Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
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Dear, everyone. Hope you are doing well.
As a software developer, I have been worked as full stack and blockchain developer for over 4 years. I had already build many successful projects and maintain them. In recent days, I started learning AI. I am going to make post related AI here and share my work on Github ongoing. Hope to be with you on my AI journey.
To encourage me continue work, please follow me on :
Best Regards.
best of luck :)
Nice Boss
Good day everyone, please how can I know how to do ethical hacking please
Good luck in everything! Nice CryptoZombie project btw!
Hello and welcome to dev.to Community ! 👋🏼😉
Hello @thomasbnt …nice to see
Hello dev community! I just created an account hoping this will help me along in my journey to learn C#
Heyo! 👋 Awesome to have ya with us, Kerry.
Hope your coding journey is going well!
You may have already done this, but I'd recommend following the #csharp tag in order to see more C# articles in your feed.
And if you have any questions about using DEV, don't hesitate to hit me up here or via email - michael@dev.to.
Catch ya later!
Hello dear DEV folks,
I am atul prajapati from India
And you?
Hi everyone, happy to be here with you,
I am a software developer,
interested in software architecture and design of solutions,
I am a contributor in Unified Identity which is a boilerplate for asp.net projects (unifiedprojects.net/)
also interested with management of development teams, teams productivity, azure environment, .... etc.
Hello everybody.
I'm Fabián, Data engineer, and a functional programming enthusiast. My main stack is Python, Haskell, and Typescript. Also, I'm interested in learning Rust and Elixir.
I like everything related to software development, computer science and mathematics, I'm interested in books, articles, videos, etc. about Type Theory, Category Theory, FP, Logic programming, software architecture, programming languages theory, etc.
Category theory blew my mind when I first encountered it :-)
I love writing about my coding Journey...But for a long while I have only actualized that in my thoughts and mind. Right now I would really love to take dev.to and all it's community members along with me as I start this wonderful Journey.
Hiyaaaa, I’m Steph, 29 and from Leeds UK. I’m pretty new to coding and so far learnt html, css and JavaScript. In the end I would love to be able to build apps.
In my spare time I love food, theatre, art, books, travel and architecture.
Welcome Steph! Hope you'll have a great journey here full of development and fun :)
Thank you Jihed 😀
Hey, everyone! I'm Hristiyan.
I'm passionate about software engineering and love to solve problems. I'm also interested in mental and physical health and nutrition. I recently built my blog dodov.dev in which I plan to share everything that has made a difference in my life, both development related and not. When I discovered this friendly community, I decided that it'd be great to join and share my development insights here as well.
If by any chance you're interested, you can read more about me in my first post. Cheers! 🤙
Hello everybody! It's my first time on a forum and I chose dev.to because many of my friends recommended the community here so I'm so glad to join and ready to answer your questions and get to know you guys. Have a nice day <3
Hi All,
I'm a full stack web developer, with all my own learnings. I'm here to learn what I don't know and share what I know...
Hi Dev community, I like math and try to create visual art with like discovering relationships between Fibonacci/Lucas numbers and Elliptic curves using Sagemath in the picture. I have a background in controls and machine programming using a mix of crazy code compilers bending bits and bytes. Thank you for sharing and giving me orientation. I will have to think about a contribution or collaboration with some of you. Let me know your thoughts , have a great creative day. Cheers Jakob
OOPS not sure about the picture
Hello, i'm just a random junior programmer that hates OOP and loves functional programming languages. I know C, C++, Rust(I use mainly only C and Rust), and I know also Python, that i use for hacking and penetration testing.
Hiya Everyone!
I am a university student aspiring to build a career in data science. I started on this journey with a few programming courses on DataCamp and it really sparked my interest in this field.
I am really looking to expand my learning through Dev and interact with more likeminded individuals in the community. I'll be posting all my learnings as well, hopefully it can benefit a few of y'all :))
Hi All: good to be here; coming from a VFP background but interested in most web technologies; just started the exciting journey of converting my previous projects (HR and Staff Payroll; School Management ; ASYCUDA Document parsing and Library System) to web applications ++
Hey! This is my first post on DEV and all I can say is that I'm a newborn in this world ;). I started to learn JS a few weeks ago and hopefully I'll become a developer one day as good as many of you already are. Cheers!
Hey!! Hope y'all doing well. Just wanted to say hi in the welcome thread. Hi!!. i'm just baby stepping into programming. i could use your help. y'all feel free to teach me something. appreciate that. Thank you!!
