DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v182 staff on July 13, 2022

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
saikatbishal profile image

Hi everyone. Great to be here.I am a software engineer trying my hands on Web development. I come here to learn from the awesome people of this community and share what I learn everyday to the community. I am really excited to make friends with all the people of this community. Thank You : )

vulcanwm profile image


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

amankr profile image
Aman Kumar


geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Welcome to the Community!

allan-pg profile image

Thank you

ajith01 profile image
Ajith Kusalakumar


levintech profile image

Dear, everyone.
Now I am learning AI to become an expert in this field. My goal is become a machine engineer from great AI team and contribute change this world better. :)
Main content of AI learning come from Coursera (Andrew's deep learning specialization) and Kaggle. I had already earn 9 certificates on Kaggle. If there is better materials related AI, please recommend them.

I am happy being one of this great dev community and hope to learn from everyone.
If you are interested in my AI journey and want to go with me, I am always open to you.
Of course, If you any offer for job or open source contribution, it's really helpful for me.

This is my github profile

Best Regards

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

welcome to the community!

levintech profile image


geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Hello Levin!

levintech profile image


highnitin profile image
Nitin Joshi

Hey folks, I am privileged to be here, I create an impactful and personality-filled converting website design for digital coaches and other businesses on the web along with business automation. 💡

I like to say that website development with automation is my cup of tea and I serve it hot. 🔥

Joined the community to learn from the amazing people who live here. I am currently on the path of learning full stack web development. 👨‍💻

I would love to hear from like-minded people, thank you.

To our success,

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini


geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Hello! welcome to the community!

highnitin profile image
Nitin Joshi

Thanks for the welcome message @geesilu

jairo_bambangoetomo_5412 profile image
Jairo Bambang Oetomo • Edited

Hey everyone,
This is a short intro about me:

  • iOS developer
  • maker

I love drawing and playing the violin. I’m a freelance iOS dev and have been since around 6 years. I like the Dutch king, Marc Zuckerberg and Elon Musk as well as reading on society and philisophy.


vulcanwm profile image


mohammadrezaabbaszadeh profile image

I hope the best for you👍

biagotaski profile image

Hi everyone! I'm excited to be part of this community! I hope I can contribute with you all 🚀
I'm part of the team where we offer DevOps as a Service for tech startups who want to speed up their software delivery and leverage the developer experience without needing to hire more DevOps.
I'm also an active explorer of the news in the tech industry and I want to simplify technical concepts for developers so their work experience can be the best as possible.
If you're looking to chat about anything as it relates to increasing your software delivery and leveraging your developer experience, I'm happy to discuss it!
See you around :)

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

Hi! welcome to the community! :)

ali_tarmoush profile image
Ali Tarmoush

Hello everyone. I am a Junior Full-Stack Web Developer from Syria and studying at Tishreen University, Faculty of Informatics Engineering. I come here to learn from the awesome people of this community and share what I learn everyday to the community. I am really excited to make friends with all the people of this community. Thank You : )

leameana profile image

Hi everyone. I hope to meet some great people and maybe learn from them as I am a complete biginner. I build wordpress websites but wont to learn to build websites using code. I also love working with data and would love to build my own apps and software.

0sbs profile image

Hello, finally signed up after years of lurking and reading articles.

My background is in IT engineering but 2 years ago I left my company to dive into freelance cloud consulting.

It's been a wild roller coaster but I've learned a lot and would like to contribute back to the community.

ishhhhh profile image

Hi my name is Ish. M new here. Complete beginner in the tech world, yet totally fascinated. I started my journey from udemy out of complete curiosity to learn coding and later realized how badly I want to learn web development and one day become an expert in the same. I'd love to learn about few tips if any for a complete beginner that can help me prep in the right direction and avoid mistakes if I can. Can't wait learn and connect with ya'll!

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

Hi Ish, Welcome to the community :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo folks!

Really hope you dig being part of this awesome community. 😀

If you have questions about using the platform, hit me up in thread here! I'm happy to help out.

badbatunde profile image
Babátúndé Oyéṣíle • Edited

Hi people,
I’m Babatunde from Lagos, Nigeria.
A Frontend Engineer and Open Source Advocate.

I am an energetic, confident and goal-oriented self-taught Developer with a sturdy drive and willingness to acquire knowledge. Skilled with solving problems with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript! Focused on being a beneficial part of any team I am on and grow together.

