
Arun Ramachandran
Arun Ramachandran

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kubernets cluster on amazon eks

  1. create an iam role (eks-cluster)
  2. create stack for eks cluster(vpc,subnets,etc...)
  3. for creating cluster stack use CloudFormation templates availabe in amazon documentation click here
  4. after creating the stack create eks cluster from amazon console and update the required details and create cluster
  5. to communicate local system to the cluster run the below command (run this on your local computer)
    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name your cluster-name

  6. Create Role for NodeGroup and attach the given policies
    1. AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly
    2. AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
    3. AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy

  7. Then Add Node Group goto amazon eks console and create nodegroup under compute tab in your cluster - given a Name and attach the NodeGroup role under Node IAM Role

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