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Thanh Van
Thanh Van

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Quick update for Telescope v2.6.0

This week is extremely busy for me with Telescope and other courses. We are planning to ship Telescope to v2.7.0 in the next two weeks. Hopefully this time our team will make a big ship for this release. I can't wait for it!!

What happened this week

I always keep tracking Telescope issues file this week to see what is going on with it. And one thing that happened during this week is master branch is broken because of mdx packages. Details of this issue can be found here. Mdxjs was breaking e2e in development, and that is the reason why we were not able to build in scr/api. Amasia had a hard time to figure out how to fix this issue, we decided to make a team call, so everyone can contribute to this, which helped solve the problem faster. We were playing around with only pnpm i and npm build to fix this, after all, green marks were coming back with us again on master, e2e test was successful and we give a lot of "clap" for Amasia.


"What is this one?" is the first question I ask myself when I see the word "Turborepo".

Turborepo is a blazing fast build system for JavaScript/TypeScript monorepos: codebases containing multiple projects, often using multiple frameworks, in a single unified code repository.

If you are wondering what it is exactly, and how it works, the document about Turborepo can be found here

It sounds very cool, I have never seen or known this one before, so I take on this issue to get more understands about it. And I also make a draft PR to get more people involved.

Plans for v2.7.0

Issue 2591
Issue 2799
Issue 2777

Both #2591 and #2799 are similar to one another, so I would like to focus on dashboard in Telescope for the next release. Those two issues are using octokit.js, again, when doing issues in Telescope, I tend to feel normal when doing the parts that I totally don't know what is it about. It is fun that I can work on it and learn about it at the same time.

Final thought

Sheriffs are getting better every weeks, taking care of team members really well, and they don't miss anybody in the team. I really enjoy the way of how we learn right now, it's more like a co-op term than taking a real course in my opinion (better if I don't have another courses so I am not distracted ^^). I want to see how far I can go after this OSD700!

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