DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v168 staff on March 23, 2022

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
belobrol profile image
Maria Belo Brol • Edited

Hello Dev people!
🤦As a housewife,🧖😿 I currently work from home. ☹️☹️I haven't worked in any offices or outside jobs.
🔆 I have a bachelor's degree in informatics and a master's degree in economics. I'm currently in the process of changing jobs. 🏢💼At least, that's how I see it.
😎I spend a lot of time considering how I can make a difference in the world. I'd like to help out with a project.
👍💠It will be interesting to meet people who are working.
😄 I believe I can bring a high level of enthusiasm, resourcefulness, and overall positive energy to the table. Because of my open and friendly personality, I am also a good team player.
👌I'd be delighted to work on a fascinating project for a long time.

sushm_86 profile image
susmita mitra • Edited

You can code along to awesome youtubers
contribute to large open source projects

Apply to awesome remote internships

Check return to work programs:

Network with people in same position:


ryan_darling_87 profile image
Ryan Darling

Thank you for the resources! I love how much stuff is available online, but getting it from vetted sources for quality is even better! The code along youtube tutorial looks awesome. I saved that one to watch later :).

belobrol profile image
Maria Belo Brol

Hi Susmitra,

I appreciate your tips.

marifm1986 profile image
Arif Matubber

Thank you @sushm_86 Susmita Mitra

rdwnsjjd profile image

Housewife is a Honorable and valuable job! you must be proud that you can raise children who will take control of the future of the world!
My mother is a housewife! and I owe who I am today to the times when he could have pursed her own interests but stayed at home and nurtured me!
Good luck!

thevoltron profile image
Silver Chiahemba

Would be great to learn a thing or more from you..

ciola_juliana profile image
Juliana Ciola Beltrami

Nunca presenciei alguém desta realidade trabalhando em um proj. Gostaria muito de poder presencialmente testemunhar o que circunscreve esse cenário. No trajetória p nós. Abç Jucabel.

belobrol profile image
Maria Belo Brol

Boa Tarde Juliana,
Eu também acho estranho. Eu mesma não recomendo para ninguém ficar sem trabalhar. E muito menos virar dona de casa. Eu tenho tudo que uma pessoa pode ter na minha idade. Menos um trabalho. Pelo menos na minha opinião. E o trabalho que nem sempre senti falta agora sinto.
Um abraço,


amilessej profile image

Good luck to you!

belobrol profile image
Maria Belo Brol

Thanks 👍. Good luck for e too.😃

cassiofreitas profile image
Cassio Freitas • Edited

Hi everyone. :-)

I have been working with computers since 1987. I love to learn new things everyday. I am coming back to programming computers area, after more than 15 years. My best skill is to learn how things work and combine to build new things. I am a creative person and I don't like to do repetitive tasks, so innovation and automation are things I am always looking for. Thanks. :-)

subinbabu profile image
Subin Babu

Iam new to programming field ,basically iam not from IT background ,a electrical engineer graduate . I got job from a IT comapany through campus placement from that time I started to learning programming . Now Iam working on as a dotnet developer .

william39867177 profile image
Shallina William

Hello Subin,

In the . NET space, all flavors of ASP.NET remain in high demand and we are seeing a rise in popularity of ASP.NET Core and Blazor. So, you can continue to your field.

theyintii profile image
Kele Heart

dotnet is cool a lot of people use that. Good luck to you friend

subinbabu profile image
Subin Babu

thanks ...

tophandkatara profile image

Hello everyone!!!
I am like 15 years old and suddenly realised that I love doing CTFs...would love to know more about cyber security & ethical hacking
I've been trying to learn a bit of everything els...wish me luck 🍀 🤞

lavina04jain profile image

Hey, I can totally connect to your post, that's how I feel.
Good luck!

saimajavaid profile image
Saima Javaid

Hi everyone,

I have joined AWS Community Builders this month, I was working mostly in web apps. I also have experience in project and resource management. I am new to this community and looking forward to share my experience and learn from you all for new skills. I have started my cloud journey so i will be following you all until I am able to stand by your side :)

creator profile image
John Buchanan

Hello Friends!
What a delight it was finding this forum while venturing the search engines! I've been an Ionic Angular Developer for some time, adding to my arsenal with Ethereum Web3 Dapp's Development. React is a fun new concept, I wish something were written in angular. If anyone could point in the direction of concrete Angular web dapp development I'd appreciate!

Thanks, John B

goodeats profile image
Pat Needham

Hi all, my name is Pat. I've been coding since 2015 mostly in Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JS, React and a modest amount of DevOps. I've been on a bit of a sabbatical and looking to get back to work soon. I've been learning a bit of TypeScript and Node JS lately and intrigued from the outside-looking-in on what's going on in web3. I've built tools for AI/computer vision for small startups and authentication for health tech. I figure I'll share some insights here and there if I can on here and happy to connect and see what everyone is building!

edgr profile image

Hello there! 👋

I am Edouard, recently appointed EM at Factorial HR for the Activation Team. Working with RoR and React (TS) on a daily basis. Crushing time to value for our customers.

Looking forward to get to know, learn and share!
PS: we're hiring!

lxchurbakov profile image
Aleksandr Churbakov

Hey folks! I am a fullstack TS/JS developer from Serbia, Belgrade. I work at Pfizer, but previously I've worked at Groupon, SeedCX and Upwork Enterprise (developing upwork site itself). I am incredibly keen to become an indiehacker, so if any of you guys feel like teaming up, I'd be happy to chat.

