Well apparently while LogMeIn hamachi is kept on getting been bought here and there and it risks the filing of Chapter 11 basically every 10 minutes,
they don't manage to create a reliable installer for hamachi in Windows 10.
Don't get it bad... there are tons of better solution nowadays but let's face it, if you, like me, need to have a virtual private network not for browsing safely the web, but only for connecting easily to computers over the internet in the world, from Linux, Windows Max, on arm and so on, independently from the platform. Only Hamachi gives you a decent solution for a decent price (That is free up to 5 peers... if you want a network with more than 5 the price is still not a lot every year).
It is only a pity that the product is left on its own and unmaintained by Logmein that apparently is trying all their best to bankrupt.
(P.S. I might even have tried to help them for that once, by trying to apply for a position, but luckily (for them) the recruiter at that time was just about that incompetent to not find a match of my profile with the role - He thought I was an Android-only developer and I am still wondering where he might have read that - but I still remember with sweet empathy how rude he was in telling me that)
Try to imagine how great, a service like this, could be if only there would an API to create and dispose of quickly VPN on demand... so sorry jtodorov but better not hold your breath.
I mean, of course, you could do that with AWS VPC and their powerful API... it would probably take me 5 minutes to get a terraform script to do that... but only the burden of dealing with AWS billing and the other 20 million settings that you don't probably need.
However to get to my point...
How to get it working in Windows 10
Well thanks to this Spanish wonder boy in their blog, after the installation, or more importantly, after a Windows 10 update, you have to
- Win key, type services and open: look for LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Service and make it start Then if you still have these annoying yellow triangles that complain about tunnelling problems
- Win key type Device Manage and logo for Network Adapters: if you don't see Hamachi adapter then you need to click on Menu Action > Add Legacy Hardware then Next then Install Manually Then look for ** Network Adapter ** and then look for LogMeIn Inc and press Next another dozen times.
- At this point is not finish yet because you have to go to
Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections
and look for the new Network Adapter and rename it (WTF!!! yes you have to do that otherwise the hamachi service won't recognise it and it won't use it... crazy, right?) to Hamachi - Then you can simply restart the Hamachi UI (or click on that ugly old square button they don't dare to update a couple of times)
So finally you can now ssh into your server at home from you locked down windows computer at work... yay!!
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