List partition
is very much similar to range partition. The table is partitioned by explicitly listing which key values appear in each partition. In list partition, each partition is defined and designated based on a column value in one set of value lists, instead of one set of adjoining ranges of values. This will be done by defining each partition by means of the values IN (value_list)
syntax, where value_list
is a comma-separated list of values.
In the preceding article, we have successfully created the range partition. Now for the purpose of list partition, we have to do the same task again. We will create a master table that will have a sales record along with the city information. The list partition will use the city column as a base to create the child partitions.
Let’s create a master table first in the following manner:
CREATE TABLE sales_record_listpart
id NUMERIC primary key,
sales_date date,
sales_amount NUMERIC,
city text
Let’s create the child tables, but this time on the basis of the city list
Create the sales_record_list1
table in the following manner:
CREATE TABLE sales_record_list1
PRIMARY KEY (id, city),
CHECK (city IN ('new york', 'sydney'))
INHERITS (sales_record_listpart);
Now, create the sales_record_list2
table in the following manner:
CREATE TABLE sales_record_list2
PRIMARY KEY (id, city),
CHECK (city IN ('Islamabad', 'Boston', 'London'))
INHERITS (sales_record_listpart);
Let’s create the index for the sales_record_list1
CREATE INDEX list1_index ON sales_record_list1(city);
Let’s create the index for the sales_record_list2 table:
warehouse_db=# CREATE INDEX list2_index ON sales_record_list2 (city);
Now, create the trigger function in the following manner:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sales_record_list_insert()
IF ( IN ('new york', 'sydney')) THEN
INSERT INTO sales_record_list1 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSEIF ( IN ('Islamabad', 'Boston', 'London')) THEN
INSERT INTO sales_record_list2 VALUES (NEW.*);
RAISE EXCEPTION 'CITY not present in this lists';
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
In the end, we need to create the supporting trigger in the following manner:
CREATE TRIGGER sales_day_trigger
BEFORE INSERT ON sales_record_listpart
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sales_record_list_insert();
You can verify that the partition is linked with the master table using the following command:
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage |
id | numeric | not null | main |
sales_date | date | ||
sales_amount | numeric | ||
city | text |
"sales_record_listpart_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
```Sales_day_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON sales_record_listpart FOR EACH ROW
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sales_record_list_insert()
**Child tables:** `sales_record_list1, sales_record_list2`
**Has OIDs:** `no`
The preceding output is a partial output of the \d+ command
Now, let’s do some quick inserts and verify that our list partition is also working how we expect it do so:
INSERT INTO sales_record_listpart
(id, sales_date, sales_amount, city)
INSERT INTO sales_record_listpart
(id, sales_date, sales_amount, city)
VALUES (2,'15-APR-2008',1500,'Boston');
INSERT INTO sales_record_listpart
(id, sales_date, sales_amount, city)
VALUES (3,'16-APR-2008',1800,'Islamabad');
INSERT INTO sales_record_listpart
(id, sales_date, sales_amount, city)
(4,'20-APR-2008',1300,'new york');
>> When you perform the preceding INSERT statements, you will observe that the INSERT query returns the `INSERT 0 0 message;` this is because the record is inserted in the child tables instead of the master tables.
Perform `SELECT` on `select_record_list1` to verify that the record is inserted as expected in the following manner:
SELECT * FROM sales_record_list1;
id | sales_date | sales_amount | city
1 | 2008-04-15 | 1200 | sydney
4 | 2008-04-20 | 1300 | new york
(2 rows)
Perform `SELECT` on `select_record_list2` to verify that the record is inserted as expected in the following manner:
SELECT * FROM sales_record_list2;
id | sales_date | sales_amount | city
2 | 2008-04-15 | 1500 | Boston
3 | 2008-04-16 | 1800 | Islamabad
(2 rows)
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