
Taylor Beseda
Taylor Beseda

Posted on

Serverless Functions to Catch New Shopify Orders

Shopify (and many other web services) use webhooks to programatically let users know about important events. This allows us to supplement business operations with all sorts of extra logic. This article will demonstrate how to use serverless functions on Zeit's Now platform to handle that incoming data. A similar set up can easily handle webhook requests from any service.


Create your project

Create a new project with a simple package.json:

  "name": "zeit-now-shopify-webhooks",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "subscribe to shopify webhooks"

Add your first function

Create an ./api directory (contains files for each serverless function) and add a simple "sanity-check" foo.js:

module.exports = (request, response) => {
  // check for a query param called "bar"
  const bar = ? : '';

  response.send(`foo$ {bar}`);

(The implementation uses the native Node.js request and response objects.)

Run Now in development

After setting up the Now CLI with now login you're ready to test out the foo function locally. Just run now dev in your project directory and visit localhost:3000/api/foo. You should get back "bar".

Add a bar query param like localhost:3000/api/foo?bar=baz and get "foobaz" 👍

To the cloud!

Time to deploy! Run now in your project. The CLI might ask if you want to "link to existing project", say no N and give your new project a name (I chose shopify-webhooks so you'll need to pick something else 😄).

Check your deployed function by visiting your app at < -- in my case:

Catch an order webhook from Shopify

Let's add a new function to ./api folder catch.js:

module.exports = (request, response) => {
  console.log('Catching Webhook');

  // respond to Shopify with a 200 status right away
  // recommended to avoid a removed webhook due to timeouts

  if (!request.body) {
    console.log('Webhook without payload.');
  } else {
    const order = request.body;

    console.log('Webhook payload:', order);

    // do something with the order data

I left the code open-ended so that you can add whatever business operations you might want. Send an SMS, notify a Slack team, update an internal database, change order data like discounts, etc. Let me know in the comments if you'd like an example!

Deploy your changes; this time with the --prod flag so that the new version is automatically deployed as the production version of your project. now --prod

Setup Shopify to send your function new orders

From your store's Shopify Admin visit Settings > Notifications and scroll all the way to the bottom to find the Webhooks section. Create a new webhook, choose "Order creation" and set the URL to your catch function. For me this is "".

Open your Now function logs in your browser. From the Shopify admin use the "Send test notification" feature next to your saved webhook to have Shopify post a dummy order to your function. You should see the console.logs and the order payload in the Now logs.

Time to add code for your operation 🎉

Next Steps

Some items you may want to consider to improve your functions and process:

  • Use a custom domain with Now
  • Create more functions for other Shopify events
  • Automate deployments with Now and Github
  • Verify webhook requests from Shopify

Top comments (1)

tbeseda profile image
Taylor Beseda • Edited

I also have an example on Github that catches webhooks (like when a streamer goes live) and sends some data to It takes a little more set up to get a Bearer token for the Twitch API, but it's still fairly straightforward.