My personal goal is to further my dexterity in Frontend Development, solve difficult problems, work with amazing people and develop cool products. I would also like to make a huge impact in the Frontend Industry, continually contribute to Open Source, Learn more and connect with people from the Tech Industry as a whole.

Hope I find great articles and more information about programming here.

Wanna know more about me? Checkout my GitHub Profile! Feel free to follow me. 🙂

Do not hesitate to contact me if you got any question or comment.

Thanks and see you around! 👋

mehdikhoshnevisz profile image
Mehdi Khoshnevis • Edited

Hi everyone.
I'm a front-end developer who works remotly and write codes with Javascript, Vue and React.
This is my little website:

I'm here to learn from the professional developers and make some friends to help eachother.

I love github and contributing to open-source projects.
Also I like to create open-source projects to make life easier. You can check my github profile.

vassovass profile image
Vasso Vass

Hey Everyone. I am a Digital Marketer with a Search Engine Optimization focus and just starting to learn programming seriously (JavaScript to start) for the first time. I have done tutorial hell a few years ago with HTML and CSS, but then didn't go further. I don't want the same thing to happen, but going through the grind of learning the fundamentals.

I am looking forward to gain knowledge and help others when I can. Maybe my relatively unique specialty (SEO) will be helpful.

vassovass profile image
Vasso Vass
thecodingcivilengineer profile image
Rita Kairu

Hi everyone.

I'm Rita. Glad to join this wonderful worldwide community.

I stumbled on my hidden passion for coding as a Freelance writer. Now I code for fun and enjoy creating content and documentation.

Hope to keep in touch with everyone!

arkrez profile image

Hey everyone!

I'm a self-taught full-stack web developer. I'm currently learning the MERN stack and I'm looking for open-source projects to contribute to. If anyone has a project that they wouldn't mind a beginner helping out on, then I'm more than happy to contribute :)

Fun fact about me- My favorite animal is the octopus and my 3d-printer is currently printing me a horde of articulated octopi.

abuzareal profile image
Abuzar Tamboli

Hey there fellas,

I'm a self-taught programmer and developer learning web-dev and practicing competitive programming. I hold a Bachelor's of Engineering Degree in Information Technology. I work as a Software Engineer at Capgemini, Pune and code during my off-work hours. I imagine that now it's important to get surrounded in the developer community to learn from one another. I am excited & eager to make new tech-friends. Thank you, glad to be here.

awcleila profile image
Leila Jazul • Edited

Hi everyone.its great to be here.i want to dig deeper on topics about extensions coding,python and the like.i just study coding online and want to interact with you sometimes, like Sayan.i saw his post about the purpose of chrome extensions, or extensions,python, game dev.

alitookemdown profile image
Ali Abbas

Hey guys! I am a self-learning Web Developer. I'm looking forward to learn the MERN stack and make way into Blockchain Development. I believe every developer is an artist who lights up the world with their creativity and opens a path for others to do the same :)))

mohammadrezaabbaszadeh profile image

Hi guys.Happy to be here.i am an Android Developer and i am working on developing very challenging and difficult messenger like WhatsApp and Telegram. I read book about software engineering and new tech every day.i love volleyball and snooker.i join here to learn from other expert developer to increase my knowledge in software and programming.i hope to make friends with all experienced developers of this community.
Let's Go...

vspr14 profile image

Hi everyone!

I am a CS undergrad trying to get started with AI and web dev. I've joined this platform to be a part of this amazing community and learn from everyone! I have made a few apps with Flutter as well as Flask.


mukhtaarabdul profile image

Hello, everyone. I am very excited to be a part of this community. I am a junior web developer. I came to learn from amazing people. I'm looking forward to meeting new people in this amazing community. Thanks

tsukuyomi808 profile image
Froilan Abellanosa

Hello everyone. I am currently going to a coding Bootcamp. It has been 2 months since I started and it is going well. I am having so much fun learning at a fast pace and digesting everything that I am learning. I am still a complete beginner but I would love to really learn everything about being a software developer. Thank you! 👍

haideralwaqfi profile image
Haider Ali Al-Waqfi

Hi every one,
I am a web developer and a medical laboratory technician worked as clinical application expert in Electronic health solutions company and as lab technician in educational hospitals in jordan.
I have experience in PHP laravel and node.js
also worked in EHR and EMR field using OPENEMR and VA VistA health system.

