DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v195 staff on October 12, 2022

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
lemondropping profile image
Cole Roberts

Hey everyone!

I'm starting a coding boot camp program at Rice University. I know very little about program languages, but I love computers and cannot wait to start learning and become part of the community!

ipatcummins profile image

Rice Purity Test serves as a self-assessment tool designed to evaluate an individual's level of innocence or purity. Originating in the 1980s (with some sources suggesting as early as the 1920s in certain states) at Rice University, this test consists of 100 questions. Initially created by students to gauge the maturity and innocence of their junior peers, the test gained widespread popularity and became a phenomenon across American colleges. Today, it continues to be a widely recognized and shared online phenomenon.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis


abhiramms profile image


jameslovallo profile image
James Lovallo

Feel free to reach out. I'm currently a web developer but my background is in education!

lemondropping profile image
Cole Roberts

Thank you, I will definitely be reaching out the community for help during my journey.

drsimplegraffiti profile image
Abayomi Ogunnusi


geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Welcome to the community!

devs0ft profile image


deepank_rx profile image
Deepank Pushpad


ltacoding profile image
Luis Torres

Gratz Cole, I'm in the same path but different University!! Wish you the best!!

chriscarapella profile image


spencewareengineer profile image


jlynch80 profile image
Justin Lynch

Hello 🙋‍♂️

oto061 profile image
Otari Phretsuashvili


vyshnavvijayan profile image


sudipnext profile image
Sudip Parajuli


jameslovallo profile image
James Lovallo

Hi all! I'm James, I'm a full-stack dev and spend way more time than I should playing with all the new frameworks.

I've been working on a new custom element framework called Ardi! I made my first post yesterday to help promote, but now that I'm here I think I'm going to start posting/commenting more. The community and platform are awesome.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey James!

It's awesome to hear ya have posted your first post here! 🙌

And it's about creating a JS framework! You'll be in good company with this community. Lots of JavaScript devs around here.

I'm curious, where'd you get the name Ardi from?

I see a kinda cartoon face that reminds me of Obi Wan Kenobi, not sure if that's what you were going for or if that's related to the name at all, but figured I'd give it a mention anyway.

Anywho, look forward to seeing more of your posts!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh wait a sec, the cartoon face isn't your mascot, this cute little monkey is!

Ardi, the mascot

That's gotta be Ardi, right?

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jameslovallo profile image
James Lovallo


jameslovallo profile image
James Lovallo • Edited

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Yeah, that's Obi Wan. I always do that for a hello world component.

Image description

You raise a good point though, that could be confusing to go switching mascots on people.

As for where Ardi came from, Ardipithecus ramidus is thought to be one of the oldest human ancestors / upright apes. The idea was to "go back to the basics," "use the platform," etc. I thought about changing it but the little guy was just too cute to abandon.

I wanted one of the first monkeys/apes in space but those names were all taken on npm 🙄

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Ahhhh! Okay, I'm with ya now on the Obi Wan reference and I dig it!

And oooo the name makes a lotta sense now. Ardi is a great nickname/reference for Ardipithecus ramidus... it also just sounds quite nice in conversation. I could def imagine "Ardi" being a framework.

Haha, damn npm hoarding all the ape names, but ya a found a good name nonetheless!

therealabhinav profile image

Hello everyone,
I am a junior developer with just 2 years of experience with making mistakes and solving them in production 🥲
My technical background includes a good and deep knowledge of Java programming language and I have good experience with Android development, Spring boot and a little bit of Angular framework.
I am here to know more about the topics I was unaware even existed, to learn more about frameworks that might tickle my curiosity.
I am also here to find that particular teckstack that I really feel passionate about.
Thank you all and I hope I don't ask too many noob questions 🥲

sudipnext profile image
Sudip Parajuli

Good to see you here

ccarcaci profile image

I'm a developer with decades of experience in making mistakes. I'd like to bring to the community some useful insights about my mistakes and learn new things. Because the more "experience" you have the more you realize how much things you're not knowing.

julieheard profile image
Julie Heard

Hiya, I am just starting out and would be super grateful for any tips or wisdom you want to throw my way.

ccarcaci profile image

Take a look on my last (and first) article ;)

vinoddotcom profile image

Hello friend, I just started my career as front-end developer. I am totally novice in development field and searching randomly on google find this site, this site amazing give detailed information about every aspect web dev.

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

Good luck with your career!

geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Good luck!

madalenario profile image
Madalena Rio

Hello everyone in!
I was encouraged by "Sloan" to leave a message here.
On my journey to find a fulfilling job I enrolled for a Junior Full stack Web Dev Bootcamp cursus. I'm reaching the end of this 10 months intensive program, here in Ghent, Belgium.
Still feel I know nothing (just like John Snow).
One of my final assignments is to write an article here.
Any advice?

