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Data Structures #1: Stack - Introduction

What is Stack

Stack is a linear type data structure that follows LIFO (last in, first out) system. The system implies that the last item inserted into a stack is the first item to be removed.
Push operation is stack

Implementation of Stack in Real Life

Many real-life examples of a stack, an example is a stack of plates. When you clean dirty plates, you will pick the top plate.
Stack of dirty plates

Stack Operations

Generally, there are 6 operations in Stack data structure:

1. Push

Push is the operation of inserting an item into a stack.

2. Pop

Pop is the operation of removing the top-most item from a stack.

3. Peek

Peek is the operation of peeking the top-most item of a stack without removing it.

4. Is Empty

Is Empty is the operation to check if the stack is empty or not.

5. Is Full

Is Full is the operation to check if the stack is full or not.

6. Size

Size is the operation to get the size of the stack.

There you go, it is a little introduction from me about stack data structure. Next post, I will begin to implement it to a programming language. Thank you for reading this article, and stay tune!

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