11ericwayne11 profile image
Eric Phillips


I took some introductory Java & C++ classes while I was at the University of Texas at Arlington studying International Business. I planned to venture into coding years ago but found myself comfortable being the manager of a storage facility.

Now, I've found that I don't like the feeling of complacency and the field of software engineering seems right up my alley. I'm currently learning as part of the CoderFoundry community using their self-paced course (Which is really good IMO).
I'm excited to connect!

afnancodes profile image
Afnan Codes

Hello World!

👨🏻‍🎓 A disappointed graduate of Bachelors in Information Technology.
😮‍💨 Why disappointed? Because apparently I did not have much to learn during my degree hence I am here to grow in this field by having hands on experience of development.
🆙 Looking out for better opportunities and growth. I don't define myself by the work I have done, I'd rather define myself by the work I want to do.
🔜 I like to challenge myself to the person I was yesterday.
💬 Looking forward to connect with you all. Cheers!

cndavu profile image
Charles Ndavu

If you need help, reach out

afnancodes profile image
Afnan Codes

Thanks @cndavu Will do 🔜

sleeper3one profile image

Hi 👋,

I got some experience as a wordpress developer, but only small projects. I hope to dive deeper to front-end, not only in wp, and find my first big project. I also have my side project idea to make Saas, so I`m looking for people interested in design, UI/UX, android & iOS devs, business angels, marketing spec ops and more.

Reagrds from Poland ❤️

thomasgerber profile image
Thomas Gerber

Hi all,
I am Thomas Gerber, Eng lead for Faros Community Edition, the open-source engineering operations platform that connects the dots between all your operational data sources for a single-pane view across the software development life cycle, which I think can be very useful for the DevOps community and the teams they support.
Previously, I lead the data infrastructure at Salesforce Einstein, so I have a good grasp at DataOps :)
Happy to be here!

thatman profile image
Piyush Chhabra

Hi everyone, This is Piyush. My screen name is thatman.

I published my first article today:

Very excited for this journey alone with awesome devs. Happy to connect.

Thanks ;)

theyintii profile image
Kele Heart

Hey I'm Kele, just looking to have more feeds and content that are developer centric. I am a React UI developer with... well, no real experience. But I like to build cool stuff. I'm learning FastAPI and MongoDB and trying to come up with an idea worth shipping while I do that.

rmurray_1 profile image

Hello devs!
I am currently working as a finished carpenter, but will be starting MITs coding boot camp next week! I do not know much in this field so if you have any videos, tips, or tricks please send them my way!!

alfonzo_kgakole_007 profile image
Alfonzo Kgakole


codinginfection profile image

Hello everyone Am Mboa Abel from Nairobi-Kenya
Am a computer fun and do like programming and coding
Am 17 years of age and looking for a co-programmer to help with my new software.
Nice to meet you......

biccsdev profile image
Víctor Torres

Hello Everyone!
Mi name is Victor Torres, I'm a Software Engineer from Mexico, currently leaning my development towards Web3 as I see in it a great future!

Here's a link to my site:

brantsoler profile image
Brant Soler

Greetings and Salutations!

I'm an SEO expert with limited dev experience. I'm absolutely fascinated by cloud computing and consider myself lucky to have a place with the team at Pulumi.

Respectfully, I'm going to split my musings from Pulumi related material. While I'm going to be talking about how excited I am to rub shoulders with my amazing team, what's top of mind for me, you'll see Pulumi wisdom shared by me from Pulumi.

As an SEO expert, I know pure SEO is not a topic for this group, if/when I share SEO wisdom, I will only share it in context of development.

I'm looking forward to learning & growing here, sharing my experience, and hopefully supporting your growth as well.

samchan2022 profile image
sam chan

Hey Folks 👋, I'm Sam Chan. I am a Full stack Developer || Open source enthusiast || Polyglot || Life long learner || from Hong Kong.

  • I really enjoy learning new stuff, especially with the state to the art technology. I guess just getting feeds from the top Dev is already a very good opportunity for me to achieve that.
  • Together, lets share the latest technology and build a stronger community! 😃
ryan_darling_87 profile image
Ryan Darling

Hello all!
My name is Ryan and I have previous background in Kinesiology and manual therapy (B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD, CSEP-CEP, RMT, R.Kin) and ran my own business offering therapy and training services for the past 7 years.
The pandemic really hit my industry hard, and a long-term injury in my lower back required surgery to keep walking in late Nov. 2021. The recovery timeline is 12 - 18 months and as a result I began an Advanced Diploma in Software engineering Technology online with co-op in Jan. 2022.
I am interested in all of it at the moment, and am mainly here to try and learn from more experienced individuals and potentially offer some help to others where I can as well.
Happy to be a part of the community.

zakimohammed profile image
Zaki Mohammed

Bello World,

I have my own blog named CodeOmelet, where I usually post some of my learning and pray that it will be helpful to others. As a dev, I am willing to help out and get help from other devs. Here I wanna meet new and awesome people to grow more as a dev 😃

singhvishesh9484 profile image
Vishesh Singh

Hello Everyone,
My name is Vishesh, I am a Computer Science Engineering Student, currently learning Full Stack Web Development.
I like writing Hindi poetries and giving respect to everyone.
I am very happy to join DEV community

rdinesmovavi profile image

Hi everyone! Name's Roman. I'm completely new to computer science, programming languages etc. So I'm here to learn more about my new passion and learn some tips to become better in programming. In future I want to create my own virtual synthesizer as custom instrument to create unique sounds. Have a nice day!

itschristinamba profile image
Christina Pacheco

Hello Dev world 👋🏽 I am a 20-something working remotely as a program manger in cloud security. MBA graduate with a focus in data analytics. Tableau is my best friend along with street tacos. I am Indigenous and Latinx, first gen and aspiring digital nomad.