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Madalena, awesome to have ya with us!

Hope DEV is a helpful resource while you're going to the bootcamp. And really cool to hear that your final assignment is to write an article here!

My suggestion is always gonna be to write about what you're most interested in, but I don't think that's super concrete or helpful to ya, 😅 so I've also pulled together a few posts that might be helpful to ya:

Be sure to read the comments on this one for other great resources. ☝️

Also, woot Sloan for getting ya to chime in here, haha! Sloan is our mascot.

Well, that's all for now. But if ya have any other questions, feel free to hit me up!

madalenario profile image
Madalena Rio

thank you so much! I'll get right on it :)

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madalenario profile image
Madalena Rio

article is written :)
hope I did a good job of following the advice given!
thank you for the help one more time.

my first article on DEV.TO

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh heck yeah!

It looks awesome. 🙌

Very nicely done!!

aminseyedi profile image
AminSeyedi • Edited

Hi guys i just joined today
i had an employ life after graduate from college after 2 years and live with low salary of employs life in my country decided to start programming again program path that I have chosen IS front end development i learned HTML- CSS and javascript in 2 month after that started react programming right now i dont have any experience in real programming with a team , i hope for a great future

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

Welcome to the community!

mr_coffin profile image
Devan M

Hi everyone.
I am a Diploma graduate in Computer Engineering. I am interested in Fullstack Development and have experience of working on few Projects and other things.
I love to code and now am learning more about MEARN and I hope to get along with the Community and learn a lot.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awesome stuff! Welcome Devan.

mrsingh111 profile image

Hello to Dev World,

i am Learner || Fun Fact - everyone is learner ;) || Son of farmer has no degree high Scholl pass only have a dream to work in IT world i am from India. i just started learned about Tech and i found that tech is attracting me into himself or i attracted myself to tech lol ;) just learning from coursera and YouTube like freecodecamp etc. my main goal for now learn more about web and IT security. in web i am currently on starting steps like html & CSS soon will js, react, SQL etc. and joined this community today for get help and give help :)** I hope everyone will help me for purse my dream and i will try my best to help u all. thanks :)**

prayas profile image
Prayas Hansa

Hi Everyone,
I am a web developer with a bad memory, specially when it comes to syntax. But I think that in this age where we can get our required information with just a few clicks, it's not a big problem. Why wouldn't I take advantage of this vast database of knowledge instead of memorizing them all? What's your opinion on this?

hunter007 profile image

Hello Everyone,

I've been in tutorial hell for over 3 years. Now, I've decided to get my s@#t! together and do something about it. So here we are!
I'm gravitating toward python as I seek to upskill myself and I'd appreciate it if I can connect with like-minded devs(and un-like-minded devs too)
See y'all and it is a pleasure to be part of this community!!!

cris22380 profile image
Cristian • Edited

Hello everyone!
I'm from Argentina and I've been working as a developer for four years. I have worked on Rect and Next projects also I have a bit of experience working on backend with NodeJS and NestJs. I'm happy to be part of this community, I hope to learn new things and meet new friends!

husainfikri profile image
Husain Fikri

Hello everyone,
Complete beginner, pivoting my career journey into web development. I'm a business analyst but it seems coding is the future, hence the career change.

Looks like a lot to learn, but nothing beats persistence. :)

ritwiksingh28 profile image
Ritwik Singh

Hey everyone! I feel so excited to join this awesome community. I am a budding software engineering enthusiast, and have worked extensively on Mobile Development (both for native platforms and cross-platform).
I am intrigued by new technologies and some deep concepts related to the existing ones, so I hope to find a lot of learning opportunities from the community here.
Thank you for having me!! :)

mr_sagar1103 profile image
Shivsagar Mishra

Hey there, Nice to meet you all. I'm shivsagar Mishra from India. I'm a computer engineering student. I'm a programmer passionate to learn new technologies and I want to learn more and gain knowledge that's my interest. I love part to take participation in events because it' gives me great experience and motivation about different things which I never done before.

for more information you can checkout my profile and what say, I'm vextremely happy to join this community and meeting you great people.

Thanks! keep supporting, coding and growing!


sudipnext profile image
Sudip Parajuli

Hello, Dev Lovers, introducing myself from all the way from lap of Highest Peak "Nepal". I am interested and love to collaborate on Mathematics, Python Projects, Web Development and Data Science. Good to see you all here

jaknjills profile image
Jazzy Bonier

Hi I'm Jazzy. I am currently learning to code on my own through various free sites. I know it's the toughest route to use to break into the industry but it's all I have right now. I've come to learn being active in the community is a great way to learn, network, and find support.