I'm new to the programming world. And I believe I will find someone to hold me by the hand and walk me through web development/design (Full stack), AI/Ml, UI/UX or any other skills you're equipped with 🤲. God bless you
I'm Flourish by the way, from Nigeria
Hello 👋🏻 hope everyone is well 👍🏻 I'm quite new to development specifically, although I have fiddled around with web design and admin stuff from early on in life and have a lot of experience with PCs in general.
Looking forward to learning a lot and helping out wherever I can 😁
Hiya folks,
I have a background in graphic design but have recently pivoted to pursue web development. I wanted to challenge myself while also opening up new opportunities. Currently apprenticing / studying JS. Nice to be here. :)
Hello Everyone, Hope you all are doing well.
I'm a telecom professional with experience on VAS, IMS domains. I'm currently working on to build my skills on Cloud & DevOps technologies and looking for relevant opportunities in the same fields.
Currently I'm on learning path of Terraform, AWS & Python.
I hope to learn as much as possible from the other members.
Hello Everyone,
I came across an amazing opportunity for us coders and blockchain enthusiasts: bit.ly/3A6Em5Z
TezAsia Hackathon is a month-long hackathon organised by Tezos India and Tezos APAC with the goal of promoting and making Tezos blockchain more accessible to the general public.
This is a chance for all Dev-Heads who are with a competitive streak to showcase their tier one game and also get a chance to win hefty cash prizes. TezAsia Hackathon aims to build an innovation-driven culture by solving real-world challenges. Showcase your skills at our hackathon and win amazing prizes worth $100k+, grants up to $100k+ and an opportunity to get hired and work with the best-existing dapps & Tezos entities in the ecosystem.
Link to apply: bit.ly/3A6Em5Z
Hey all,
My name is Kushal, a growth marketer + beginner software developer with experience in Python & SQL. I am also a growth marketer at Shotstack.io, a video editing API provider that allows developers to build scalable video & media applications.
You can check our API at shotstack.io. Feel free to reach out to me
Hello! Just joined the Dev.to community :) I am a new developer and looking to connect with other folks in tech. I already know HTML, CSS, JavaScript and am learning React.
If anyone has suggestions for contributing to open source projects (either how-to's /best practices or suggestions for open source projects) I am all ears! I have yet to contribute to any but really want to.
Hello friends,
As a UI UX designer sometimes i played a lot with colors in figma, And got myself confused which color combination should i use for my new design, same for fonts… Sometimes the good color combinations can’t make me choose because of too much playing with colors..
How many of my friends are dealing with this situation?
Hello Everyone, I'm newbie and am glad I joined to this community. So am pretty new to coding, I started learning coding late last year which I have passion for it, because of what I love doing; gaming, internet surfing stuffs like that. So far I learnt some basic skills on HTML, CSS and C++ I wish to develop apps and games some day. Thanks
Hello Community,
Hope you're all having an awesome one so far!
Just wanted to drop a 'hello' to everyone--Hello!
Been trying to get more familiar with development and have been hoping to get more familiar with front-end; Javascript!
Looking forward to connecting!
Hey great people in Dev community. Hope all is well with us all. I am a web developer with one year experience but still have a lot to learn according to my dreams.
Currently learning python and today marks the 6th day of my python journey. I learnt about variables, expression, operator and operands, types of variables.
Today's lesson is still hard for me to understand, mostly Global var and local var. But I believe with practice and time, everything will become easy.
Will be looking out for your help if you have any to offer.
Hope I'm welcomed in this place.
Happy learning and growing to us🎉🎉
Hello Everyone, Hope you all are doing well.
I am Sarvagya from India and i am a Fresher and I want to be a good developer. For which I have started studying C++ from today. I joined this so that I keep getting help from seniors of this field and if I become something in future then I can help others too. Let's hope for the best.
Hi, I'm Mantas. I am a Front End developer who builds websites and web applications. I specialize in JavaScript and have some experience working with Ruby.
Specialities: Javascript, React, Node, HTML/CSS, Git, Github.
Interests and current projects
Big Projects
-🌟 LewisBot: One of my largest projects yet which I am so grateful to lead. LewisBot is a Discord bot I am developing for the aspiring (and inspiring) tech youtuber, Lewis Menelaws. youtube.com/c/CodingwithLewis/ { Contact Lewis }
Tools and Languages
Contact Me
My Website
More information can be found on my GitHub
Hi Theo, I'm currently studying programming with Alx and learning C at the moment. Yeah turns out the language is still wildly popular. And one of the best starting points for new programmers to get a solid grasp of the subject matter.
