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How large number of request handled with load Balancer

why we need load balancer

A load balancer is needed to ensure that your application or website runs smoothly, efficiently, and without downtime. Here’s why it’s important:

Prevent Overloading:

Imagine one server getting bombarded with thousands of user requests while others sit idle. This can slow everything down or even crash the server. A load balancer spreads the workload across multiple servers, preventing any single server from getting overwhelmed.

Improved Performance:

With a load balancer, users are sent to the least busy or fastest server, so they get quicker responses. It keeps your app snappy and responsive, even when a lot of people are using it at the same time.

High Availability:

If one server goes down, a load balancer automatically directs traffic to another working server. This makes sure your app or website stays online, even if there’s a failure.


As your app grows and you need more servers, a load balancer easily adjusts. It helps manage the increased traffic, letting you scale your infrastructure without having to redesign how users are routed.


Load balancers help make the most out of your servers by distributing traffic evenly. This ensures that your servers aren’t sitting there doing nothing while others are under pressure.

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How Load balancer does this

Load balancing algorithms are techniques used to distribute network or application traffic across multiple servers or resources to optimize resource use, reduce latency, and ensure high availability. Here are some common load balancing algorithms:

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Round Robin

  • Distributes requests sequentially across servers in a loop.

  • Use Case: Suitable when all servers have similar capacity and load.

  • Pros: Simple, evenly distributes traffic.

  • Cons: Doesn’t account for server load variations.

Least Connections

  • Routes requests to the server with the fewest active connections.

  • Use Case: Effective when traffic patterns are uneven.

  • Pros: Reduces overload on busy servers.

IP Hash

  • The server selection is based on the client’s IP address.

  • Use Case: Useful when session persistence is needed (e.g., client always hitting the same server).

  • Pros: Ensures a consistent server for a given client.

  • Cons: May lead to uneven distribution.


  • Distributes requests randomly across servers.

  • Use Case: Simple and can be effective in evenly distributed environments.

  • Pros: Easy to implement.

  • Cons: Can lead to uneven load distribution.

Other techniques

Weighted Round Robin

  • Similar to Round Robin, but assigns weights to servers based on their capacity.

  • Use Case: Useful when servers have different processing powers.

  • Pros: Adjusts traffic based on server strength.

  • Cons: More complex to configure.

Weighted Least Connections

  • A combination of Least Connections and server capacity weights.

  • Use Case: Useful when servers have different capabilities and connection loads.

  • Pros: Better balance for heterogeneous environments.

  • Cons: Slightly complex to implement.

Source IP Affinity (Sticky Sessions)

  • Directs requests from the same client to the same server.

  • Use Case: Used when maintaining session state across requests is important.

  • Pros: Simplifies session management.

  • Cons: Can lead to uneven load balancing.

Dynamic Load Balancing

  • Uses real-time metrics like CPU load, memory usage, or server latency to make decisions.

  • Use Case: Highly dynamic environments where load fluctuates frequently.

  • Pros: Adapts to current server performance.

  • Cons: Requires continuous monitoring and can be complex to implement.


Load balancing algorithms act like traffic controllers for your servers, making sure no single server gets overloaded with too much work. Some share the load equally, others send requests to the least busy server, and some make sure users stick to the same server for consistency. Picking the right algorithm keeps your app running fast and smooth, and prevents server crashes. It's like a teamwork plan for your servers

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