I'm currently focusing on learning JavaScript. I have a few other languages down but feel like I'm not getting anywhere. Honestly any tips and advice will help.

douglasmalan profile image

Hi there!
I'm a maintenance Electrician who would like to learn more about Software Development to one day intergrate and develop our engineering and communication systems. I would like to learn with the right people and get the best guidance from a well experienced international community.

virtusplmkrs profile image
Alexandre Yuri • Edited

Diante da vastidão do tempo e da imensidão do universo, é um imenso prazer para mim dividir um planeta, uma época com vocês.
Estou a disposição para troca de experiências.

Forte abraço a todos!

Alexandre Yuri - Maker

arslaan profile image
Arslaan Shaikh

Hey everyone, I am Arslaan and currently in Full Stack Development mostly in PHP (OpenCart and Codeigniter), currently trying hands on React and Node.
Some great blogs about ES6 got me here and would love to help the community and also learn on the way...

aprajitagokhale profile image
Aprajita Gokhale

Hello everyone I'm Aprajita, I'm a Student and currently pursuing degree in CS.
I'm not so pro in coding, but definitely loves coding part & cannot wait to start learning and become a part of this community!!

tsipporahc profile image
Tsipporah Christopher • Edited

Hello! I am currently a software engineer apprentice learning JS. I just transition from a career in english teach abroad. I hope to use my cross-cultural experience and science background to build some cool tools! I am excited to grow and learn everyday. I currently learning React.

kingsleynebo2 profile image

Hello Everyone!
I am new here, and i came looking to learn a skill. I have worked with WordPress CMS building my personal blog. I would love to know the codes behand the beautiful wordpress and more.
I have no knowledge about programing or coding yet.

Where and what do you'all think i should start from/with?

cbid2 profile image
Christine Belzie

Hello everyone,
My name is Christine! I decided to learn how to code (mostly the big three: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) after being asked about my knowledge of and experience with HTML in a job interview for an Instructional Design role and noticing that more Instructional Design job postings prefer applicants that have this knowledge.
So far, I completed this course:
Right now, I'm doing FreeCodeCamp’s updated version of the Responsive Web Design course to further my knowledge in these languages and will do the SheCodes Plus in December.
Looking forward to learning from you all! :)

prasadpatil05 profile image
Prasad Patil

Hello everyone. I am Prasad from India . You can check my website

I'm undergrad student from Pune (2nd year). Currently I'm looking for internship opportunities, If you know anything do dm me for that lets get connected....

my socials are on my above mentioned website...

sip profile image
Dom Sipowicz

Hello there! I have finally decided to create a DEV account! In the end, it was inevitable :)

I'm here for the fastest websites, converting commerce, greenest Core Web Vitals, ethical self ranking SEO and smartest AI.

wiseai profile image
Mahmoud Harmouch

Holy smokes! Whoever made this gif is an absolute legend. He deserves a grammy award. Dude ruined the whole ancient mythology, hahahaha! The only missing part is hiding that thang behind a bush.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

lol, I seriously loved this GIF!

shubh_mete profile image
Shubham Mete

Hey everyone!!

I'm Engineering student pursing Computer Science with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science I am new to coding and stared exploring new fields in technology
I love technology and its aspects and applications!!
Glad to become part of the community!

temiksvyatov profile image
Artem • Edited

Hi everyone!✌️

I am a third-year student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. I am highly interested in understanding big data📊 and web development🌐. I'm joining the community to continue my development, stay up with other IT specialists, and broaden my horizons. 🔥
Image description

chrisprodipaige profile image

Excited to join ... link provided in the pre-work materials for the Trilogy’s Skills Bootcamp Front-End Web Development Programme ... coming from BA/TA/SA consultancy for Core Banking Implemetations ... looking forward to reading here from you ... God bless!

mareddie profile image
Martin Mička

Hi! After reading a few articles on the site, I decided to join myself! I'm a developer from the Czech Republic, and I'm mostly interested in microservice architecture and distributed systems.