I came to this space because I want to learn more about the dev community and read brilliant blog posts from smart minds.

Fun facts: I share my name with my abuelita and tias 💕. I wrote a children’s book 📕.

samuelyaro7 profile image
yaro samuel

After graduation, my development skills can't do much, so came here to upgrade learn from others, presently I am suppose to build am e-commerce website, but I will need help from other developers, would be happy if I can get help. Thanks

yadoverse profile image

Hi, while ago I tuned 18, and I said I want to get into coding and those stuff, I researched, and I have an uncle he has some sorts of big personal projects! And asked him for some advice and getting into the world of developing... and C#, .Net caught my attention 💠 and I really want to go down through that pass, and my goal is creating some personal projects, and maybe I don't know mix some SQL in the way between the two! And to be honest, I'm kinda overwhelmed with the stuff a bit☹️.

Yeah, that's the plan for now and I hope I be consistent with it😄

mo7ameds7awky profile image
Mohamed Shawky

Hi, I am mohamed shawky, seek to learn software engineering, mainly use PHP and Python.
I am here trying to share hopfully usefull thoughts of my learning journey, Make a great network with great people, So hi everyone.

donkokone profile image
Kaloyan Zahariev

Hello Dev community.
I have a boring education and an even more boring profession, but I have always liked programming. I started with my love of computer games and the meek imagination of making at least one. Years have passed since then, but the passion remains. I am glad to be in this community and I hope to learn a lot more because I really need it.

aspiringdev22 profile image

Hi everyone :)
I am currently a student who is aspiring of becoming a good developer. Currently learning front end dev . I want to build some cools stuffs and open a startup. Looking forward for new challenges everyday

victorhechel profile image
Victor Hechel

Hi everyone!

I'm a experienced back-end developer specialized on web applications. Currently I'm studying the microservices architecture with Spring and other new technologies. Hope to share some of my learning here and help people with a couple of posts.

ayowilfred95 profile image

Hello Dev house.
Am currently in my final year being an engineering student. Being working on IoT project that involves web development and database . Am currently talking courses on Cisco DevNet module and with some communities. Looking forward to becoming a full stack developer in couples of months now.

shetradesstuff profile image
Prachi Modi

Hi Everyone!!

Joining from New York City. I am an entrepreneur who is looking to connect with NFT devs & web developers to launch a never before done utilitarian NFT collection. Our company wants to work with devs who are knowledgeable and want to be contributors in the web 3.0 space. Looking forward to connecting!


zikazaki profile image
Zakariya Al-Khamisi

Hi everyone 👋
I’m Zakariya, a full-stack software engineer, passionate programmer and a big admirer of open source who loves to contribute to any type of project. As a self-proclaimed coding-artist, I do believe that coding is a scientific discipline at a basic level, but is an art form at a more sublime level so, every programmer has his own way of writing code, and I do have my own unique touch.

youngdev profile image
Young Dev

Hello there! I have been studying JavaScript for 8 month and recently I found my first job in IT as junior front-end developer! This is a difficult but very interesting path that I want to share with other people 😊

waynetuckermedia profile image

Hi. I'm Wayne. I just joined this community. I am a full stack web developer. I am constantly learning and enjoying the process. Well..sometimes when I'm not banging my head off the keyboard trying to debugg something. It's good to have people you can relate to and understand.

patrickjabba profile image
Patrick Monteiro Fischer

Hello there! Leaving behind my law degree and 10 years of lawyering to become software developer. I'm brazilian, living in Brazil and just started developing stuff a couple months ago.

I'm in a local programm of software residency, with has focus on Java, React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL, MongoDB and more.

santokh profile image
Santokh Veenasenan

Hello Community! 👋👋👋
🎉🎉 Hope everything is going well! 🎉🎉
😎 have been working as a full stack and blockchain technology developer for more than 6 years on some companies, sometimes and now as a freelancer. I have a bachelor's degree in informatics.
I believe that my 💪 strength is the ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently with fast learning new technologies. I can see any given situation from multiple perspectives, which makes me uniquely qualified to complete my work even under challenging conditions. That problem solving allows me to be a better communicator. I'm just as comfortable speaking to senior executives as I'm junior team members. In my opinion, my ability to see all sides of an issue will make me a great asset to the team.

Nowadays, I'm just freelancing and looking for a project to work on. 🤩
Thank you!😉

ravi_makhija profile image
Ravi Makhija

Hi Devs, just joined the platform seeking some meaningful relationships with like-minded people.

My name is Ravi, Founder & CEO of GuruTechnolabs, serving great web and mobile app development services for around 9 years. It's my love for development that brings me into the IT field despite being a graduate in Electronics and Communication.

This is just the extension of the same and currently, I am looking forward to connecting with the people who are experts in Flutter App Development. Cheers!

upadhyayhari_ profile image
Hemanshu Upadhyay

Hello Everyone👋,
My name Is Hemanshu Upadhyay and I am a Fullstack Developer, My stack is MERN Stack.
Basically I am not from IT Background, In 2020 I Joined one Coding Bootcamp for Learning Web development and since then i have transitioned my career into IT.

