorge, Will surely try to edit.

chimichanga17 profile image
Rajesh G •

wow! This was awesome.
Can you make this available as a PDF to download?
It'll be helpful to people
I loved this

tanwanimohit profile image
Mohit Tanwani⚡ •
josephsayler profile image
Joseph Sayler • • Edited

just an FYI, in the more current versions of Python, dictionaries ARE ordered. to get this functionality in older versions (3.5 or less i think) you can use orderedDict

also for file io, use keyword 'with' to auto close a file you are working on. so do 'with filename as f: ...' and after you are done working with the file, it will be closed

and if you are new to python, master comprehensions (like list and dict) and make use of lambdas

rafaelbo profile image
RafaelBo •

Very valuable. Thanks for your work!
Just one input from my side:
I usually try to avoid double-under functions:
Under Basic Usage of dictionaries, I'd prefer:
print("apple" in prices)
print(prices._ _ contains _ _("apple"))

But maybe that's just personal preference.
Otherwise great work!

aatmaj profile image
Aatmaj •

Superb! I will definately mention this in my Learning Python course

giridharsalana profile image
Giridhar Salana •

Very Handy... But there is a typo in while loop header (spelled as white loop).

tanwanimohit profile image
Mohit Tanwani⚡ •

Hey Thanks for telling! Fixed :)

ffpaiki profile image
Fridolin Febrianto Paiki •

Great job... This could really help me on my class

nec2005 profile image
Nec2005 • • Edited

Very useful for beginners. Thanks very much for your sharing.

javad_gheisari profile image
Javad Gheisari •

very useful.
thanks for your sharing