I'm focused on backend development and my languages of choice are TypeScript and PHP. I'm happy to discuss all sorts of things!

jhoel052 profile image

Hey everyone. I am very glad to be here. Currently I began to study in nodo, it is like an academy which work as a bridge between the school and the agencies interested in hiring talented people to work in tech hub. I am enthusiastic guy on learning a lot of things of tech industry, specially in front-end dev. Grettings and I would like to make friends to getting improves in my soft and hard skills, beside to improve my english. Yaaay!!!!

esmeraldo17 profile image
Esmeraldo Alberto

Hy. My name is Esmerldo and i live in Angola, a country from Africa and i now studing web development a Trybe, so i'm here to contribute with everything i can and learn more, more and more with you Guys.

spencewareengineer profile image

Hi y'all! I'm Cindy, I'm so excited to be here. I'm waiting for an official offer for a Software Engineer role, but it's one that's brought the most excitement to me so far in my career! Very excited to learn from all of you and hopefully throw out there some things that can help as well!! :D

charly01082 profile image
Tracy Petit

Hello everyone! I just completed my very first Web Dev. bootcamp on HTML/CSS and I am hooked! At my age (not telling!) I never thought I would be venturing out to learn a new skillset to earn a living, but I have high hopes of becoming proficient enough with this to be able to work remotely, at least part-time/free-lance. I have a goal to be retired from my full time job while I still have life left to live, and whisk my sweetheart across the country in an RV built for two. 😘

I am absolutely up for any learning opportunities about HTML, CSS and JS. I'm primarily using freeCodeCamp for now, because it's cheap (ha!) and I'm comfortable with their teaching style so far. I'm excited to be here!

tjmcode profile image
Timothy McGuire

Hello All, I'm just finishing the MIT xPRO Full Stack Development with MERN course, 32 weeks! It was fantastic, but I'm glad that's over! I landed here looked for Docker external Volumes help in DigitalOcean.

peppie profile image

Hello! I'm a junior DevOps engineer and just joined the community to share some tutorials and guides on stuff I find interesting at my job, and discovered this website when looking for a good place to post and discuss :)

bluecd profile image
zebe • Edited

hello everyone!
ve been trying for a very long time to enter IT/coding/-eventually started JS on Freecodecamp/at present stuck a bit on destructured objects/ BUT just found out great post here about coding and ADHD. That keeps me alive ;) cheers!

vetrichelvan profile image

Hello devs 👋🏻,

I am Vetrichelvan a Fullstack Developer based in India. I love to build apps with Flutter and Python. Recently I have been trying to contribute to OSS as much as possible. Currently focused on FAAG and PyNotion. I am looking forward to collaborate with other developers to work as well share and gain knowledge.

stark_1392 profile image
Hardik Patel

Hi everyone,

I completed my hacktoberfest and i received a batch for DEV. So here i am coming to a new platform which i have very little knowledge about. Would be great if anyone could guide me across it. To tell about myself I am a third year student at IIIT Delhi, India and I am doing my computer science majors. I also landed an internship at microsoft which will begin in May 23

positivernest profile image
Godwin Adejoh • Edited

Hey great Developers, I'm a beginner in the software development world. I'm here to grow in this career and I need your mentorship in my journey of coding.

Thank you all for giving me the room your knowledge!

ashwinip343 profile image
Ashwini Patil

Hello Everyone,

I've joined this community through Hactoberfest! & I am good at DSA with implementation in C , C++ ,Java - OOP, Python , MysQL , HTML&CSS, and also good at Figma - Web UI designing . Looking forward to get more into open source and learning android development right now.

fabianareisantos profile image


I did some low-code websites, but always feels like I could do better, so now things are going to get complex... I'm starting to learn how to code and I'm really excited to learn about this new universe! And I need to say, a bit afraid... but willing to cross that path with focus and dedication!

Hope to connect!

lucyferu profile image
lucy allsaints • Edited

hello everyone!

after a long time, i've finally decided to start learning code for real and hopefully making it a mean for a change in my career in the future.

got no money for a bootcamp, so i started online with freeCodeCamp, which has an amazing HTML+CSS course so far.
but now im also looking around for possible alternatives (if there are any) to complement it with because one tool is never enough.

i've been adviced to join this community because apparentl there are loads of good resources also for beginners?
let's hope so! :P

love to you all <3

faro1991 profile image

Hi everyone,
been a while since I've been around actual code (save for the occasional Hacktoberfest commission and Advent of Code and/or attempting Codewars challenges), but I try to at least not lose all my skills. Let's see where my journey takes me around here :)

dhruv_purohit27 profile image
Dhruv Purohit

Hey everyone. I am Dhruv , a student of computer science. I am here to learn something new from the great developers who are available here . Right now I am clearing my concepts of DSA and I need help from you guys for the Data Structures and Algorithms .

isahsalisu profile image
Salisu Isah

Hi everyone!
I am with Trilogy Skills Bootcamp, so much is being said about this community, I hope to get a big bite of every goodwill it brings forth. I am sure to get all the needed support. Thank you.

wthfaraz profile image

Hey everyone!

