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Lukmon Kazeem
Lukmon Kazeem

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Window Functions: A comprehensive guide to mastery.


In the analytic world, problems can easily be solved using basic Structured Query Language(SQL). But often times, some analytical questions require advanced SQL. One of the advanced concepts of SQL is the window functions, which help to create and author SQL queries that will work on rows of the table (windows) and also to perform aggregations and ranking of rows.

This article provides an easy and comprehensive guide to window functions in SQL, syntax, and case studies of analytical questions that can be solved using SQL window functions.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition of window functions
    i. What is window?
    ii. The categories of window functions

  • Syntax of window functions
    i. Breakdown of the syntax
    ii. Partition BY and Order BY

  • Aggregate Window Functions
    i. Brief Overview
    ii. Syntax
    iii. SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT()

  • Ranking Window Functions
    i. Brief Overview
    ii. Syntax

  • Value Window Functions
    i. Brief Overview
    ii. Syntax

  • Case studies of questions answered using window functions.
    i. Aggregate windows functions
    ii. Ranking windows functions
    iii. Value windows functions


In order to fully grasp the concept of windows functions explained in this article in general, you need to have a background knowledge in SQL, its basic concepts, and how to write basic SQL queries, and sub-queries.

Definition of window functions

Window functions are classified as part of the advanced concept and topic in SQL, and often times a lot of data analysts and newbies that are just learning how to write SQL queries usually see window functions as a difficult concept. The overall goal of this technical article is to prove that notion is wrong.

What is a window in SQL?

In SQL, a window refers to a group of rows. These group of rows are somehow related.

Categories of Window Functions

Windows functions are simply the functions that help you to aggregate, rank and compare group of rows in SQL without retuning a single output. What this definition simply means is that unlike
regular aggregate functions that will perform calculations on the rows of the table and thereafter return a single value, window functions on the other hand will perform the same calculation but
instead of grouping or aggregating the rows, the rows still maintain their position.

Windows functions are generally classified into three (3) categories namely:
i. Aggregate window functions
ii. Ranking window functions
iii. Value window functions

Windows Functions

Syntax of window functions

The syntax of a basic SQL query using window functions is always in the form.

SQL Code 1

From the above syntax, the first word is SELECT, which helps us to query the table, and after that the required columns are specified. The next is window_fucntion which can either be an aggregate, ranking or value function, then the column that the window function will be effected on is specified inside the bracket. The OVER keyword specify the window (the set of rows that the window functions will be applied on). Then the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses are specified, after which the table that the operation will be carried out on is specified.


PARTITION BY and ORDER BY are two function clauses that you will be using regularly when writing SQL queries that involves windows function. The function of the clauses is specified below.

  • PARTITION BY: group the rows in the table into groups based on the specified column.

  • ORDER BY: organize the rows in the table either in ascending or descending order.

Aggregate Window Functions

Brief Overview
The aggregate window functions basically perform aggregation on the window, but unlike regular aggregate functions, the singular value that is returned is based on the group of rows (windows).

The syntax of aggregate window functions is basically similar to the syntax that I specified above for window functions. The only difference here is that in place of window functions the
aggregate functions are used.

SQL Code 2

SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT()
The window aggregate functions are used to find the total or sum, average, minimum, maximum, count of the values in the window.
The aggregate window functions are used when finding the running total, running average and so on and so forth.

Running total or average in this concept simply refers to the calculation involving a particular row and every other rows above it. In order to achieve this, both ** PARTITION BY** and ORDER BY are used. But in order to calculate sum, average and so on for just the window or the group of rows, you need to use only PARTITION BY clause.

Ranking Window Functions

Brief Overview
The ranking window functions compares the value of current row with other rows in the window, and then return the rank or position of the current row with respect to the other values in the window.

The syntax of ranking window functions is similar to the syntax that I specified for window functions. The only difference here is that in place of window functions the ranking functions are used and also the ranking window functions can be used without specifying the column in the bracket.

That is:

rank_fucntion() and not rank_function(column)

SQL Code 3


The major ranking functions are rank(), dense_rank(), and row_number(). It is important to note that the three major ranking function do the same task but in different ways and also, when you are using ranking functions, it is very important to include ORDER BY in the query, without which your query would not run.

i. Rank(): rank the rows in the window based on a given order and in a case where a given row has the same value as another row or rows, the identical rows are given the same rank, and then the next rank will be skipped.

ii. Dense_rank: rank the rows in the window based on a given order, and in case where a given row has the same value as another row or rows, the identical rows are given the same rank, but the next rank will not be skipped.

iii. Row_number: assign unique row number to the items in the window. That is two rows cannot have the same row number.

An additional ranking function is the NTILE() which determines the quartile that a row falls into, the NTILE() require the a parameter which specifies the type of quartile to be used.
Parameter is the value(s) that is specified in the bracket.
That is in the example NTILE(4), 4 here indicates the parameter.

Value Window Functions

Brief Overview
The value functions compare the value of a current row with rows before or after it. The two major function here are the LAG() and **LEAD() **functions.

i. LAG(): Determines the item before a particular row and assign the value of the preceding item to the current row.

ii. LEAD(): Determines the item after a particular row and assign the value of the item to the current row.

LAG() and LEAD() functions require 3 parameters namely:

i. Column: column that the value will be gotten from.
ii. Position: The number of rows where the value will be gotten from.
iii. Offset: The offset is the value that will be return in case the current row is the first of the last in the window. In a case where the current value is the last or first in the window, the query will return NULL. But in order to prevent that, offset that can be added.

The other functions are pretty straight forward. The
first_value() determine the first value in the window and it requires one parameter which is the column to be used as the determining factor.

Case studies of questions answered using window functions.

In order to follow through with the case study, you need to follow these steps:
i. Open the database management tool of your choice. (Like Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)

ii. Create a table called student with the query:

SQL Code 4

iii. Populate the table you just created.

SQL Code 5

iv. Check the status of the table:
SELECT * FROM student;

SQL Code 6

Aggregate windows functions
Running Score (Total) for each department.

SQL Code 7

Total Score for each department

SQL Code 8

SQL Code 9

Other aggregation functions like MIN(), MAX(), and AVG() can also be used in place of SUM() based on the question to be solved.

SQL Code 10

Ranking windows functions

SQL Code 11

Value windows functions

SQL Code 12

SQL Code 13


In this article, I have tried in as much as possible to provide a foundation for you as far as window functions is concerned, and with continuous practice you will soon become very good at writing
SQL queries using the concepts that I have discussed in this article. And if at all you run into error while writing your queries you can always refer back to the article for clarifications.

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