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Pickup Project: Ruby Gemmine

Ruby School -- Gem Mine

What is it?

Platform for Ruby and Ruby libraries


Ease of access -- Users will be able to use the program anywhere they have it installed and a terminal

Community -- The program provides a basis for meetups

It has is ready to go material for any host wanting to teach ruby material

For whom?

Students -- Newbies who want to see if Ruby is something they want to learn extensively

Experienced Devs -- Devs who have always heard about that one library, but doesn’t want to spend hours in the docs and still end up not knowing how it feels to actually write the language

Gem developers -- People who write gems and want to provide a walkthrough for their product can simply make a tutorial

What’s needed?

MVP is the CLI engine.

It must be able to read in a file and display it, and read a file provided by the user and check it against pre-written tests, display to the user whether it is correct or not, record if the user completed an assignment.


The minimum number of full tutorials is 1. A good goal is 3. Six is a good launch point.


Next, a website to bring users in. Simply what the program is and how to use it:

Gemmine mockup1


A user should have a profile on the site that updates with their info from the CLI. As they work, their profile reflects the progress. Maybe even badges or some achievement system:

Image description

The CLI updates a user’s progress via API. Will update in future if lessons are completed offline.

A forum:

For communicating with other users of the site -- not slack, although that’s a good start:

Image description

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