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Enmanuel Jarquín
Enmanuel Jarquín

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Tools for my web development env

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I enjoy working using my terminal on Mac, so I would like to write down and share some tools I use daily.

I don't pretend to explain how to install and/or configure them since there are lots of steps that I would need to share, so the easiest way for me to share it is via the GitHub repo.

Basic configuration with default configuration for React support:

Extra configuration with Svelte support:

Iterm2 along with Tmux

To manage terminal sessions, tabs, panels, etc. I use it with tmux-theme pack plugin to add some plugins and configure them, for example, I use the theme powerline/default/cyan via jimeh/tmux-themepack.

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Here some basic plugins help us to pave the way for the rest of the plugins that I am going to mention below.

  • Lua

  • Packer

  • LSP

  • Mason

1 Basic NVIM plugins

  • Packer: Packer manager written in Lua

  • Neosolarized: Optional nvim theme, I sometimes change it to use nightfly theme, I am not using it for now, since I use nightfly .

  • Vim-tmux-navigator: Consistent way to navigate between tmux and vim panels.

  • Maximize: Toggle maximizing the current neovim window without any of the ugly borders that other.

  • Surround: To surround selection by using some extremely useful keys.

  • Comment: To comment snippets.

  • Plenary: Common utilities, some plugins require it.

  • Hop: To jump anywhere in the current buffer by highlighting words, lines, etc.

  • Web-devicons: Help to add icons to various plugins, like nvim tree, telescope, file browsers, etc.

  • Lualine: Statusline for nvim written in Lua.

  • Telescope: It is an awesome finder over lists.

  • Telescope file browser: It is telescope extension that acts as a file browser, it allows us shortcuts to create, delete, rename and move files or folders. It could be used as a nvim-tree alternative.

  • nvim-colorizer: To highlight colors of css files for example.

  • gitsigns: Git decorations on the vertical bar of the left section of a nvim panel that shows indicators based on the git status.

  • Toggleterm: To show floating terminals or multiple orientations during an editing session.

  • vim-nightfly-colors: Dark nvim theme, as an alternative for neosolarized theme. I am using it right now.

  • startup: A customizable startup window.

2 Autocompletion nvim plugins:

3 Snippets nvim plugins:

4 Auto closing nvim plugins:

5 Lsp servers to support typescript, react, tailwindcss and svelte:

6 To install LSP plugins using Mason: It helps to map, and install lsp-servers, linters and formatters, besides it helps us to register setup hooks with lspconfig, it is a complement for LSP, it acts as a bridge, closing some gaps between mason and lspconfig.

7 Formatting and linting:

Other tools

Yabai: Yabai is a window management utility for mac.

Min: As my default browser for things that have nothing to do with development, to develop I use Chrome for its dev-tools.

I have it configured to use vim shortcuts to facilitate the navigation as the same way I would do with a vim buffer or file.

Ratcast: My default spotlight option, it is an awesome tools, since you can configure basically whatever you want, e.g.

  • I configured it to check my JIRA's ticket's status without opening a new chrome tab.

  • To pick a color from anywhere in the screen

  • With google translate, I am not a native english speaker, so sometimes I need to figure out the meaning of the word, so with tool I don't need to open chrome or anther browser to open google translate.

  • To create floating notes

  • To check my github repositories

  • To check my agenda based on my default calendar.

  • To install packages with brew

  • To interact with spotify

  • etc, etc, etc

Those are some tools I use for my development environment and that I use daily.

I would like to thank Josean Martinez, I learned a lot watching his videos, and I strongly recommend following him, he has an awesome youtube channel.

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