I'm FARAZ from Pakistan, I am a beginner react-js. I started my Software Enginnering in 2021 from Garrison University. I know very little about python, c++, but I love coding, problem solving and cannot wait to start learning and become part of the community!

ajipelumi profile image
Ajisafe Victor Oluwapelumi

Hello everyone,

I started a Software Engineering Program at Holberton School in August and the past few months have been a learning experience. I had an Accounting background prior to joining the program so it was a new challenge for me however, I have settled pretty nicely and I’m excited about my future as a Software Engineer.

I’m also happy to be here and look forward to learning here and being a part of the community.

johnsonhubgit profile image

Hi all,

Am Johnson and happy to join community of developers. I've developed passion to learn about IT even without any background knowledge of science or any knowledge of IT.

The Bootcamp I joined and haven started my pre work made me believe that with growth mind set I have I can achieve my goals.

I learned about computational thinking which has 4 cornerstone

  1. Decomposition
  2. Pattern recognition
  3. Abstraction
  4. Testing and debugging algorithm

I know I have a lot to learn and I hope to find developers that can lend helping hand.

Want to learn from you.

kurtissfrost profile image
Kurtiss Frost

Hi! My name is Kurtiss and I am currently employed as a data center technician. I am currently learning Python and Bash.

I found this site through someone's github page and wanted to make an account so I could have a blog attached to my website.

One day, I would like to do some sort of front end development. I love the combination of html, css, and java script combined with graphics and I think making a career out of that could be amazing, I love to learn new things and to create and I think those 2 passions combined could make a front end job amazing.

angela523 profile image

_Olá a todos!
Minha formação é em Educação e resolvi entrar na área da Tecnologia, sou iniciante, estudando Lógicas de Programação. Vejo como carreira muito promissora e almejo crescer profissionalmente. Ah, um detalhe: Amei o GIF acima!

jay_bankyy profile image
Jibril Abdulbaqi • Edited

Hey everyone!

I'm here to explore a technology career(most preferably cyber security),learn and up my skill in other to get a job and advance in technology career..
Currently an undergraduate student in cyber security and computer science..

mohdrishin profile image
Mohammed Rishin

Hi Everyone,

I am a Diploma graduate in Computer Engineering. After my graduation I elected my career as Digital Marketer. after I realized that Coding is fun and now I'm slowly switching my career to Web Development.

I love to code and now am learning more about JS and I hope to get along with the Community and learn.

gabrielq7 profile image
Gabriel Aguiar Aquino

Hello everybody, I'm Gabriel, software developer, from Brazil. At the moment I'm more interesting in studying back-end and hacking. Feel free to follow me on github link

brunocarva98 profile image
Bruno Carvacho Yerkovich

Hello everyone!

My name is Bruno, I'm from Chile and I graduated in February from Hanyang University as a Computer Software Engineer in Seoul, South Korea. Nowadays I'm looking for new experiences and to expand my knowledge in the frontend area. I'm actively taking online courses and sharing my experience with new people. I just found this amazing platform and I would like to enjoy it as much as possible.

*Any tips or great courses to follow here in the platform? *

I'm just super excited for being part of such a big community. Let's all learn from each other and share experiences! :)

russdev profile image
Russ • Edited

Hey everyone,

I'm a mid career changer currently working as a dev in a local startup that is building (yet another) social media platform.

Using this site to pour my thoughts and as an accountability tool to document my journey to get my next role.

Right now I am brushimg up my JS before learning react + DS and algo

Would love to connect with anyone in thr space :)

Follow me to see where I end up in the next few months .

keepklincode profile image

greetings co-coders. Am Edi Christian, from Nigeria, I joined this community to help me develop my skill on back end using javascript/nodejs. willing to join unpaid internship for skill development. thanks

kingsleynebo2 profile image
kingsleynebo.sol • Edited

Hello Everyone!
I am new here, and i came looking to learn a skill. I have worked with WordPress CMS building my personal blog. I would love to know the codes behand the beautiful wordpress and more.
I have no knowledge about programing or coding yet.

Where and what do you'all think i should start from/with?

voidvoyager profile image

Hello y'all!

I've also started a bootcamp recently and although I have beginner-level coding experience over the last couple years, I have started feeling much more inspired and ready to beef up my knowledge and get going!