Hello. After developing the concept of the computer in my garage, I accidentally let the secret out and now all you people are cashing in! Not really, but my interest in tech in its many contexts has spanned 50 years, I think. Of course, we didn't have all this quantum string stuff back when I was a young genius. I like to stay at least slightly aware of tech evolution and modern thought, so I go where the REAL geniuses are.
Hi Dev,
Just started my journey to share some thoughts and ideas during the development of the website PDF Reviewer, which enables user to annotate PDF files in markdown, with latex support.
I found dev.to on google when I searched for something technical. Here gathered lots of passionate people. Glad to join as a member !
Hi, I'm an idiot that likes to make far to many hypothetical questions but still lacks the skill to try getting a answer to them, But I do try to learn everyday a little bit more.
Currently I'm a web developer looking for his first job in the industry, as hobbies I like to use code for art and as a way to illustrate philosophical theories I come up with.
Hi Dev,
My name is Riley. I'm an artist in New York City. I'm in the middle of a career pivot from acting and comedy to coding. I'm enrolled in Flatiron School's immersive software engineering bootcamp, starting in three days. Exciting!
I am a novice. Like a fresh newborn, I cannot understand much and I am inexplicably wet.
My posts on Dev will chart my journey from a technical standpoint. I also post daily about the more general observations of my learning experience at rileysoloner.com/blog
Hi All,
I have been a software engineer now for many years, I'm just branching out into bootstrapping a small side project startup. I also blog about all sorts of things I find interesting.
blog: greenchapel.dev
side project: ezConsole.dev
Hello, Dev community! Good to be here. I've been a Flutter developer throughout my career for almost 2 years now. I am constantly searching for a community to join to learn new things and share what I know with the community. I hope I can learn new things here with you all by my side.
Hello everyone! I just discover this amazing community, I hope to read you all ;)
My name is Jairo and I'm from Spain, I've been working as #Java #Spring Software Developer for 2 years and half, so there is a lot of room to improve. So I'll be happy to learn and improve in this community.
See you around!
Hi, Dev.to Community. I am a student from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿. I am currently learning web development
Hello, everyone. Hope you all are doing well.
Hello,The DEV word!
Hello !!!
Hello everyone! Wishing you all a nice day. I'm from the Philippines and I just discovered this community. Cheers!
Welcome EveryOne,
I share my Open Source Projects with you.
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
Share on
CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).
We are Looking for...
We are looking for:
If you are interested, please contact us at zigrazor@gmail.com or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client ) upon 0mq framework
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client )
CXXMicroService is a C++ library, that manages MicroServices, upon different Framework ( actually only 0mq is implemented).
We are Looking for...
We are looking for:
If you are interested, please contact us at zigrazor@gmail.com or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
Multi Thread Library
MTL (Multi Threading Library)
Multi Threading Library is a set of utilities, easy and ready to use for common task in multi threading environment and development.
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Getting Started
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
The following are required to get the project up and running.
Google Test
Python State Machine
PyStateMachine is a Framework that support state machines in Python
How to Run
Work in Progess
Work in Progess
Test Suite
Work in Progress
How to contribute
We are pleased to inform you that this repository is participating in the #Hacktoberfest!
Happy Coding!
E-Mail : zigrazor@gmail.com
GitHub Profile
To support me just add Star the project
or follow me 
To get updated watch the project
Project Info
Hello, My name is Ashish from India an aspiring developer and finance enthusiast. I hope this platform will help me in achieving my goals in my career.
Hi everyone, just got here. Hope to learn and share and connect.
Hello World.
Hi everyone! I'm happy to be here. Hoping to learn alot from great bosses in here
Hello...This is Avinash vishwakarma and I am CSE graduate. I am here to learn Front End development. Please guide me to the right path.
Hello...This is Avinash vishwakarma and I am CSE graduate. I am here to learn Front end development. Please guide me to the right path.
hello everyone
Hi there 👋
I found this community as I was searching for to find out why I’m so stuck learning JavaScript 😒😂
Happy to be here 😀
Hello dev community, currently learning ReactJS and hope to connect!!
Hello Keshav !
Nice to meet you :)
Hello everyone welcome me to this community and teach me everything
Hey everyone,
I'm a self taught web designer and beginner web developer. Hoping to learn so much from you guys. I'm happy to be part of the community.
Hi ,
I have read several post in website and it been all great, so I decide to join, hoping this can help me in the webdev field.
My name is Pinto. Thanks for having me here. Regards
Hello everyone!