That's Short Intro about me. Let's get to know Each other by Connecting.


jtmuraski profile image
John Muraski

Hello! A year ago I made the switch from working in Manufacturing to being a Developer. There are times I miss working on those big old heavy machines, but I do love the new career. I currently work for a manufacturing company developing automation solutions.

While not a career wise entry level guy, I realize I am still entry level developer and am looking to improve my skills and knowledge. I am a .NET developer and am also AWS certified.

rizkypda profile image
Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan Syadrie

Hello World!

my name is Rizky and I'm from Indonesia, I just started learning to code 5 months ago, I'm currently enrolled at Binar Academy, a Full-stack Web development bootcamp here in Indonesia. I left my previous job as a banker for 8 years to study full time and pursuing my dream to become a Web Developer.

I have joined DEV to learn more about web development and share my experiences and journey along the way. Looking forward to connect with you all. Cheers!

lexis00 profile image
Alexis Simmons

Hey Dev community
I’m Alexis
I’m learning how to code and looking forward to hearing tips and suggestions. Happy to see how active this community is. A little bit about myself, I’m an active duty military member looking to switch career fields.

ki11er457 profile image

Hi everyone,

  • I am a nerdy guy who is very interested in a career in I.T/Software Developer
  • Currently working full-time in food service/ instructing martial arts and swim lessons
  • Have an AA in General Education SSAH (Social Science, Administrative & Hospitality)
  • Currently working with Python3 using many sources to learn
  • Looking to get started in an entry-level job in help desk as a start in the field
mmfahey profile image
Mackenzie Fahey

Hi everyone,

I'm Mackenzie, a data scientist in Pediatric Healthcare. My interests generally fall around understand the world through data, mathematics, and the scientific method. I found and joined this community because I am always looking for the best places to communicate with others about their work to learn about the possibilities for my own projects!

nurrehman profile image
Nadeem Ur-Rehman

Hi Devs,

Been an active follower of this amazing community posts, that inspired me to join and contribute my knowledge, learn new things, help community some open source projects mainly frontend/ UI side, please tag me or help me get started, even though I’ve full time job but wanted to be active in dev world.
Hope to get some great response.

beansontoast profile image

Hi there.

Joined this community in the hope of being able to lean on and learn from more experienced devs while I stumble my way around javascript and cypress. I might have bitten off more than I can chew but I guess you need to start somewhere.

Lots of manual QA experience so I'd like to see how tricky it would be to write test cases in javascript rather than plaintext.

For anyone else who might be on a similar path, I came across an article that contain a decent amount of mock websites you could execute your automation tests on.

fathidevs profile image

Hello Devs! My name is Fathi, I'm specializd in Android development, I got a job last Feb and I'm working on Flutter every single day since then. I'd love if it was native Android but requirements are requirement. Also I'm learning laravel coz the company is web dev focused and I want to be involved in as many as possible 😂

greg09 profile image
Gregory Liard

Bonjour à tous, je suis débutant sur sur ce forum ainsi que pour le métier de développeur web , je suis actuellement en formation. j'espère que je pourrais compter sur votre aide au besoin de précision. bon courage à tous.

justtanwa profile image
Tanwa Sripan

Hi everyone,

I have a background in Mathematics so naturally I enjoy problem solving so coding and programming as been fun so far! (And some times a little stressful)
I have joined DEV to learn more about web development and share my experiences and journey along the way. I am currently learning React framework.


zitrocode profile image
Oscar Ortiz

👋 Hello devs!
I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer specializing more in back-end using JavaScrpt and TypeScript.

🧑‍🏫 I have worked as a computer science teacher, however I have not been able to get a job in the area I am currently majoring in. ☹️

👨‍💻 Therefore, I made the decision to create open source projects to develop and improve my skills.

👇 You can see my most recent project here: 👇

jaulo profile image
Paulo Bento

Hello, world!

I am a brazilian Data Science student looking to collaborate in almost any type of beginner projects. I know a bit of Python and some of its libs (numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly express) and am currently on day 12 of the "30 Days of JavaScript" challenge (

I have over 7 years of experience in customer experience roles and a bit of financial background as well :)

shameerchagani profile image
Shameer Chagani

Hello There,

I am a web developer. Currently a freelancer. I started my journey to learn how to code back in 2019 just before Covid19 was discovered. Moving on since then I have realized the importance of Internet and applications(whether it may be web application or smartphone application or robotics...). My passion towards coding became so strong during the past couple of years and i have learnt several programming languages and frameworks. I expertise myself in MERN development but not limited just to that i can and am doing more.
I have joined this community because now i feel ready and confident about myself to share my skills and knowledge with the community and can make a difference.

tilepieces profile image

Hello everyone

If you are a web professional and you deal with html files and frontend projects, please take a look to
I've created a post to introduce it to you at

It'a all open source and free! You don't need to subscribe to anything!

I hope that it may be useful for your workflow.

andreastepel profile image
Andreas Tepel

Hey everybody!

My name is Andreas and I am Co-Founder of the German-based SaaS startup Mate.

With Mate we are revolutionizing the way (large) companies are producing digital assets for their communication in a brand-aligned way.

My technical focus/experience is mainly JS/TS-based (React + Node.js/NestJS).

If you like exchanging about technical or product topics, just hit me up.