I'm hoping that will be able to help me keep this productivity train going, as well as suck me into your guys' community!

philippedupreez profile image

Hi guys! New Frontend dev here that just transitioned from teaching. I've been helping to build a free tool that can easily turn your markdown files into a website. If you work with markdown a lot and this sounds interesting you can check my post

sinhashlok profile image
Shlok Sinha

Hi everyone.
I am a pre final year student. I am interested in Web development and have experience of working on few personal projects.
I love to code and want to learn more about development and Java.
I hope to get along with the Community and learn a lot.

drsimplegraffiti profile image
Abayomi Ogunnusi

Welcome Everyone.... It is nice having you around

weykon profile image

Hi, I've learning Rust a half of year, but even not good.

weykon profile image

I read the Rust framework named MoonZoon then I got here.

4x3l3r8 profile image
Daniel Adesanya

Hi y'all I'm a dev on my way to being 10x!

I came here just to air my thoughts (even though I've not been doing that very often here).

pripsantiago profile image
Priscila Santiago

Hey everyone!
I am a Brazilian Frontend Dev girl!
I am open to learning more with you guys!

fabianareisantos profile image

Oi Priscila, também sou brasileira!
Começando a aprender códigos :)

pripsantiago profile image
Priscila Santiago

Muito bom!

Vamos juntas neste mundo Dev :)

xavierpernalete profile image
Xavier Pernalete

Hello everyone, willing to share and learn in software development. Every day is an opportunity to create impact in whatever you do.

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

Welcome to the community, Xavier 🙌

1eva1987 profile image

HI, i am about to start coding boot camp, so exited and so nervous as very new in coding :)

krlz profile image

Hi guys, already working for some years, but the passion never leave in this field, currently working with Scala, studying more carefully some design patterns

donaldedinam profile image

My name is Donald Edinam. I'm an intermediate frontend developer

abdallahsidi profile image
Abdullahi Abdallah

Hi i am Abdallah and i am learning web development.

fortunatus profile image
Fortunatus Adegoke

Hey everyone!

I'm a student doing coding in my free time. I'm glad to be here.

macyang profile image
Mac Yang

What's good!

tryollieapp profile image
Ollie AI

Hey there, I'm the founder of Ollie AI. We're building a way to turn Slack conversations into documentation, instantly.

saifur_tanvir profile image
Saifur Tanvir

Hello Everyone!
Glad to be here

dhruv_purohit27 profile image
Dhruv Purohit

Hello everyone, I am here to learn new things and also to participate in many contests . Recently I have taken the 100 days of code challenge...

kef121 profile image

Hi everyone ,
I'm Favour and I'm new here. I would love to have a mentor in frontend webdev to guide me through. I'm always ready to learn. Nice meeting you all🤗

devs0ft profile image

Hi Devs just joined
hoping to learn more javascript concepts

beebels profile image
Beebels James

Hello everyone here, I just starting to learn programming and I am excited about it. I want to learn more.

manohisoav profile image
Manohisoa Rajaonarivony

Hi everyone!

I'm a junior software engineer from Madagascar. I look forward to learning and growing with this community.

cutestnekoaqua profile image
Cleo John

Hey y'all!
I'm Cleo and finally getting into kernel development after some years coding now! ^^

rishav12 profile image
Rishav Mitra

Hey everyone glad to be here. Excited to join the community 😃

kgtantry profile image

Hi Everyone, I am a Engineering manager with the hobby to learn Data Analysis. I use Python code doing my hobby projects!! Looking forward to enrich my knowledge with the beautiful community here.

abhiramms profile image

hlo everyone

pandeymoonsun profile image

I am here to learn the ways of programming. That's all.

rootooner profile image

Hello I am currently learning JavaScript in my computer science class I enjoy school alot and I am really love math for what it can do.

saxam0 profile image

Hi, I'm Saksham , I'm a B.Tech 2nd year student, have interest in Web development and Data structures

folashade1024 profile image

Hey,I am new to programming(Front end).I will be glad to be introduced to the fundamental parts of javascript. thanks

ajruttam profile image
Appana Jaya Ratna Uttam

Hey guys!

I'm Uttam. A sophomore at Vellore Institute of Technology, India. I am kind of new to coding but I am very much interested in Computer Science. Learning new stuffs daily. :)

accodes21 profile image
Aarya Chopkar

Hey Everyone!👋

I am currently a undergrad in CSE.
I have been working on Frontend Development and Open Source.
Would love to express myself and interact with all.

chriscarapella profile image

what's up guy!! Chris here!

mohdtarique profile image

Hello everyone !!

abhigits profile image
Abhishek Gupta

Hey everyone,

I'm a web developer. Interested in AI, ML and data science. Feel free to reach out. Happy to be part of the community...

mhdgmal1998 profile image
Mohammed Gamal Al-homaidi

Hi everyone here .
I'm passionate full stack having experience with mongodb, ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS.
Also I'm mobile developer with React Native ...

aman0 profile image
Aman Agarwal

Hey builders

Aman here!!! looking forward to engage with community and learning from each other.

krunalkharat02 profile image
Krunal Gangadhar Kharat

hey everyone!

