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Code Chronicles: My Journey as a Developer - Reflections on the Past Few Months

Welcome back, dear readers! It's been quite a journey over the past couple of months for me. As we settle into a new chapter, it's time to reflect on the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and the growth experienced. Let me share my learning experience of my corporate journey till now.

  • Learned a lot about system design and it's importance in product-based company. Hence selecting a appropiate design pattern helps you to keep your work top-notch and avoid any negative feedback over your code-review. Design patterns are powerful tools for building flexible, maintainable, and scalable software systems. Whether we are designing a simple application or a complex enterprise system, the knowledge of design patterns will undoubtedly be invaluable in our journey as a software developer.

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Till now got a chance to cover all the Creational-Design pattern,
also from Structural-Design pattern only used Facade pattern.
And few of them from the Behavioural-Design pattern. Will try to unveil in-depth about all the Design-pattern in next blog.

Also working in java gave me a chance to explore the features of java which definitely did took, some time for me to get hands-on in the early stage but once I got the hang of it are now definitely coming handy and make my code more readable and easily understandable.

  • Lambdas and Functional Interfaces
  • Streams API
  • Optional Class
  • Using Generic Classes
  • Using Tuples

Illustration of code before I use above java features

public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> nameList = Arrays.asList("Tejas", "Sammer", "Aditya", "Saurabh");
        List<String> convertedNameList = new ArrayList<>();
        for(String name : nameList){
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A Better and Efficient way of writing above code

List<String> nameList = Arrays.asList("Tejas", "Sammer", "Aditya", "Saurabh");
Optional<String> convertedNameOpt = -> name.startsWith("S")).map(String::toLowerCase).reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + ", " + s2);
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As a developer working in product-based company Code-review becomes a usual part of your day-to-day life. And writing cleaner code becomes your by default responsibilty. There few techniques which I picked up over the past few months:

  • Gaurd-Clause Technique
  • Select appropiate data-structure depending upon the requirement
  • Avoid unecessary deep-nesting loops
  • Use multi-line descriptive comments to make you API decriptive and easily understandable.
  • Make sure your code is idented and readable.
  • Always declare a understandable variable-name and avoid abbreviation.
  • Maintain Modularity in your code.
  • Make you code Compact and avoid using uncessary variable declaration.

Well I was using git before entering the corporate world but not at the full-potential

  • Understanding the git-workflow is very important and chosing the correct one is your responsibilty.
  • Making use of rebasing instead of merging
  • Importance of correct base-of
  • How to avoid and resolve merge-conflict in files.
  • Using a feature-branch for develpoment

Lastly as working for Infor, I developed the understanding for the Supply-Chain Management system(Shipment-Planning, Shipment-Orders, Transport-Planning, Transport-Order, Shipment-Visibility and more) which is definitely something new and very-interesting to learn.

Thanks for reading this blog and Let's meet again in next blog with something new and interesting.

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