Just created my dev. ACC, looking forward to learning more about cloud security, Blockchain dev and obviously create networks with peers and Start Growing ...
Hi everyone, I’m Samuel ... Now starting with php and MySQL so will really need your help in the coming days ...
Happy to be here.
I love javascript.
Hi Everyone,
As a Full-stack developer, I'm here for various purposes.
-Make Friends in this Field(Tech)
-Discover New Things
-Have Fun
Thank you for the welcome. Hope to learn and collaborate
Hello dev.to Community. Check my profile on github @ github.com/AswinRaveendran
helooo and thank u🧠⚡️
HI all
Hope all doing good
Hello ! :)
Hello all...
Hello from bitts_life!!!
Hey hey hey, I'm a software engineer and I'm liking this website a lot.
Happy to be here ❤❤💯💯🔥🔥
I am learning Javascript and ReactJs but Dev community has been so fundamental in my journey so dicided to be part of this community
hello everyone my name is rochelin and I'm an aspiring front-end developer and I would love for the community to add to my knowledge thank you for being among you
Hello dev community, I'm Ijeoma and an intermediate frontend web developer and I'm hoping to make grate connections here too
Hi there 👋
I'm new here, check out my first post :
Greetings 👋.I'm learning about python, mostly automating boring stuff using it.I am here to share the little that I learn and also learn from others.
Best regards. :)
I am New Here.
Hello world ! :D
Hello Thanks to David Schwartz I’m now here
Good Luck GUY!!!
Hello guys! I'm a frontend engineer and I'm happy to be here
Hi everyone I am new to the tech world and looking for a community to join and will be glad to connect with you
Hi, am Joshua Conscious.
Am here to learn web design
Hey, I'm Matt! 👋🏼 Currently studying and mastering NextJS and learning NodeJS/Express.
Right now I am updating my portfolio design and code.
Hello I am so glad to have stumbled upon this app!
Hello guys! Its great to be onboard such an interesting and developing community. I'm a Blockchain/Frontend developer trying to make the world a better place with code
Hello dev community! I just created an account hoping this will help me along in my journey
I am Web Developer student learning about JavaScript at the moment. I am glad to join this community for learning and sharing my tech experience.
Hi everyone, I'm a code newbie from Nigeria looking to make friends and very much open to learning new. ps currently learning python
Hi all! Nice to find a dev community!
Hello dev community…. I am a newbie of coding. I have just created an account here to learn about code like C#…I found this dev community from Google search…
Hi Everyone I am be404
i am not working anywhere because i am 14
i am from india
I Love Python, Rust, Linux(not using tho), Bash, .NET, Golang
I am Here For Writing/Reading Blogs
Hi all,
Started my journey on learning the fundamentals of Ruby since a few weeks.
Very curious where I'll end up ;-).
Hello there.
Hello guys, heard so much from a friend bout Dev.to. Great to be here to see for myself.
Asslam U Alikum Everyone
As a Web Developer I have Complete 50 website designs and much Dev.
Hey there!
I'm Matt - a former SaaS sales guy.
First I decided I wanted to learn "how the sausage gets made", now I want to turn it into a career.
I bet I learn a lot from this community :)
Howdi folks!
I try not to break stuff in core kibana code (the ELK stack). Occasionally, work requires fiddling in clojure, Java, painless...no need to list them all.
Hello everyone, I have just created an account here and I am enjoying its IT related posts so far!
I'm a software engineering student at ALX-Holberton School.
I'm glad to be a part of this community!
I hope to share stuff I learn along my tech journey, and learn a lot on here too.
Hi guys, I'm a Brazilian developer, currently working with Rails using DDD. always learning!! 👋 😍
So glad to be here ! Hope this forum can support me on my PhD journey.
Hello everyone - excited to join! Look forward to learning 👾
Hello everyone, my name is Alex. I am here because of The Odin Project and I'm looking forward to start learning and experience the content and everyone's thoughts here !
Hello, I am Cristian, I am a first year student, and I joined this community to upgrade my coding skills!
Have a great one++!
Hello 👋
Hello Everyone ,
I joined here to Learn , Share and build the network with Dev community.
Open for the feedback on my contents, looking for support from all of you.
Am zeth;
I just joined DEV to better my programing skills;
Hope I'll achieve my goal ;
To be a full stack engineer;
Hi! I'm here to learn. I'm a complete beginner but don't worry, I'm following a course so I will surely improve. Never late to learn something useful, like Unreal Engine
Hello, DEV community. I'm new here.