I'm am founder of DMX club, which focuses on study of data science , ml and others. and boosts students in their respcetive career. and i love to build, create, explore new things!

rakinar2 profile image
Ar Rakin

Hey people!

I'm Ar Rakin, a student and a programmer. I love coding so much.

That brought me here!

infomagick profile image

Hello all,
I like to think of myself as a programmer of sorts and I'd like to think that I could be a good one someday. :-) Glad to be here.

aryanshrana profile image
Aryansh Rana

Hello , Hactoberfest brings me here , learning Spring framework

ltacoding profile image
Luis Torres

Greetings everyone!!

I'm starting a coding boot camp program at Uconn University. My goal is learning how to code and became a Blockchain Developer, but at the moment I'm labor as a Chef!!

kadirilgin1453 profile image
Kadir Tarık İlgin

Hello. i think i am a python file

michaelziboh profile image
Michael Ziboh

Hello everyone I'm Michael, I just started my career in tech not long ago.
I'm looking forward to having a great time and gaining better knowledge and ideas from you guys here .

buyattib profile image


Im starting on my programming journey!

jlynch80 profile image
Justin Lynch

Hi all! Just here to learn whatever comes my way.

shritejsankpal profile image
Shritej Sankpal


cyberranger1199 profile image
Tyshawn Bailey

Greetings All!
I am starting to learn code. I have a finance and cybersecurity background. I hope to share knowledge and learn from from experienced developers in this community.

thinkmoedu profile image
ThinkMo Education

Hey friends, I'm a CCIE EI technical instructor from ThinkMo, welcome to discuss with me any questions about the CCIE EI certification exam!

surajkumar85 profile image
Suraj Kumar

Hi everyone!
I am a Web Developer looking forward to learn more with this strong community

grilled_pasta profile image
Grilled Pasta

Hi all, I'm excited to join the DEV community! I'm currently focusing on blockchain and web3 development 🌐⛓️

ashutosh7i profile image
Aashutosh Soni

Hello Everyone.
Hope you are doing well,
I am new to this forum so let me introduce myself,
I am Aashutosh Soni
an Aspiring developer, a College student, an OpenSource contributor and a Youtuber😂

rancho2002 profile image
Arijit Ghosh

hi everyone, I am Arijit, a programmer :)

naveen_88 profile image
Naveen KP

Hey everyone!

I am a full-stack developer.

Nice to meet you all!

pte_joker_coder profile image
Ado • Edited

Hi All,

No background in coding. Just want to learn new skills, hoping i may get some support when i hit weird roadblocks and do what i can in the future to help grow the community.

billowstao profile image

Hello, everybody!

ratarby profile image

I'm studying scss,js and react to be a web developer.

hayden_dillonlloyd_7b973 profile image
Hayden Dillon-Lloyd

Rad, I am also on the same path at a different University... Best of luck to you.

heeervas profile image
Alberto Hervas

Hey! Glad to be here. Joined after seeing a really interesting post about Django :)

trailerpark profile image


Just a beginner looking to gain some knowledge.

nafi635 profile image

Hey guys..

alieren profile image
Ali Eren Şen • Edited

Hi everyone,

I am here for reading quality contenct and posting my firm's blogposts which are excellent.

jackson35441029 profile image
Jackson Mutua


tceyhan profile image

hi everyone

guffpapp profile image

Good day to you all!

I am starting to learn coding currently on Codecademy so quite new to this. I have a background in Pharmacy. I am excited to undertake my studies in coding!

legacychrissie1 profile image

This is fuckin retarded

amisha2004 profile image
Amisha Kumari

hello everyone

krishgaur1354 profile image

Hello Everyone!