jtapia295 profile image
Jose Tapia

Hey Everyone, It's awesome to join this community! I am a Service Engineer at Microsoft preparing to transition to Software Engineering. I have experience in C# as well as reverse engineering. I'm excited to meet new people on the platform. I'm looking for tips and opportunities to switch roles within the next 6 months!

haideralwaqfi profile image
Haider Ali Al-Waqfi

Hi every one,
I am a web developer and a medical laboratory technician.
Have experiences in PHP laravel and node.js.
Worked as clinical application expert for a electronic health solutions company implementing VA VistA EHR system in public health sector in Jordan and I have experience in OPENEMR.

harahatchi profile image

Hi everybody !
What a GREAT community <3

I'am newbie but a quick learner, I have been interested in linux, python and security. thus I'm still discovering my ambition & passion, I hope to get inspiration from you to to make a revolutionary things and offer value to our world !

Be well with love and harmony

frankfont profile image
Frank Font

Welcome and can I talk you into trying this? Looks like a scam I am sure, but it is not and nobody has entered yet.

samuelma profile image
Samuel Majok

Hello Devs, am new to this community
Am also new to the Dev world
So excited to be here
Just started taking development seriously
Please follow me on Github, I follow back instantly
Also, please shoot me an inbox if your into anything javascript
New to React-Js, loving it tho
Image description

umartahir93 profile image
Umar Tahir

Hi @everyone. I hope everyone are well. I am a software engineer working in gridX Gmbh. I just joined this platform to learn from the amazing people of this community and share what I have learned so far. I am really looking forward to collaborate on tech discussions and to make friends with all the people of this community.

husseinalamutu profile image
Hussein Alamutu • Edited

Hi fellow techies, I am a DevOps Engineer and Technical Writer with knowledge in the following space - cloud & devops. My articles would also cover topics in the space mentioned previously, I am open to connect with great minds too.

s4msepiol profile image

Hi everyone. My name is Gabriele, i'm a 20yr old sysadmin/technician, currently looking to switch to cloud engineering / DevOps. I'm super happy i found this place and i'm looking forward to make new friends :)

yugenx profile image

Hello all my name is Melvin and I love to play the guitar and code (not at the same time LOL) I also love to play video games and hope to make them someday, I'm starting my journey into the tech industry learning to be a frontend web developer. I hope to learn a lot of new things here in the DEV community, don't be afraid to say Hi. Enjoy the rest of your Day/Night =).

felipex profile image
Felipe Cavalcante

HI everyone. I am former programmer. I'm trying to come back to the professional programming, but many things happened since a stop to coding. I hope to update my old skills and learn many other here. I already read some post here and I really enjoyed.
See you around!

allan-pg profile image

Hi everyone I'm currently learning software engineering at alx but I'm a mathematics and computer science graduate. Here to learn a new things while perfecting on what i know on technical writing. Excited to make new friends and connect.

rosalind profile image
Rosalind Gash

Hi! I'm here because I want to leave the ranks of the tech hobbyists and become a digital (semi)nomad freelance technical writer, focusing on computer science and information technology. I earned an unrelated degree before I knew I had an aptitude for this field and have, since, acquired an academic background in computer science and journalism.

I'm hoping that by being here that I can learn the steps I need to take to make this transition. I'm open to having a mentor and look forward to making some friends in the community.

sunny28896679 profile image
Life in openGauss

Dear everyone.
Right now I'm learning about databases and want to be an expert in this field. Mainly learn openGauss open source database.

I'm excited to be a part of this great development community and hope to contribute to the open source community with you all.

ajith01 profile image
Ajith Kusalakumar

Hi Everyone, I am glad to be here!

What brought me hear is the community of developers producing great content about all aspects of software development which I used as I was learning how to code, and use more now that I know what I am doing. I want to make my own contributions and help new developers and make new friends.

cedricclyburn profile image
Cedric Clyburn

Hello everyone! Really happy to be finally joining the Dev community :) I'm a developer advocate intern at MongoDB and student at NC State University in Raleigh, NC. Already seeing so many cool articles, hoping to learn from all of the smart people on here 🚀 feel free to connect!


jamesloper profile image

I am the co-founder of which is a house cleaning and handyman company with an overkill website and Hotspot (iOS) which is a social map. I use meteor/react and I have some open source contributions. AMA

vchavda2012 profile image
Vansh Chavda

Hi everyone. I am a 17yr old from Tanzania getting my hands on web development. I have already learnt the basics of html and css and getting into Javascript which is kind of frustating. A friend of mine recommended me to join a community to learn more better and be accountable. I found through Google. I am really excited to make friends with all the people of the community. Thank you.

akshays83588033 profile image
Akshay Sonawane

Hello, everyone. I am very excited to be a part of this community. I am a learner web developer. I came to learn from amazing people. I'm looking forward to meeting new people in this amazing community.