As well I would love to help at technical questions if anyone is currently starting his/her own company or side project.


micaelrpereiragti profile image

Olá, me chamo Micael e estou com 27 anos, trabalhei por muito tempo como suporte N1 em manutenção de computadores e automação comercial. Hoje atuo como analista, trabalhando diretamente com servidores linux, desenvolvimento básico de scripts em Shell Script e manipulação de dados para Dashboard Grafana, com MySQL. E estou iniciando uma migração para a carreira que de longe sempre namorei com muita expectativa, Desenvolvedor Web.

Tive alguns contatos com desenvolvimento web, e o último foi através do Codaí, onde criamos uma aplicação para controle financeiro. Para realizar este projeto, desenvolvi conhecimento básico nas linguagens HTML, CSS e JavaScript, onde também utilizei o framework Bootstrap.

Estou iniciando o Programa Starter Web Developer Full Stack 7ª Edição, na GrowDev e cada vez mais perto do tão almejado sonho, se tornar um Desenvolvedor Web.

whoami: micaelPereira

sandy06 profile image
Sandra Sanders

Hi, I just finished a coding bootcamp and am trying to move into the coding world. I got a BSME in 1980 and then somehow about 25 years ago i was sidetracked into the insurance management world. I broke out and want to go back to my love of tech. Any advice would be welcome. I am looking for projects to help with. I have 6 months of JavaScript and ended the bootcamp with Mern.

eprbell profile image

Hi all,
I'm a former Silicon Valley engeneer who quit a cushy job to become an independent software developer. My current interests are Bitcoin and Quantum Computing.

The first project of my new career is a privacy-focused, free, open-source US crypto tax calculator, called RP2. Check it out!

bluemont profile image

Hi, all -- I'm looking to make a late-career shift toward full-stack web development. Would like to work in the nonprofit space to support work that helps the disadvantaged, the environment, etc. Self-taught via online courses. My two main projects so far have been an online community for people in support groups (Python with PostgreSQL) and a multiplayer "neighborhood" poker game (NodeJS with MongoDB). Both have been solo projects, so I need some experience working with others on a shared codebase, like contributing to open-source via Github, or doing hackathons.

belobrol profile image
Maria Belo Brol

Best of luck with your professional change. I looked at your website, and you appear to have a solid professional reputation. I hope everything goes as planned for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance.

foxfabi profile image
Fabian Dennler

Hi everyone!

Every day is a gift and an opportunity to explore the world and discover something new.

Today @olen_d saved me a lot of time. I also messed up the same 3 key points he mentions in his post about "How to Access dotenv Variables Using fastify-env Plugin".

Now i'm here 😎

nobinkhan profile image
Md. Nazrul Islam Khan

Assalamu walaikum Everyone.
I am Mohammed Nazrul Islam Khan.
I am a django, Svelte developer but I can be also useful as a devops too. I am very new in svelte but it's almost two years in django. I am preparing a university management system for my practicum defense. I recently worked as a IT support engineer in a IT solutions in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Now I am here to share my little knowledge and learn from you all..
Thanks for having me..

jeeteshnigam profile image
Jeetesh Nigam

I'm jeetesh, an Entrepreneur
I'm very ambitious in building something. Well i love tech. But not now how to code, but it doesn't regret me

I'm here to connect with you, to make tech guys friend.
Sharing benefit to each other.
Nothing else!

hmei3 profile image
David Yoda

Hi everyone!

I'm a backend developer who wants to learn Frontend techniques to be a full stack. Also I'd like to share what I've learned here to help others. I hope everyone here would succeed in their careers. KEEP ROCKING!

dwweb0309 profile image

I am here to expand my dev life and share experience
What a great world! I find it more and more interesting and amazing to be in dev world.
Javascript is one of those who make me proud to be a developer

iamarpain profile image
IamArpain • Edited

Hello Dev,

According to me, I am late to join this community but today I thought, I won't eat or sleep until I join here. 😄 [ Just kidding ]

Now, I want to learn from Dev and in between I will share my learning stuffs.


majjimaj profile image
Majoy Obejero

Hi Dev community!

I've been working in an office setup for almost 6 years, and I have decided to fully take the current trend of working from home.
I am super excited to start my adventure with Digital Marketing in my new environment setup with limitless experience and learning to explore.

I have been coding with AngularJS and PHP. As I am new to this community, I am looking forward to grow and share my experience and learn from this community also.

Let me start my whole new adventure with you!

immonroe profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Manny and I am hoping to turn my childhood dream into my reality! I've always been huge into videogames, and I eventually decided "hey I want to make them, that would be cool" after doing some research as a kid I learned that they were built on computers and it blew my little mind! I always wanted to work on games and learn programming but as I got older I started to doubt my ability and had some serious imposter syndrome so I chose to get my degree in social work as I felt that it was more "safe" for someone like me.

After working in the field for a few years, I realized I hated it lol. I left my old job during COVID when everything shut down and started dabbling in programming again. Fast forward to now and I am finally starting my journey of hopefully becoming a full-time software developer while making indie games on the side for fun with friends!

remoterevolutions profile image
Rich Hutnik (Remote Revolutions)

Hello everyone. I am currently working on obtaining more Azure and AWS certifications. I was AWS until I was able to get an Azure class funded. I will be blogging about what I am working on, particularly my extended version of the Cloud Resume Challenge, which can likely be seen as a Cloud Portfolio Challenge. The site is currently at:

teriyakidonaki profile image
Zaki Juhari

Hello folks. Stumbled here looking for a safe platform to document and share my journey: Becoming a Front-End Developer With No Credentials In My Thirties.

