This article was published on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 by Jean-Yves Couët @ The Guild Blog
Working on the
code generator for svelte plugin, I was
looking for a public graphQL endpoint having queries, mutations and subscriptions for nice examples.
Unfortunately I didn't find anything out of the box, ready to use for my demos. So I decided to
extend an existing source!
Starting Point
Across my researches I found one cool public endpoint regarding
SpaceX. It has Queries
and Mutations
ready to use! So I
decided to pimp this endpoint, and bring a bit of reactivity with subscriptions.
The idea is to publish the new user when it's inserted with this mutation
mutation addUser {
insert_users(objects: { name: "jyc" }) {
returning {
How hard is to do this? Let's find out... Let's Pimp this GraphQL!
Multiple ways are possible!
Spoiler alert
Thanks to graphql-mesh
, it's dead easy! 🚀🚀🚀
1. Create a New Repo
mkdir newRepo
cd newRepo
yarn init
2. Add graphql-mesh
yarn add @graphql-mesh/cli @graphql-mesh/graphql @graphql-mesh/transform-resolvers-composition graphql
3. Add .meshrc.yaml
File in the Root Folder With
```yaml filename=".meshrc.yaml"
- name: spacexGQL handler: graphql: endpoint:
additionalTypeDefs: |
extend type Subscription {
usersAdded: [users]
- resolversComposition:
- resolver: 'Mutation.insert_users' composer: ./src/composition/insert_user
- type: Subscription field: usersAdded pubsubTopic: usersAdded ```
Where I
- declare the graphQL source
- extend
to listen to user added users - compose the existing
4. Add ./src/composition/insert_user.js
File with All the Logic for This New Mutation Composition
```js filename="insert_user.js"
module.exports = next => async (root, args, context, info) => {
// add to the selection
kind: 'Field',
name: {
kind: 'Name',
value: 'returning'
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: 'SelectionSet',
selections: [
kind: 'Field',
name: {
kind: 'Name',
value: 'id'
arguments: [],
directives: []
// send the mutation to the graphQL source
const result = await next(root, args, context, info)
// select returned ids
const ids = =>
// Query users enforcing fields to return
const responseUser = await context.spacexGQL.apiQuery.users(
where: { id: { _in: ids } }
fields: {
id: true,
name: true,
rocket: true,
timestamp: true,
twitter: true
// publish new users
context.pubsub.publish('usersAdded', responseUser)
return result
That's it!
## Wrap Up
* Extending an endpoint with subscription is easy! *Thx to tooling.*
* You can find the source on [GitHub](
* You see all this in action directly in the
I'm now ready to work on the demo for
[**Svelte Codegen**](! Stay tunned ;)
Special thanks to [n1ru4l]( who helped me find the nicest way to do it
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