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Gbadamosi Tajudeen
Gbadamosi Tajudeen

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How to Create a GitBash index.html file and Push it to GitHub

The article will guild us through step-by-step procedure of learning how to use the command-line interface GitBash to create index files. The article will also show you how to upload your index files to GitHub.

Install Git bash on your desktop
Create a GitHub account

Work with a GitBash Local Environment

To Configure the GitBash Local Environment
Open GitBash
Input git config - -global “enter name”
Input git config - -global “enter email address”

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To Work with the Configured Local Environment
Enter mkdir (folder name) - to create a directory "directory is displayed on the desktop"
Enter cd (folder name) - to create a path into the directory

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Enter git init - to initialized the directory

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To Create a Text Document in a Directory named “index.html”
Enter touch index.html

To add html code into the index.html file created
Enter vim (folder name)
Copy the developed code, input i enter and paste the code in the displayed page
Enter :wq to save the pasted code in the displayed page

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To confirm if the code has been saved in the file, click to open the displayed directory on the desktop

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How to Clone a GitHub Repository in Windows

First create new repository by clicking on plus-sign on the right corner of the browser page

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Enter the repo name and select Add a README file

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Click on create repo

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Repo is successfully created
Click on code, local and copy the displayed URL

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Enter git remote add origin and paste the above URL
Enter git add index.html – to add to staging area (i.e. add index.html file)
Enter git status - to confirm the tracking of the file by git.

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To Create a Commit Message
Enter git commit –m “My first commit Message”

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To push the index.html file to GitHub Environment

Enter git push origin master
Input the Username/Email and Password (Note: Password is a generated token from the account profile – setting – developer setting – personal access token – generate new token ...)
Copy the generated token, and use it as the password to push to gitHub

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To show if the directory as being pushed to the Github
Go back to the Github local environment to confirm if the directory is displayed.

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