It's never too late to make a change. Or so I tell myself.

vinesh27 profile image
Vinesh Rajpurohit

Hello Everyone!

I am Vinesh, a Java Developer at Google from India. I like to code in my free time (not like I don't do that 24/7). I also post tips and tricks on my Twitter & Instagram. I to meet new people and share my knowledge with everyone. I work using Java, SpringBoot and MERN Stack. I also have a good knowledge of Python.

Thank You!

jakedoescode profile image

Hey everyone! I left my previous job to study full time, Currently working through The Odin Project and pursuing my goal of becoming a Web Developer. YouTuber "Fireship" suggested networking and documenting my journey into web development.

Hope to speak with and learn from everyone I can!

immonroe profile image

Glad to have you here Jake, good luck on your journey!

kingmeleph profile image

Hi I am a Junior developer that have been working for a few years on a fixing issue, I want to learn more about programing since I think I got stuck and I am not learning anything new. I am interest on web development to start doing my own stuff.

lavina04jain profile image

Hey guys,
I'm a student who is new to the word of coding but I'm quite fascinated by it.
I heard about a puzzle competition of Harvard #CS50 and that brought me to this page. I would love to be your teammate

takuchimanaz profile image
Takudzwa L Chimanikire

Hello everyone,my name is Takudzwa and I am from Zimbabwe.I am excited to be part of this great community.I am currenty build web projects using MERN stack and I am also learning mobile dev with Xamarin.

shashwat545 profile image
Shashwat Singh

Hey there, hello everyone I'm currently a student at IIT Bhubaneswar and I have been exploring different development fields since the last year like Web, Android and more. I was searching for articles on how to increase my GitHub engagement and that is what brought me here. My Github is Shashwat545, please give it a visit and star any repos that you might like. Have a good day!

lgnoschese profile image
Luís Gustavo Noschese

Obrigado pessoal por me permitirem em fazer parte dessa comunidade Maravilhosa!! Estou migrando de área, trabalhei durante anos como Projetista em arquitetura, porém em função de um projeto de minha autoria, e por não conseguir encontrar ninguém na época para poder fazer esse trabalho, eu resolvi entrar nessa área, pois vi nela muitas possibilidades, sendo assim, eu comecei a aprender códigos como: HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, PHP, MySQL, SQLite, SQL server, Power BI, e depois de ter esse conhecimento À aproximadamente dois anos, e depois disso ei resolvi entrar em uma faculdade em Analise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, onde estou atualmente cursando.

westernal profile image
Ali Navidi

Hi everybody, I'm a software engineering student from iran and a junior frontend developer with a little knowledge of backend developing. i'm 21 and currently looking for an internship for summer 2022 outside this country and i hope one day i'll be leaving this country. i love to code clean and make websites with best performance! i'm new to this website and hope to use your helps to be a better programmer and person!

composer0 profile image
Orion Palmer

Hey there,
I’m new to the community. I am a music educator who is working on transitioning into the tech field.

I started my journey back at the beginning of January and have been thoroughly enjoying learning how to create in a different medium.

I’m always looking to learn and find ways to teach what I know in ways that others might find helpful. Different perspectives matter ;)

I look forward to reading and sharing ideas with everyone!


citizensav profile image

Hi, I'm Sav! I'm based in NYC and am currently in biopharmaceutical marketing and growth strategy for large companies (Amgen, Sanofi, Takeda, Bayer). I really love the work but I'm hoping to switch to more innovative tech! I'm enrolled in a Python / AI program and I'm LOVING it! I would love to connect with people or talk about any projects anyone has done in that space (especially anything neuro)! So glad I found this community - happy coding!

webidiotonline profile image
Ryan Evans • Edited

Hey Dev Community,

Ryan Evans here! I've been immersed in the world of web development for over a year. I have a certificate in full stack web development from The Ohio State University. I just recently built a handy web app full of coding resources, which is available here: I still have a lot to learn, but it's been a fun ride so far! Nice to meet everyone!

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (she/her)

Hiya!! Im Emily and Im actively transitioning from Recipe Developer to Front End Developer - looking for that first job to make the transition official! Excited to be a part of this community and all the new things to come!

belobrol profile image
Maria Belo Brol

Nice to meet you. Good Look.

carleii_dev profile image
Carleii Dev

Hello.. I'm shy
I'm a neuronal network dev.
By the way I need a dev gf ❣️

donna_pringle100 profile image
Donna Pringle

I am a counselor...I like helping people. I am retired from tech field.

belobrol profile image
Maria Belo Brol

Is it possible for you to help me?
It's a tough situation to be in. Hard work. However, I am confident in my abilities.

donna_pringle100 profile image
Donna Pringle

I hope so. What is going on?

nickgabe profile image
Nícolas Gabriel

Hello world :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


diegobreeg profile image


I'm a self-taught studant. Actuly i have studied JavaScript.
I decided to join the de dev community to share the things I'm learning and to pratice my english.

mohitshrivas profile image
Mohit shrivas

Hello Dev people!
I am student , I am here to be a learning somthing new

vallettasoft profile image
Vallettasoft Web Design Agency

Hello everyone!!