Thank you

akshays83588033 profile image
Akshay Sonawane • Edited

Hello, everyone. I am very excited to be a part of this community. I am a learning web developer.
I came to learn from amazing people. I'm looking forward to meeting new people in this amazing community.

Thank You.

kwilliamson89 profile image
Khary K. Williamson

Hi peeps! The name's Khary (Car-ree) based in Nashville, TN. I've currently began my journey towards becoming a Front-End developer. When I'm not coding, I'm reading, dancing, cooking or hiking. I hope to connect with more peeps soon!

bishtanuj profile image

Hi everyone! I am Anuj Bisht, a B.Tech student of Computer Science and Engineering. Great to be here. Seeks to learn from the veterans in the community, and would like to contribute my learnings with the community :)

navamayoo profile image
Mayooran nava

Hi everyone. Great to be here.I am a software engineer. I come here to learn from the awesome people of this community and share what I learn everyday to the community. I am really excited to make friends with all the people of this community. Thank You : )

fczw profile image

Hi everyone, great to be part of this community. I've worked for 30 years in IT, the last 20 years in IT infrastructure. Since the beginning of this year I'm back in software. I've always tried to maintain some software development knowledge by doing side projects (javascript).
So my main interest is in javascript and react.

knandraina profile image
Kevin Rabesaotra

Hi everyone!
I hope you are doing well. I learnt to code a few years ago through a bootcamp. My idea behind this was to become more independant in my work, as a Marketer. I then evolved to a growth engineer role.
Now I'm thinking about my next step and I love to build scrappy stuff like MVP to learn fast and fail fast.
I would like to learn from you what are the skillset to become a MVP master (stack, mindset etc). Right now, I know to code with the MERN stack.
I'm really excited to be there as it will help me to grow and why not to make new friends!

dstroyr profile image
Lindani Grootboom

Hello community. It's a wonderful feeling to be here in the coding community. I am still in my crawling days in programming. As my start-up lessons, I took Microsoft VB.NET and currently learning Dart programming. I will be paying close attention to learn everything from you guys and I hope I will be of assistance to those who need it.

golemancer profile image
Eric Marcy

Hello world! (I'm sure that one's never been done before)

Tulpa was taken, so I settled for whatever this name is. I'm both new and not to coding, I took miscellaneous courses as a teen and in college but never really grounded myself in it deeply. The math prereqs always scared me off. At least, until now!

I'm preparing myself for a CS bootcamp in conjunction with Rutgers and am excited to join the community. Many of my friends are in various STEM roles, from engineering to data science and I'm excited to see how many more I can make here on Dev!

Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • Tulpader
detkno90 profile image

Hi everyone ! awesome to be here , i'm a Full time flight attendant , currently studying web dev full stack to change carrier . Great stuff here that i loved to explore in the community , would love to be friends in this space , Cheers!

comprogux profile image

Hi everybody. Great to be here. I'm a retired and almost 80 but still hanging in there. I'm working a lot with a Laravel system for pistol competitions and lately been upgraded the system from 5.3 to latest 9. Took a lot of effort. But I succeeded. Now I need help with angular problems that the system consists of in a high degree. Looking forward to ventilate my problems and maybe help others. Thanks!

siriusjt99 profile image

Hi! devs its great to join this community,
I am a fresher who is trying to skill up and in search of mentors to solidly crack those interview.
I got a hands on frontend web design and hustling on the new technologies 😊👩‍💻

fredkurt profile image

Hello tout le monde, je suis très heureux de rejoindre la communauté. Je suis un développeur front end débutant et je viens ici pour apprendre avec des gens formidables et merveilleux de cette communauté. Et aussi partager ce que j’apprends tous les jours avec la communauté. Je suis excité d’apprendre avec toutes les personnes de la communauté. Merci à tout le monde

oliveth_ndubuka profile image
Oliveth Ndubuka

Hi everyone, glad to be here. I am a web developer trying to get into cloud engineering. As a certified cloud practitioner and, with my experience managing the tools and services on AWS, I would love to share some of the amazing concepts I discover with this community. I often write about tech during my spare time.
Thank you

bryanikechi profile image
Bryan Ikechukwu

Hey DEV community!

