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Tasbi Tasbi
Tasbi Tasbi

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My Hacktoberfest Adventure: Wrestling with JavaScript and the Elusive Green Light 🚥

After three successful pull requests, I thought I had the hang of this whole Hacktoberfest thing. Find a repo, make changes, open a PR, and bask in the glow of contributions. Easy, right? Well, my fourth pull request decided to teach me a lesson in patience and perseverance. And it came with an unexpected twist: JavaScript. 🤯

The journey began when I found issue #19 on the TranspilerX repository. The task seemed straightforward: add a clear button to a code editor and create a mobile-friendly action button with multiple options. "How hard could it be?" I thought. Spoiler alert: way harder than I expected. 😅

Diving into the Code 🧩

First, I had to understand the existing code—which felt like stepping into a giant maze filled with traps labeled "JavaScript Errors." I spent hours trying to figure out how everything fit together. There were React components, a bunch of unfamiliar libraries, and a sea of state variables. The first time I saw the useEffect hook, I genuinely thought my brain might explode. 💥 But after some trial and error (mostly error), I started to get it.

This was my first time working with JavaScript in this capacity as before in my second hactoberfest PR I did testing using jest which was harder, using javascript is not harder but looking at code of lines of 500 in each file is way more harder, and honestly, it was like trying to cook a gourmet meal without knowing how to turn on the stove. Every time I tried to add something, BOOM – another error. A missing import here, an undefined function there, or my personal favorite: "unexpected token." 😩 It took a lot of Stack Overflow, Googling, and coffee to get through it. ☕

Finally Making It Work 🎉

After what felt like ages wrestling with the code, I finally got the functionality working. I added a clear button that sits perfectly between the language selector and the copy button on the web view. I even managed to add a SpeedDial button for the mobile view that pops open with the actions you need—clear the code, copy it, and switch the theme. The satisfaction I felt when it actually worked was unreal. I did a little victory dance, and yes, it was terrible. 💃🕺

I was ready to ride the wave of success. I opened PR #50, expecting the next part to be smooth sailing. But oh no—Vercel had other plans. Since the repo is under someone else’s account, my deployment needs to be authorized before it goes live. So now I’m waiting for a reply from the project maintainer, hoping they approve it and give me that sweet, sweet green check mark. ✅

The Hacktoberfest Struggle 🤹‍♀️

If you've ever done Hacktoberfest, you know that finding good repos can be like finding a needle in a haystack. I wanted projects that were challenging but also interesting—ones that pushed me to learn. But that’s a tough balance! I looked through countless issues, often finding ones that were either too simple or way beyond my skill level. It’s a weird feeling, right? You're either a coding wizard or a clueless muggle, sometimes both within the span of five minutes. 🧙‍♂️🤦‍♀️

This pull request was definitely my most challenging so far and you may thing that I just added 40 lines into my code and I am making so much fuss about it but remember when working on some else code is really difficult, it may look like a small thing to add but understanding what you are doing and getting accepted what you have done is most important. Hacktoberfest isn't just about getting t-shirts or badges; it’s about learning, growing, and figuring out how to solve problems. Sometimes, the most rewarding part isn’t the green check mark on your PR—it’s the journey that gets you there (though I’d still very much like that green check mark, please). 😜

Waiting for the Green Light 🚦

So here I am, four pull requests in, with three accepted and one pending review. I’m learning the art of waiting (and how to spell "origin" correctly—long story, don’t ask). This experience has shown me that open source contributions aren’t always instant gratification. Sometimes you have to be patient, persistent, and enjoy the process—even if it involves a lot of debugging and talking to your computer like it’s a person. 🤖💬

If you’re also on your Hacktoberfest journey, just know that every mistake is a step forward, and every success is a celebration—no matter how small. I hope my next post is about that beautiful green light on my PR, but until then, I’ll keep exploring, learning, and adding value, one error message at a time. 🚀

Check out my first Hacktoberfest story here: My Hacktoberfest Journey - Redeeming Myself and Waiting for the Green Light. And wish me luck for my fourth pull request getting accepted! 🍀

Happy coding! 💻

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