DEV Community

Coding Education for All: Join us in supporting The Odin Project

Kevin Mulhern on July 31, 2023

Today, we are delighted to announce a significant milestone in The Odin Project's journey – we are becoming an independent and self sufficient enti...
rolandstuder profile image
Roland Studer

TOP is wonderful. It would be great if you could talk a bit about how much money would be the goal, how is needed, what would be done if more money is coming in. How will the money be used?

kevinmulhern profile image
Kevin Mulhern • Edited

Thanks for the kind words @rolandstuder. Our initial and most important goal is to cover hosting costs - Roughly $2,700 per year with our current usage. But that could be different next month. Things have been changing rapidly with the growth we've had lately.

We'd like to do more if we can. Our ultimate stretch goal would be following in Free Code Camps foot steps and being able to hire staff to look after TOP on a full or part time basis. TOP has grown so big, theres a lot of moving pieces and it's getting increasingly hard to juggle them all using our evenings and weekends.

rolandstuder profile image
Roland Studer

Thx Kevin, thank you for those answers. It's good to know the server costs, I'll try monitor the amount coming in, really no one should be stuck with having to pay server costs, when they provide so much value to people out there.

Our ultimate stretch goal would be following in Free Code Camps foot steps and being able to hire staff to look after TOP on a full or part or full time basis

That sounds interesting, I think this also comes with its risks, once you get money rolling and pay for some positions the incentive structure changes a lot. But we are a long time off of this. In terms of financing there are probably a lot of foundations for educations that might give out grants for things like TOP.

Good luck! And thanks again!
(also I am gonna adjust my contribution now :-) )

samuelodan profile image
Samuel O'Daniels

Hi Roland,
Long time no see! I’d like to know these things as well.

robfrasercodes profile image
Robert Fraser

I only wish I found TOP sooner in my career! Much appreciate the work of the mods and the whole community.

lautarodevelops profile image
Lautaro Rodriguez Collins

I love Top, it's really helpful for me, both the platform and its community. The fact that it prepares you for real work is truly appreciated. I'll be glad to collaborate and contribute in any way I can

luyvannda profile image
Luy Vannda

I really like Top. I have been learning to become a JavaScript Web Developer using Top. When I get a developer job in the future, I will surely make contribution and donate to the cause. Thank you for all the amazing lessons. :)

shahidharith profile image

I've never in my life felt a part of an online community other than in the TOP community. I would like to thank those behind the scenes; I really can't thank you enough. I promise that whenever I get the chance, I will definitely give my support to this community.

macyapp profile image
Sidhant Kumar Nayak • Edited

I really like the way how TOP has structured it's curriculum. It helped me get out of the tutorial hell which I had faced in other Web Development courses. I'll make sure to make a donation when I get a developer job.

mosmn profile image

Im almost done with TOPs full stack js path, imma make sure to donate as soon as i get hired. Thanks for everything TOP.

samuelodan profile image
Samuel O'Daniels

I’m glad that we’re finally able make monetary contributions to support the maintenance and growth of The Odin Project.
Thanks for all your work.

blehnk profile image
Ashish Nath

TOP is a wonderful, wonderful resource. and I'm glad the guys who started it all exist. i love you!

I'm yet to land a job, still learning. So, i'll contribute what little i can right now, but i'll surely help out the community more once i start earning. Keep doing the good work guys, i wish i can work with you all someday :)

cmorse97 profile image

Loved my experience with The Odin Project. Anyone who has asked me how to getting started with web development, I point them to TOP. The steps are laid out for you to succeed, and the course material is both beginner friendly, while giving the depth needed to cement knowledge of programming fundamentals and language specific pillars. The updated React section is a great example of TOP's eagerness to provide the best open source teaching of web development.

If you're contemplating whether TOP is worth it, trust me it is. I knew nothing about programming, coming from an industry where email was the most tech I used day-to-day, and TOP was my main resource for learning.

mato profile image
Sergey Matylionak

Going through the "Foundations" path now, really like it.. so much useful, interesting material, so many subtleties.. cool!
TOP is the best! Regards!

chandraprakashdev profile image
Chandra Prakash Reddy

TOP is the best guide out there on web development. I was stuck in a networks company doing C, C++ programming that I did not enjoy. Spent lot of time and money to try and learn web dev enough to switch fields, but most of them were just tutorial hells and did not give me enough experience and confidence to seriously get a job in web development.

I did only the front end part of Javascript with React, didn't even do any of the backend and landed a great UI developer job. Now, I'm back at it to finish the new, updated curriculum. I would definitely like to contribute to TOP in any way possible. As some have pointed out here, it would be great if we could have continuous goals and update them and also find part time volunteers to work part time and support those who are shouldering most of the effort.

crespire profile image

This is great! I'm definitely down to support! Are there any tax considerations in play for supporting The Odin Project?

baueracloud profile image
bauera-cloud • Edited

I appreciate all of the work the The Odin Project's team does. Thank you so much for continuing to offer this free education to the public. As a student, I will donate a recurring $5 a month; which is the least I could do.

martinezk profile image
Kristina Martinez

The Odin Project was one of the first resources that helped me become a developer over 6 years ago! Happy to donate and appreciate your mission.

thesoulking profile image
Abd Al Mohaemn Abd Al Wahab

Even thought my support was small but I hope it helped.
also thanks for all the education that u are providing.

covalhalla profile image
Joe Vellella

TOP allowed me to change careers and my life is so much better for it. Recurring $10 added, the least I, and other "graduates" can do!

seancassiere profile image
Sean Cassiere

It's always great to see people gain some genuine knowledge from projects like TOP.

rafabo7 profile image
Rafael Botella

TOP is awesome, count on my axe!

hyperhkm profile image

Soon as i get a job, it will be the first thing i'm going to do, TOP is awesome!

razasports profile image
k2 Sports

Scholarship Jobs are open to fresh graduates, trainees and experienced professionals, Explore detailed job descriptions, salary packages, educational requirements, training opportunities, courses, necessary skills and experience criteria. These opportunities are available in both government and private sectors, catering to qualifications ranging from Matric and Intermediate to Graduate, Master's level and beyond.

orussmann profile image

It would be cool if people could see how much has already been donated.

(Maybe I simply couldnt find this info yet, but it's there)

kevinmulhern profile image
Kevin Mulhern

Hey @orussmann, theres a bit of scrolling involved to get to that information on our Open Collective page. It's under the budget section.

orussmann profile image

I hope my small donation helps.
Thanks for your work :)

atmospherecw profile image
Anatollo • Edited

I have already taken a course on front-end development. Now my goal is to find a job in this field.

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