I love music, it gives me life. I'm a freelance technical writer, writing also gives me life. It's how I navigate the world and exist on multiple planes. I particularly love web3, intrigued about AI and Machine Learning. I'm currently diving deep into DAOs and everything they stand for. I really look forward with connecting with people here, collaborating on projects and learning from everyone.

My main goal here, to get better. There's still so much to understand!


its_stefannie profile image
Stephanie Olumekor

Hello Everyone. I’m so glad to be here.
I am a beginner Tech Writer. I am here to learn from this community as well as offer my services to this community.
I am passionate about writing and I can’t wait for you all to see that.

Oh, Yeah! I love cakes and ice creams so much and Music is my happy place.
I’m really excited about this community, Can you tell?

Thank you.

rasheedmozaffar profile image
Rasheed K Mozaffar

Hello everyone. Feels good to experience a new journey in an exciting community, I'm a beginner in my coding journey , looking forward to seek more knowledge and provide assistance to those who are also starting out .
So keen to about it!

ashishkumartiwari profile image
ashishkumartiwari • Edited

Hello everyone,
I am Android and Flutter app developer. I am here to learn more about thease technologies. I also want to learn web development. I am exited to learn and make friedns here with whom my learning journy is going to be really awesome.
Great to be here.

kirangadiwaddar profile image
Kiran • Edited

Hi Everyone,
It's great to be here. I am not that active on social media but this made me join here becuase i have strong belief that i will gain some knowledge here, And here the developers are already posting a good content for the junior developers. It helps a lot.

Thanks to DEV Team

cisco916 profile image
arthur b francisco

Hello everyone, my name is Art, currently studying web development online. I am excited to learn more about new techniques and skills from all of you. So I can continue my goal of becoming a web developer. What a great community to be part of. Cheers!

ssuryansh16 profile image
Suryansh saraswat

hi everyone, a little overwhelmed to be here, honestly.
Currently, i am a fronted Developer for Bombay Shaving Company, along with Colgate palmolive and Durex India.
I'm a little nervous, also anxious, but i hope my time here will be a good one.
so cheers, and thank you!

mostlywhat profile image

Semi-Professional Programmer for AI, Websites and Apps. I’m interested in Space, Computer Science, Science, Rocketry, Programming, Aviation and Electronics!

I like Python, C#, HTML, CSS.
I am studying Javascript/Typescript and their Frameworks.
I dislike Java.

techrech profile image
Rechcel Toledo

Hi , everyone! It's awesome to be part of the largest coding community. I'm currently working as a massage therapist here in our local city here in the PH. I'm currently learning front-end web development using my cheap laptop and spare time and following the #100daysofcode challenge! Hope I can make some same-minded friends here! Thank you so much!

hayven_dev profile image
Yusuf Abdulhafeez

Hello everyone_ 👋🏽

I am a web developer seeking a platform to share the amazing things I learn and experience in my tech journey. I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with you Devs_ from around the world.

Likewise, I anticipate gaining valuable insights from your shared experiences as well. 💡

damianpad profile image
Damian Padilla

Hello Everyone,

I'm a self-taught developer learning frontend web development. As a self-taught developer, I believe that it's important to surround myself in the developer community to learn from eachother. I look forward to meeting and interacting with you all!

jasongriffing profile image
Jason Griffing

Hey everyone! Glad to be here. I'm a product guy who's trying to become a more technical product guy. I've long been interested in coding and have finally decided to take the leap and learn some basics. Currently working through Harvard's CS50 course.

I came here because I'm interested in networking with other developers. I also want to immerse myself in the types of conversations folks are having here so I can build a vocabulary and get a sense for the types of problems that people are working on.

When I'm not working or taking coding lessons, I enjoy writing, playing the piano, fly fishing, and hanging out with my two young children.

adotkaya profile image
Alkım Kaya

Hello everyone. I am a junior computer science student just trying to find which area i want to focus on my career. I was only working as backend developer in our little start-up till this March but i got bored so i wanted to explore new things other than that. I am currently learning AI, Machine Learning with Python. And in my free time im trying to learn more about frontend development. Really excited to join this community, make new friends with developers like all of you and learn as much as i can :)

parakh1305 profile image

Hi everyone. I am learning web development aiming to be a Full Stack Web Developer. Also I have learned C. I am familiar with Boostrap.