Started to Contribute to Open-Source ended up in a new community. Let's get started to DEV.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
adeslim2006 profile image

I learnt JavaScript without finishing CSS and now everything is confusingly messy because I can’t do a proper project

Also I’m new here
So hey people

pire_to_pire profile image

Can someone explain how to add the hacktober badge on my profile (i made the pull requests and i bought it with the promo code)

sas2k profile image
Sasen Perera

Hello Everyone!

shubham2816 profile image
Shubham Kumar


sparshrex profile image

Hello I am new here, if anyone want to connect please free to join my on my discord id -callmesparsh

ucode profile image
hassane Ihammouten

Hello! I am new here 👋

nelsonct7 profile image

Hi, friends,

an enthusiastic developer, love to do some experiments with code, looking for great platforms to grow.

chibike_7 profile image
Agha Chibike Emmanuel

Hey guys. I'm new here. Hope I'm welcome and will learn more

julieheard profile image
Julie Heard

Hiya, I am a newbie and have just switched career from teaching to software development - I am absolutely loving it and learning so much :)

subhagataa profile image

Hey everyone!
I am just a beginner, and am really eager to learn coding. Happy to be here!

bramverhagen profile image
Bram Verhagen

Hi Everyone!
Starting a new habit of sharing about things I learn about AWS. It all starts with creating an account...

yamari93 profile image

I'm starting a coding boot camp through Northwestern University for a potential career change. I'm very excited for this new journey to learn!

raghavrama profile image

hacktobergest '22 brought me here.
i was awarded the dev badge

algorr profile image
Ümit Kar

Hi Everyone,
I am new here and wanna to collabreate with people about Flutter&Dart

vrajpatelgithub profile image
Vraj Patel

Hello Everyone 👋.
Myself Vraj Patel

chebichiilab profile image
Natasha Serem

Hey, my name is Natasha. I am new to this space. Looking to increase my skills and to perfect them at the same time.

nishanmishra profile image
Nishan Mishra


mlawgerencheal profile image

Hey community!
i am new for the coding but i am exited to be an experienced developer in a short time with the help of the community and i am glad to be part of the community!

sardaarprabh profile image
Prabhjot Singh

Hi hustlers,
I am new to this platform, looking forward to connect with great minded people and grow together.

adnanhaider2 profile image
adnan haider

i love it

oto061 profile image
Otari Phretsuashvili

Hey everyone!

I started learn React yesterday by myself. i hope community here help my to learn new things and develop my skills!

sakshi292 profile image

Hey everyone

baelhj profile image
Baelhadj Babaali


jai_yadav profile image
Jai Yadav

Hello everyone I am an undergrad student doing my btech in Computer engineering
and i look forward to explore web Development.

uzorjchibuzor profile image
Chibuzor Efedigbue

Hi everyone, I am a Ruby on Rails developer that stumbled onto this page and decided to stay.

idris_de_1st profile image
Idris de 1st

hello, i'm your newest member. I'm learning front end web development. I would love to meet friends who would be willing to coach me, and also share ideas together.

nishanmishra profile image
Nishan Mishra

Can anyone help me?
It's about HTML...
I made a div and tried to make it full screen , I have tried everything still not done,
ny ideas?

shahbaazx786 profile image
Shaik Shahbaaz Alam

Hello all, I went with the Web-Dev flow and got here!, Hope to learn more and be more CAY!.

ishubhamkpatel profile image
Shubham Patel

Loved the blogs and the kind of contributions specific to the dev stuffs only over here than any other platform. Joining to learn and contribute.

suryanshsoni120 profile image
Suryansh Soni

Hello everyone, I am starting my learning journey in DevOps. Anyone who would like to join me in this journey?
Currently I am an Android developer.

shyxin profile image

hello everyone

solonbryan50 profile image
Bryan Solon

Hello everyone, I hope we get along. I'm an aspiring full-stack web developer, data scientist, data analysts.

akanksha2596 profile image
Akanksha Yadav

Learning JavaScript, React.js

divv-saxena profile image
Divv Saxena

Hey Everyone!
Love to contribute Open Source, #LearninginPublic , Learning by doing ! and I love to network to as many folks!

divv-saxena profile image
Divv Saxena • Edited

Hey Everyone!
Love to contribute Open Source, #LearninginPublic , Learning by doing ! and I love to network to as many folks!

ceresexe profile image

Hello Community!

mintcoding profile image
Mint Coding©

Hiya, learning CSS, HTML, and Java. Nice to meet everyone!

brandgrim profile image

Hey whats up everyone! I'm a freshman in college, I'm very excited to talk about some tech! 😉😉😉😉

ravi0900 profile image

hello world, I think I'm here most ultra pro noob, but will definitely will pro dev someday, by the way change the gif of this post, I don't want to j...

iosazee profile image
Zee Mudia

Hello everyone,
My name is Zee and am excited to finally be learning how to code. I am starting a Trilogy Bootcamp mid November. Looking ahead to be a part of this community.

bwehfa profile image

Please am a young up coming web developer am looking for a mentor to guide me

alexandrebcardoso profile image
Alexandre Cardoso

Hi, I'm Alexandre and I currently work with iOS

legacychrissie1 profile image

I'm Legacy Hebrew Chrissie Nicole Bertram Royster Polzin