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What is Coding and How to learn coding online for free?

Computer coding is a process with the help of which computer programs are designed. Coding is also known as programming. Without coding, a computer cannot perform any operation, because the computer understands only a specific type of language, which is called coding or programming.

If we want to get any work done from the computer, then we have to tell the computer through coding. Because computer can understand only programming language.

computer programming has a great contribution in this world of technology, without programming technology makes no sense!

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If we talk about the use of programming, then modern computers, Internet, Smartphones, softwares, games, automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, IOT, websites, apps etc. Like everything coding / programming is used.

Coding meaning in hindi

In simple language, coding means, coding is such a language written by us humans that the language computer can understand and we can give commands to the computer through that language, the commands that the computer can understand and fulfill them, This is what coding means in easy Hindi language – Coding is the process of using a programming language, with the help of which you can make the computer behave the way you want.

How to learn coding/programming?

How to start coding – There are many paid courses available online and offline to learn coding, where you are taught from basic to advanced programming by paying some money.

To learn programming, we will not suggest you paid courses at all because the things you are taught in paid courses, you get the same things on the internet absolutely free!

*How to learn coding offline?

To learn coding offline, you can buy and read programming books, but you may face many difficulties in understanding this, so you can also join any coding classes in your area where programming is taught. .

*How to learn coding online?

Like offline, you can also learn coding online. More options are available for you to learn coding in online, here you can learn coding by buying a course and also for free!

On the Internet you will find many more such websites, apps on which you can learn coding for free. Below we are telling the names of some websites from where you can learn coding for free.

hope you have liked this article post from what is coding and computer programming! If you have any other question related to coding, then definitely tell by commenting thank you.

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