If you any offer for job or open source contribution, it's really helpful for me.

Github Profile:

hraboviyvadim profile image
Vadym Grabovyi 🇺🇦

Hi everyone! I'm a frontend developer from Ukraine and I'm happy to join to this great community. Hope to find here a lot of useful information about web development and some other topics.
Also I'm thinking about writing articles as a part of my own growing up as a developer. Probably will start with translations of some great articles to my native language - Ukrainian.

salmanfazal profile image
Salman Khan

Hello Engineers, my name is salman I'm an electrical engineer with a huge interest in coding especially web development and software engineering. I hope I will find my way to my goal with your kind help and support.

fei profile image

Hi DEV community! I am here to find a cofounder for my startup. Our team is based in Berlin. If you want to work in a startup, and have knowledge in machine learning, natural language processing, and big data, my team would love to talk to you. Thank you.

muhammadshakirdev profile image
Muhammad Shakir

Hello Folks 👋. It's been a pleasure to be a part of that wonderful developer community. I'm a BS-Software Eng Student from Karachi, Pakistan. And currently working as a Front-end Developer & UI/UX Designer. I am excited & I want to make my new friends from this community.
Thank You : )

muhammadshakirdev profile image
Muhammad Shakir

Hello Folks 👋. It's been a pleasure to be a part of that wonderful developer community. I'm a BS-Software Eng Student from Karachi, Pakistan. And currently working as a Front-end Developer & UI/UX Designer. I am excited to make friends with all the people of this community.
Thank You : )

maximeduvey profile image

Hello, i'm a dev (low and high programing language), i'm here to post cool stuff i found and find other passionates. i'm currently centralizing all the robot in my home to website that will manage events and action, and redirection to my android app (not existing yet). so don't hesitate to show me cool css/java/php web stuff, i love learning. :p

zigrazor profile image

Welcome everybody,

I share with you my Open Source Projects that I'm working on:

GitHub logo ZigRazor / CXXGraph

Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms




codecov CodeFactor

GitHub license GitHub release

LGTM Alerts LGTM Grade

Generic badge Generic badge Generic badge

Generic badge Generic badge

Join the chat at

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CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).

We are Looking for...

We are looking for:

  • Site Developer for the development of the CXXGraph site ( for the moment on GitHub Page );
  • Developers and Committers, also at first experience, we will guide you step by step to the open-source world!

If you are interested, please contact us at or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!


Completed Description Date of Completition
✔️ First Optimization Apr 4, 2022
📝 Add Benchmark for all algorithms TBD
📝 Code Optimization TBD
📝 Release 0.4.0 TBD
📝 "Const" Code Review #155 TBD
📝 Release 0.5.0 TBD
📝 Official Site Release TBD
📝 Reduction of Code Issue of Static

GitHub logo ZigRazor / CXXMicroService

A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client ) upon 0mq framework


A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client )

codecov CodeFactor

GitHub license GitHub release

LGTM Alerts LGTM Grade

Generic badge Generic badge Generic badge

Generic badge Generic badge


CXXMicroService is a C++ library, that manages MicroServices, upon different Framework ( actually only 0mq is implemented).

We are Looking for...

We are looking for:

  • Site Developer for the development of the CXXMicroService site ( for the moment on GitHub Page );
  • Developers and Committers, also at first experience, we will guide you step by step to the open-source world!

If you are interested, please contact us at or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!


Completed Description Date of Completition
✔️ First Commit May 2, 2022
✔️ Introduce the basic Framework May 24, 2022
📝 Introduction of more complete Examples TBD
📝 Introduction of Orchestrator TBD
📝 Introduction of Unit Test Framework TBD
✔️ Introduction of basic CI/CD Jun 6, 2022
📝 Advanced CI/CD TBD
📝 First Beta Release

GitHub logo ZigRazor / MTL

Multi Thread Library

MTL (Multi Threading Library)


Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues GPL-3.0 License

Multi Threading Library is a set of utilities, easy and ready to use for common task in multi threading environment and development.


  • Thread Class
  • Thread Manager
  • Thread Pool
  • Task Class
  • Ordered Task
  • Task Flow
  • Complete Documentation
  • Doxygen Integration
  • First Beta Release
  • Test Framework
  • CI/CD Pipeline
  • First Stable Release
  • Thread Monitoring
  • ...