I believe that I will find very useful and entertaining posts on this platform. I'm just a member and I wish everyone the best! 😊😊😊

donna_pringle100 profile image
Donna Pringle

I would love to talk about 'Burnout' because I have it...I would like to have a support group👩🏻‍🌾

eoguh profile image
Emmanuel Oguh

Hi, I'm Emmanuel Oguh. A django developer.
I'll like to meet and network with my fellow Django developers here.

leurdev profile image
Leur Com

Hi. I am new to programming. I don't know how to start and already thinking of how can I continue even if I haven't started yet.

redstormhub profile image

Hey there, I'm glad to join these community.

ivankalatchev profile image
Ivan Kalatchev

Hi, great community! If anyone wants they can follow me, I will post my shitty comments on our industry here.

bohl_rudo profile image
Rudo Bohl

Hey Good Day Everyone 🙏💗🦌

gowrishankartanso profile image

hi ,dev this gowri shankar nice to be here.

mauvis profile image
Mauricio Junqueira

Hello Dev! Love the community!

Let's Code and Roll

denordd profile image
Damien Mohammed

wpexplorer profile image

We've been building WordPress products for decades. I have come across so many times when Googling for answers while coding but never's about time!

marifm1986 profile image
Arif Matubber

Hello Dev Friends !
hope you all are doing well

ace_w1zard profile image

Hello family, new here and trying to better my coding skills. I may not be the smartest person here but I will contribute where I can, learn as much as I can and try my best.

grishavasilyan profile image
Grisha Vasilyan • Edited

Hi Devs!
I am Grisha, I want to improve my professional skills and learn deeply what I use usually and know.
I am happy to be part of this community🙂

tvanfosson profile image
Tim VanFosson


Currently Head of Product Engineering at a startup, HomeValet. Looking forward to great conversations about how we can help each other be better.

mako_thecoder profile image
mako the_coder


ritshkumar profile image
Ritesh Kumar

Hello Dev people,
I am a newbie, wanted to explore more in dev part. So here, I am.

jobjacob profile image
Imhologhomhe Theophilus

Hello seniors
Am imhologhomhe Theophilus from Nigeria.
A web developer

anugupta7273 profile image

i m newbie coder here guys help me !

cmcoder2012 profile image

Hi Community 👋

shiahalan profile image

Hello world!

yomassive profile image
Andrew Belykh

Hello there, I'm Andrew.
I love JavaScript, Node, webdev itself and making things easier with programming.
I liked because it's lightweight)

brauliodisla profile image
Braulio Disla

Hello my name is Braulio Disla I´m a programmer new in this

thevoltron profile image
Silver Chiahemba

Hello everyone, feels great to here amongst y'all. Hoping to tap from your wealth of experience and learn more for me.

billyjackbit profile image

Sup crew!
Creative with an entrepreneurial spirit, supporter of healthy lifestyle movement. Out of the loop for a bit pursuing other interests. Won a guitar allegedly owned by Eric Clapton, allegedly.

justina08 profile image

Hi Dev people, I am here to learn and collaborate with you guys. 😊

shreedharhegde profile image
Shreedhar Hegde

Hi folks..this is Shreedhar. I am currently learning web dev along with ds and algo. Want to specialise in Frontend development. Open to all suggestions and instructions.

namantiwari profile image
Naman Tiwari

Hey, there Dev Community! so excited to join the dev atmosphere and sync it to greater heights!

master360 profile image
Elias El Jaovich

Hi community! greetings i'm from in Venezuela , I want have a good feedback with these deal people !

ryder profile image

I'm Ryder, I'm a CS student and also a Software Engineering Student at ALX.
I hope to learn and connect.

thisisfeekey profile image

Hi, i've been trying to run flask on pycharm for windows to no avail. Is there a way I can run it using the community version without getting errors?

marcelorafaelfeil profile image
Marcelo Rafael


I'm here just to learn more about dev and to enjoy in some community with another devs. For long time I ignored some communities and I know that it's a big mistake from my part.

abbaskiko2 profile image

I absolutly confused

ruchinasamuel profile image

My name is Ruchina Samuel, am a young web developer. Am finding JavaScript difficult to understand please I need some guide

diegocolero profile image

Hello everyone! 🇪🇸
I want to read about developments and much more!

morrisdev profile image

Hi everyone dev people ! 👋
I’m Morris and I’m full stack web developer from 5 years 👨🏻‍💻🙇‍♂️I’m here to get opportunities to discover something new.

joacosn profile image

Hi, i am a 21 year old boy who decided to change his path and start university again to study Computer Science. I am currently learning SQL.

curiouscoder profile image
Lenny Adams

Hello World! :)
I'm happy to be here. Thanks for the recommendation, Jonathan!

kunkka0822 profile image

Hello Developers!

It's very lucky to work with you.

Thanks & Regards

joeephwild profile image

Hey dev I’m Joseph a young web developer looking grow my skills and get an internship job and maybe one day grow to be a senior in this

ac3kill3r profile image

Happy to be here, if you follow my profile and like my post that will be generous.

malikarami profile image
Maryam Alikarami

Hi everyone, I am a third year computer engineering student and currently working as a frontend developer. I am here in hope of learning new thrends and technologies ^^

metak47 profile image

Merhaba arkadaşlar
Sanırım vakit geçirmek için uygun bir yerdeyiz

karimrostov profile image

Hi everyone!

I am a senior full stack developer with 8+ years of experience.

I want u to collaborate with me on developing software.

Yours Truly

bewalt profile image
Blair Ewalt

Hi devs! Thanks for having me!!!

buhari221 profile image
Buhari Nuhu


I am a Beginner, i am determined learn more languages to boost up my programming knowledge as required. I have BSc in Information and Communication Technology.

obaid profile image
Obaid Qatan

Hi DEV Community!

