DEV Community

Muneeb Hussain
Muneeb Hussain

Posted on

That's How I Build Software ( as a Solo engineer )

  • Simplify requirements, document core features, plan the flow, and design the database with the help of ChatGPT.
  • Write the worst code to complete the core features (in less time).
  • Build a CI/CD pipeline and deploy it.
  • Hand it over to a QA tester.
  • QA gives it back to me with some bugs.
  • I fix them and return them to the QA tester.
  • Test cases pass, Phase 1 completed.
  • The client is happy.
  • While Phase 2 discussions start with the client, I'm refactoring the Phase 1 codebase to make things smoother for Phase 2.

That's it, Happy coding!

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