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


The following are required to get the project up and running.

Google Test


git clone  # Dowload the Google Test repository
cd googletest                                       # Main directory of the cloned repository.
mkdir -p build                                      # Create a directory to hold the build output.
cd build                                            # Move
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nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Stephen Colbert saying Welcome to the Nerd Zone my friend

buddhadebchhetri profile image
Buddhadeb Chhetri

Hello everyone !!

zendostrike profile image
Giancarlo Ramirez

Hello guys, Im here to have fun programming!

anukool42 profile image
Anukul B

hello awesome people 🙃

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Ram Ram 🚩🙏

shubhamt619 profile image
Shubham Thakur

Hi everyone, I am Shubham Thakur. I am a full stack developer with 10+ years of hands on experience.

samuelma profile image
Samuel Majok

Hey everyone, great to be here
This community looks pretty interesting...I'll stick here for a while and voice out my thoughts and opinions cause no friends or family would ever know

dszvivian profile image
Vivian D'souza

Hi everyone,
I'm Vivian
Short intro about me

  • I am a Student Learning Android Development
  • Currently, Learning Jetpack Compose
ryanrizky profile image
Ryan Rizky

hi everyone

rukshanjs profile image
Rukshan J. Senanayaka • Edited

Hi I'm new here. I'm an IT Undergraduate, and currently learning Flutter, React, Next.js and Artificial Intelligence. Hoping to improve myself while sharing what I know!

eoluwaseun profile image

Hey everyone, I'm new here. I'm a Self-taught web developer,I put my learning into writing today and shared it here on this great Community. Please Read,Like, and Leave a comment...Thanks! 😊

peluumi_ profile image

Hello everyone, glad to be part of this community

daiman1993 profile image


arnoprso profile image
codeknight profile image
Uthman Abdurrahman

Hi, I'm a web purpose of joining is to meet amazing people in pls be nice to me.

parkr profile image
Agbegbe Technology Solutions Inc

Hello Everyone, Im Parker, Im new to the Dev community and kinda hooked on coding..I look forward to learning from everyone.

atommax2001 profile image

Hey Everyone :)

patoskigod profile image

Hi everyone happy to be here...
Just finished a skill up with elve8 through Microsoft ato and learnt a bit of python and django... Hope to learn better with like minds...

yasser44210 profile image
Yasir Fazli

I am new here!
Anyone to welcome me?

parmcoder profile image
Possawat Sanorkam

Hello folks! I'm a junior web developer. Learning new stuff here and I will try to read your articles. Show me some cool stuff!

elvis2dev profile image

Hi, great to be apart of this vast community of developers. Hoping to learn a lot from you.

danielukaji profile image
Daniel Ukaji

Hey everyone. I'm a software engineer trying to connect with other tech folks.

jopanga profile image
Joseph Opanga

Hello everyone.
Absolutely happy to be part of this community.
I am kick starting my journey in software engineering. I’m coming from a field of mathematics. I hope it works for me .

I thank you all.

anonfedora profile image
Dev Eleazar

Hello everyone, I'm Eleazar, I'm happy to be here. I'm a software Developer presently learning MERN stack and also hoping to learn React Native. I'm hoping to gain more experience from the community.

jovokozlovic profile image

I am Daniel and I am senior blockchain developer.

zthwebdeveloper profile image


nutooka profile image


broxholm profile image
Brox • Edited

Hi all,

I've done some web development, but am looking to spread my wings to other areas. Great to be here!


thuyenpv profile image
William • Edited

Hi everyone ! Great to meet everyone with same passion <3 Learning and sharing to grow up together

itskos profile image

Hello everyone, I'm a computer science student interested in anythin ML. Currently looking to start learning about simulations and AI for games.

bryanquero profile image
Bryan A Quero

Hi everyone. I'm glad to be here and excited to learn more with your help. I'm an XR developer but a rookie in Full Stack.

sanjeshwar_babu_ profile image
Sanjeshwar Babu

Hey everyone, glad to be here. I'm a beginner here, learning JS. If possible could anyone brief about this platform & the use of it.

tag111 profile image

Hi everyone , I 'm Artial and a web developer. I can learn more also and i love make friendship or relationship that can give me more . i think that l will much to learn about code

cryptoboy1963 profile image
Ritik Jain


wallwpcab profile image


lorainelawson profile image
Loraine Lawson

Hello. I'm a tech journalist who's trying to learn a little coding.