It is my pleasure to join such a nice and enthusiastic community. I am very excited to share my ideas and learn from other experienced members.

Thank you

msoup profile image

Hi. I joined today, and also made my first technical blog post today. :)

I'm a Canadian software developer in Japan.

I'm happy to network and connect with anyone here.

bilbo profile image


harry696969 profile image

thank u

ciola_juliana profile image
Juliana Ciola Beltrami

O que me trouxe aqui foi o Twitter. 👣

aldokw18 profile image

Yuhu proud to be hre

jixboa profile image

Hi Devs, Great to Join you.👌

thuorey profile image
Ess Tee

Probably the newest newbie as of now! Looking forward to an intensified learning exprience and interacting with y'all.

chengqilong profile image

Hi everyone,

I am a web developer

smilingtechguy profile image
Ojo daniel

Hello guys I'm learning to be a Web dev

nafil161 profile image
Mohamed Nafil T.N

Hello DEV's
For a long period of time i was a spectator, who come and read some articles and go away. Now i am very excited to be a part of DEV community. To learn and connect with likely people's.

rivanrivaldi21 profile image

Hi Everyone, i'm new here and wanna have a friends to discuss a lot of fun things about programming.

robertliu6866 profile image

hi all laravel newcomer

madhur_ahuja profile image
Madhur Ahuja

Hi There awesome people! Super thrilled to be here!

giuliopie profile image
Giulio Piepoli

Hello community.
I am Giulio, passionate about web applications and blockchain. :)

yosidd profile image
Hamid 🎧

Hello 👋.
I am Hamid.
Currently working on my portfolio page.

alfonzo_kgakole_007 profile image
Alfonzo Kgakole

Hello dev people
My name is Alfonzo and im currently studying java and Php

vasya profile image

Hi everyone. I started learning programming and I'd like to work in the field of IT technologies. What is most interesting is that I want to succeed it myself.

sunday_opawole profile image
Opawole sunday iyanuoluwa


demneg profile image
Singou Dembele

very happy to be part of such community

reuf profile image
Muhamed Halilovic

Hi there.
Software dev from Bosnia here.
Done a bit of Java/Liferay. Done some Python/Django/Scripting. Done some JS/Angularjs/React/Node. Done some PHP/Typo3.
Jack of all arts, master of none.

stablec0de profile image

hello guy !

Writing stable code here

fanijufun profile image
Fadeyi Olaniyi J

Hello, I am a student am interested in coding.. Python csharp Java and android app

fanijufun profile image
Fadeyi Olaniyi J

Hi... Am newbies, am open to ideas on how to be a programmer

rinegade_sol profile image

hello dev people :)
I'm web3 dev at Aldrin Labs
working on secret web3 protocol
passionate about bitcoin, NFT, Anchor framework

eprbell profile image

Welcome, fellow Bitcoiner :-)

crystalwizard profile image

Just saying hi. found a bug in Break the Code 2 and had to create an account here in order to report it

ebubeevan profile image
Evangeline Mmayie

Hello everyone. I'm a medical student transitioning into tech. I'm currently enrolled at Freecodecamp. There's alot I don't know and I'm eager to learn from you guys!

sayalikarnewar profile image
Sayali Karnewar

Hi, Sayali here from Mumbai, India. Working as a SDE1 at Assurekit Tech. Python enthusiast and learning at a fast pace.

sarajw profile image
Sara Joy

Hi! I came here looking for the DEV stickers (ordered now) and found the community :)

I'm currently trying to level up and hopefully find myself in a career I am much more engaged with :)

oscarjeremiasdev profile image
Oscar Jeremias jc

Hi everyone

I'm Óscar Jeremias, I'm a front end programmer using html,css,js,reactjs,redux,formik,nextjs,nodejs,restfull and more. I really enjoy learning and teaching what I know to other devs

user_7eb25ee9f7 profile image

Hello alll , I’m Salesforce Developer from India. Currently acquiring knowledge on JavaScript for transitioning to front end developer.. Very happy to be part of community…

jsduniya profile image

Hello All!

musisferreira profile image
Musis Ferreira

hello team!

ibnuhabibie profile image
Ibnu Habibie

Hello World !!!
I am Ibnu fullstack developer, i am happy to be a part of this community.
Looking forward to learn from all of you so we could grow together! :-)

lefthandlou profile image
Lindsay Bestvater

Hello everyone! I am learning to code through the Odin Project. Currently working through the Foundations curriculum.

techmate profile image

Hello techies :*

amilessej profile image

Hello people, i'm trying to learning a bit of everything, wish me luck!

judaaaa profile image
Judah Dasuki

Good luck broo

erickdev03 profile image

hello World. i'm new here.

isayamp profile image
Isaya M Pombo

Hello devs!!
I am happy to join you here.
I hava not much experience but I work hard in Programming.
Web and Mob developement are my favorites.

firmbeecom profile image

Hi everyone, nice to meet you!

🐝Firmbee is passionate about business development, project and product management. Looking forward to learn from all of you so we could grow together! :-)

joshuapaullasisi profile image


jeremiah_atoyebi_4d22f502 profile image
Jeremiah Atoyebi

Hello, I’m hall to be a part of this community

braddy profile image
Saurabh Bhise

Helllo, i am eager to be contributing in this community
From Pune and am jobless😂

1515rosa profile image
Dusty Hordofel BAMANA

Hello world , I’m happy to be here !

lovinepoyzs profile image
John Paul Palmes • Edited


ninjacoderz profile image