sandip1805 profile image

hello, new here.

louawilfried profile image

merci a tous pour l'acceulle

tanukiponkich profile image
K. Tanuma


gioeramo profile image
Gioel eramo

Hi everyone!

reachext profile image
Himanshu Jain

Hi Everyone, my first day here today and am happy to be here. I will first browse thru to know this great portal more :)

jerrytarus profile image

Hello everyone, Jerry Tarus here. I am a practicing Software Engineer and a Freelance writer. Shifting my interest in technical writing. I am really glad to be part of this awesome community.

alanrs2020 profile image
Alan R S

Hello everyone, I am a developer and I do Mobile and Web applications. I hope I can contribute here in future.

prasannaemmadi profile image

Hi everyone. I am newbie, with an interest in learning web development. I am excited to be on this platform to learn and share. I really happy to be part of this community and grow together.

sherggs profile image

Hello Everyone, i’m really excited to be here i’ve come here to learn, meet exciting people, develop my skills as a developer and also help when I can

nunnaphat1234 profile image

thank you

rujhannajib profile image

Hi everyone. It feels great to be part of this community. Looking forward to learn from you guys

amankr profile image
Aman Kumar

Hi there this is Aman kumar from India.

zakky profile image
Mr nft

Hello everyone ,am an upcoming web3 developer ,open for job

pratyushgupta profile image
Pratyush Gupta


thrila profile image
Ifeanyichukwu Ndubuizu Michael

Hi everyone ,
i'm a frontend dev learning new technologies and stuff . Great to be here hoping to meet new people and collaborate on some projects

samuls profile image
Samadhan Nirali

Hi everyone. Great to be here.I am a software engineer my hands on Web development. I come here to learn from new things from awesome people of this community.
Thank You : )

folanuel profile image
Folarin Adeniyi

Hi everyone, I am happy to be here, I am a Web developer hoping to learn more from everyone in this community.

ghost_bat_101 profile image
Ghost bat 101

Hello everyone! am new here, am an undergrad CSE student. I am quite excited to meet new people and make new friends here 😁

michaels9523684 profile image

my name is michaels and i am excited to be here and ready to learn.

adebobola profile image

My Name is Adebobola. A software and web developer. I'm ready to learn new stuffs and make friends.

7silvah profile image
Frank Silva

Hi, I am new to the development world. I hope to be up to the task and learn a lot in this social network. <3*2

excelsior2021 profile image

Hi guys,

I am a self-taught developer, focusing on web development at the moment.

Please check out my website and my projects.


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis


youngmosez46 profile image

Hello everyone! I am a beginner. I am excited to be here. I know there is a lot I can learn from you guys

gaurav101 profile image
Gaurav Kumar Singh

Hello there, feeling great to be a part of dev community.
i am a Web- full stack engineer wanted to learn something new everyday.
Thanks , Happy Coding :)

smzota profile image

Hi All. Am glad to join this community of amazing people. I enjoy coding! :) !

youngbrisy profile image

Hi..everyone..nice to meet you all

tsaeeb profile image

Hello everyone, i'm Anna-Lena and i'm here to meet new people.
I am a beginner and i do a vocational training for application development.

jwhitney2209 profile image
Jason Whitney

Hello World!
I am a recent full stack bootcamp graduate eager to start coding my own projects and ideas as well as learn anything I can to make code come to life!

ahamsammich profile image
Andre Hammons

Hello all! I enjoy spending my free time building my programming skills for a career change to full-stack development. I look forward to engaging with and learning more from the community!

polnun profile image
Pablo Nuñez

Sup! I'm a software development student from Argentina. Currently learning web full stack and also learning Java to become an Android dev in the future. This community seems to be awesome!

jordantwells42 profile image
Jordan Wells

Hey everyone! Nice to meet y'all, I'm a student who loves to code! I've been working on a lot of web development projects recently, so I'm excited to post about those!

samuxzi profile image
Omonseigho Samuel

Hi everyone, I am learning software development and I hope to get all the support I need in this journey I started a week ago.

wahablawerl profile image
Abdulwahab Lawal Abdullahi


graciousdev profile image
Okanu Gracious

Hi everyone!
I’m Okanu Gracious From Nigeria, and I am Web Developer with three months experience. I know about HTML and CSS and basics of JavaScript
It’s great having you guys around

zeoovo profile image

hello everyone